Super Finding App

Chapter 1943: good news

"Really, really? Assistant, did you hear me right? Are there really celebrities willing to join us this time? Is this true or false? You haven't heard it wrong and you haven't read it Wrong, which front-line star is it? "

Zhang Dao's breathing increased quickly, her eyes widened.

He is more clear than any other person. With the addition of a star, the star is much better than the second and third star. This is all self-contained traffic.

But after the sister made it, Director Zhang felt quite weird and strange.

After all, there is no free lunch in this world, especially in the entertainment industry. If there is not enough interest, you can still be called a brother or a brother at the previous moment. The next moment, you may come over with a knife. I did n’t know how to die in the end.

Do n’t say that you do n’t see any relationship in the entertainment industry, even if there are related people robbing each other for resources in the same group.

After all, within the same economic company, there are so many resources. Put more on you, and put less on others.

This is a good resource for you, and you will probably get fired, and others will probably be stunned.

It can be said that the entertainment industry is quite cruel, and every year, new actors and actresses, such as Hua Dan, are endless.

One way is that after the Yangtze River pushed the front wave, the front wave died on the beach.

Therefore, Director Zhang is very taboo. If it is a front-line star with scandal or bad character, then it is better not to join.

After all, this archeology still has a reputation.

"Assistant, you need to see clearly who this frontline star is this time. If you have some bad gossip or some bad character, even if you are not patriotic, then you must directly reject it."

"The program of archeology is to promote history and culture and patriotic feelings. If you violate it on this red line, be careful not to provoke a fishy body without eating meat."

Compared to Director Zhang's fear, the assistant nodded heavily and said

"I see, I see, Zhang Dao, I naturally know what you said, but the first-line star who joined this time really thinks it is very good. It doesn't have any bad looks, she belongs to candy. Entertainment company Yang Juaner! "

The assistant said eagerly, with a look of excitement on his face, and he looked like a star chaser, his breathing became quick, his pretty face became a little flushed, and he couldn't wait to say

"Director, director, you should know that the debut of this volume is just over a year ago, but after her debut, she has a lot of good songs, and I heard that her previous home was quite poor. Grandpa was picking Raised her up, but she is very motivated. She can debut with a guitar and a song. Now she is called an inspirational singer, and there are not too many gossips on the Internet. I It feels quite appropriate, do you think? "

Although the assistant thinks Yang Juaner is very suitable. He knew he was only an assistant after all.

Whether it is appropriate also needs to be determined by Director Zhang.

The assistant is the assistant, she can't go beyond her authority.

"Yang Juaner, are you talking about Yang Juaner of Candy Entertainment?"

Zhang Dao touched his chin, nodded heavily and said.

"If you want to say Yang Juaner, I'm still quite familiar with it. Yang Juaner is really good. From the time of her debut, her songs have been selling well, whether it is dry or invisible. The wings are more inspirational songs, they are all very nice, and they are eligible to become first-line stars. If that is the case, it is strange. Why would this first-line star agree to participate in our archeological show this time? "

"You need to know that once you participate in archeology, it takes three months to half a year. For the stars, the three months and half a year is definitely a very long period, and they can even catch up with several announcements. Advertising endorsements, even movies can be filmed and it takes so much time to participate in our show, which is really strange, after all, our show is not a well-known show. "

The more Zhang Zhang thought about it, the more strange it became. One way is that the pie will never fall out of the sky. Once you find something strange, you must check it clearly.

Check it out, otherwise it would really cause trouble.

Thinking of this he paused, looked up at the assistant and said

"Candy entertainment company, please wait for a while before replying. Now check the Internet to see if something happened to Yang Juaner, or what kind of strange situation happened. I suspect it may be someone from Candy Entertainment. Knowing what kind of major events are going to happen recently, they will accept the announcement, which will allow Yang Juan to disappear for a period of time, but if this is the case, then we must be careful and careful , Be cautious and be more cautious "

"Don't break this show because of a piece of rat feces. It's a pot of soup!"

"No, no, Zhang Dao is definitely impossible. Yang Juaner is very inspirational. I don't think he will do such a thing. Are you too worried?"

The assistant hesitated for a moment, and finally held back the dissatisfaction in his heart and said.

She is a **** fan of Yang Juan'er, how can she not believe that there will be bad news about her idol, this is simply impossible.

"Okay, okay, do you need to check the goods before you can know, you have to know that the entertainment industry is even more chaotic than our TV station, and God knows what will happen, all in all you go to investigate clearly, if it is really online If you can't find any information, then tell the people at Candy TV that the negotiation we need here has some problems. Let them wait for a while. I believe that if Yang Juan's of Candy TV is because of something, If you want to avoid the wind, a big news should come out in these days, we don't want to be backed up "

Zhang Dao smiled with contempt.

Don't look at the stars in the entertainment industry, all of them are very beautiful, or some people set up very well, but I am afraid it is not known how it is on the ground.

For Zhang Dao, who is also in the entertainment industry, he has seen too many people with a good-looking appearance and too many stars who have collapsed. He said that one set is just a star with a knife in his smile.

It looks high, but in the final analysis, stars are just people.

They are just for people who pack it out

It is ridiculous to see them too high.

Some stars are even worse than ordinary people.

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