Super Finding App

Chapter 1852: Into the village

"When it arrives, it will be Fenglong Village in front, and Fenglong Village in front."

The dark off-road vehicle creaked and stopped at the entrance of Fenglong Village, Cheng Yiping. Qiu Yuhong followed Zhu Wanjun to get off the off-road vehicle, looked up, and the nose of his nose was a fresh smell of farmhouse.

These breaths are mixed with a smell that is unique to the countryside. This is not a human fault, but a family poultry taste.

Even though two-story small western-style houses have been built in today's villages, many people in the village are used to raising chickens and ducks in the yard, and there are even pig pens and sheep pens in the back. the taste of.

This is not any derogatory term.

If most people in the city like to keep flowers and plants, people in the countryside are more practical.

They don't raise flowers and plants, but more chickens and ducks.

"So many people, there are so many people at the village entrance. Is there any festival in your village today?"

Cheng Yiping followed Zhu Wanjun and looked at the hundreds of people coming out of Fenglong Village, with some surprises.

Zhu Wanjun had a look of hesitation on his face. The head of the village and his parents looked up and asked.

"No, if they haven't guessed me, they should have come to pick me up. I told my parents already. This time I just came back to see if they didn't tell them they were looking for a witch. They still spend so much money on the week. "

That's it.

Qiu Yuyun and Cheng Yiping nodded slightly and understood.

Now Zhu Wanjun can be regarded as a successful person, and he must have high prestige in the village.

Just like some well-known stars in the cash society have returned to their parents, they will definitely be subject to cross-talk.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome, you are back"

"You're back. Really. I only came back two days ago. Why are you back again? Have you delayed your work? If you delay your work, that's not good. You may have to think things through. It ’s still work, it ’s work. ”

Zhu Wanjun's mother is an ordinary middle-aged woman.

His father is also an honest man, although his son has already made a lot of money.

But from their clothing, they can see that they do not have the temperament of an upstart, on the contrary they are not much different from ordinary farmers.

This can be seen from the fact that they did not leave the village after they had the money.

"It's okay, it's okay, the village chief is good"

"Dad, Mom told you that this time I came over and wanted to take a break. By the way, there were friends who came to rest in the village. Just because the environment of our village is OK, let him come and see. There is nothing else. Let everyone in the village go back, go back, do n’t gather here, it ’s not good, and it ’s not good if a friend is scared. ”

Obviously, Zhu Wanjun couldn't necessarily tell the villagers that he was coming to find a witch.

Then again, if it is really easy to find the witch, he will not have to find a lot of trouble.

For the people in the village, his explanation is naturally to greet friends to come and play in the village, which is a very good reason.

"No problem, no problem. Zhu Wanjun said nothing wrong. Zhu Wanjun's friends came to play in our village. This is an honor in our village. Don't all gather here again, go back, go back, Do whatever you want, "

"Don't make people think that the people in our village are good. It's not good to be idle and gather people to make trouble."

The village chief laughed, and patted his hands and said at the beginning.

Obviously all the people in Murakami are gathered here to welcome Zhu Wanjun's great face.

At least he has given face in front of Zhu Wanjun's friends.

"For topics such as investment projects, the village head feels it necessary to talk to Zhu Wanjun alone if necessary. This is the best. After all, some things are the simplest and clearest at the dinner table."

"Yeah, yeah, let's forget it, let's forget it"

"I remember, the rice in my house is still cooking, but don't burn it out."

"The chickens in my house haven't been fed yet"

"When it comes time to feed the pigs, it will be time for my pigs to feed."

The surrounding villagers talked to each other and gradually dispersed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the two laughed and laughed. We are all people in the countryside. We don't have much knowledge. We have such a college student in our village and they are quite good. You are friends of Zhu Wanjun. It is also that we are the family members in our village. If you have any future issues, please tell us directly. There is no problem at all, just treat this place as your own home. "

The village chief laughed, and said, what was said was not leaking, and it made people feel quite happy.

Obviously, the village chief is also a man who sees the wind, sees people talking, and sees ghosts talking about ghosts.

"The village chief filtered it, and the village chief joked. I heard Zhu Wanjun said that his hometown is very beautiful and original. This time there is just enough time, so we came here to play a little bit. We disturbed the village. Please forgive me a lot. "

Qiu Yuhong took a step on the street and chuckled.

It is worthy to be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

Cheng Yi stood quietly behind him without saying a word, but a doubtful look appeared in his eyes

Looking up, you can clearly see that the light beam marking the red object seeker soars into the sky and shines in the sky.

Right here in Fenglong Village.

"Hehe, where, where, everyone is able to come to our Fenglong Village, it is our honor to Fenglong Village, it is my honor to Fenglong Village

The head of the village lowered his eyebrows, and he didn't know who Qiu Yuehong and Cheng Yiping were in front of him, but the relationship between Zhu Wanjun and the Fenglong Village must be quite close.

The friends of the rich are of course rich.

The village chief was thinking, guessing, when Qiu Yuehong and Cheng Yiping, we heard a sound with surprise in our ears

"Zhu Wanjun, you are back"

Some impatient Zhu Wanjun was intercepted at the entrance of Fenglong Village and heard his head turned.

Under the sun's rays, a young girl in a flowered skirt ran out happily.

Everyone in this Fenglong village is slightly rustic, but now this girl is like a delicate and fashionable flower. With a bright smile on her youthful face, she ran to Zhu Wanjun in two or three steps and stretched her hands tightly. Tight Zhu Wanjun's arm was full of surprise and bright smile on his face

"Zhu Wanjun, you're back. We are really destined. I just came back from school a few days ago, and today you came back. It's been a long time since I've seen you. How are you?"

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