Super Finding App

Chapter 1893: go back

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui originally sat on the high-speed rail, but now that they have reached a win-win situation with Zhao Fei, an art trader, naturally they will not drive on the high-speed rail.

Grandma Zhang Huanlan and her son Zhao Guo, daughter-in-law Wu Juan and her grandson Zhao Gang drove a car on the highway.

I have to say the development of technology, but it has made people's transportation quite convenient. It used to take a long way, but now it can be reached within a few hours.

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui and art trader Zhao Fei drove a black car, followed by a family of four grandmothers Zhang Huanlan, Zhao Guo, Wu Juan, and her grandson Zhao Gang.

"Win-win, win-win. I really didn't expect that there would be such a way to achieve win-win cooperation. Mr. Cheng, I have to say that you are really smart!"

Zhao Fei, an art businessman, spoke while driving a car.

This was something he had never met before.

"No, this is not to say that I am smarter. There are always more ways than difficulties in this world. The most important thing is to look at Zhao Xiaohui. After all, some people are not willing to sell paintings. After all, this painting is the relic of Grandma Zhao Juan. "

Cheng Yiping shook his head, he never felt quite smart.

This idea is actually not so good. It depends on whether Zhao Xiaohui is willing to sell her grandma's paintings for auction.

Although I was able to get a share of the money, after all, I sold my grandma's painting with memorable value.

"If I can, of course I would like to leave my grandmother's paintings at home, but Grandma Zhang is really my grandmother's friend, and her grandmother kept remembering them before she died. I want to complete the agreement with them. I believe grandma If you were alive, you would make the same choice. "

Zhao Xiaohui shook her head gently, holding in her hand the grey notebook handed to her by her grandma before her death, and tears were slowly flowing.

"That's true, Zhao Xiaohui, I don't know if your decision is right or wrong, and I don't know if your grandma would make the same decision as you if she was alive, but I want to make at least this decision. Regret, just like the lady Bai Jinglan we are about to find, I do n’t know if she will agree. "

Cheng Yiping is very clear. If Ms. Bai Jinglan disagrees, all the ideas are useless.

After all, this painting called friendship can be invaluable. The main reason is that Ms. Bai Jinglan is a celebrity and a painter.

Her paintings are valuable.

In other words, all of Zhao Juan and Ms. Zhang Yilan have taken up Bai Jinglan's light.

Otherwise, without Ms. Bai Jinglan, Zhao Juan and Zhang Huanlan's paintings are really just like what art dealer Zhao Fei said, worthless.

"This is indeed unclear. If Bai Jinglan really has a good relationship with Ms. Zhao Xiaohui and Grandma Zhao Juan, all three belong to girlfriends, all belong to friends, and even after 30 years, they still remember each other. If so, I think I should be willing. After all, money is valuable, but friendship is priceless. "

Zhang Xiaona, full of intellectuality, shook her head. Although her words were very mild, she also had an undetectable tremor.

"After all, friendship is like love. You can't see it, you can't touch it. You can trust it. It can be more affectionate than Jin Jian, but if you don't trust it, it will turn faster than flipping books.

"After all, this is the age of money"

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly

"It's true that today's era is the era of money. Many bad things have really happened for money, but it is undeniable that there are many good things."

Looking up, looking at Zhang Xiaona and Zhao Xiaohui sitting in the back of the car.

Zhao Xiaohui at that moment still carefully looked through which taupe notebook.

She really wanted to find where the painting of her grandma was

Cheng Yiping sighed and closed his eyes. In his mind, the soul was floating tightly. He had already appeared in a house.

Walking under the control of Cheng Yiping, this is an ordinary house that looks ordinary.

But the soul's lonely eyes clearly saw some photos hanging on the wall, and almost all the photos reflected a young girl's bright smile and some family portraits.

And this girl is Zhao Xiaohui.

"Sure enough, Grandma Zhao Juan's painting really is in his home, where exactly is that?"

Everything in front of him fell into the eyes of Cheng Yiping through the twin pupils of the soul.

Cheng Yiping frowned slightly, and under his control, he saw that the soul's avatar shattered like foam around him and disappeared little by little.

Time is constantly turning, scene after scene gradually appearing in front of the spirit avatar


Cheng Yiping opened his eyes, and there was a look of astonishment in his pupils.

"It's going to be like this, it's going to be like this, it's really impermanent"

"If this is the case, then this thing is really quite bloody, or the reality is always more bizarre than the novel."

Cheng Yiping panted vigorously, a trace of sweat flowing down his forehead, and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Raising his eyes, a complex and inexplicable look appeared in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Mr. Cheng, are you having a nightmare?"

Zhao Fei, an art businessman driving a black car, suddenly asked

He noticed the change in Cheng Yiping's face, and he really felt quite interested in Cheng Yiping.

"I'm fine, right, we won't go to Jinglan City to find Teacher Bai Jinglan, we will return to Jiangzhen City!"

To everyone's surprise, Cheng Yiping said suddenly.

Artistic businessman Zhao Fei frowned.

"Don't go to Jinglan City, but go to Jiangzhen City, why? Do we not want Teacher Bai Jinglan anymore? You should know that if Teacher Bai Jinglan does not agree with your request, then this win-win cooperation is simply a joke."

Zhao Fei, an art trader, frowned, with an ominous feeling.

Is Cheng Yiping ready to regret it?

As soon as Zhang Xiaona, who was sitting behind the car, raised her head suddenly, a look of surprise appeared in her pretty eyes.

"Cheng Yiping, do you already know where the painting in the hands of Zhao Xiaohui's grandma Zhao Juan is?"

It is said that the speaker is careless and the listener is intentional.

Just after Zhang Xiaona's words fell, Zhao Xiaohui immediately lifted her head, her eyes looked surprised.

"Mr. Cheng, is Mr. Cheng really? You have really found out where my grandma's painting is? I have been searching for a long time, but I really haven't found any clues and don't know where it is.

Zhao Xiaohui's helpless face turned over the notebook entrusted to her by her grandmother

But really no news was found!

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