Super Finding App

Chapter 1982: solve

Jeet Kune Do!

Cheng Yiping sighed quietly, then raised his head suddenly, his body galloping like the same lightning.

Jeet Kune Do!

The fists and feet are united, coupled with the martial arts techniques, the same flash of lightning instantly knocked down the seven or eight rushes coming in front of the eye.

For a moment

Within the alley, seven or eight stumbles fell to the ground and made a painful wailing sound

"What's going on? What's going on? What's going on here? This is fake, is it all fake?"

Brother Liu's mouth was wide open, and the host on the side also opened his eyes wide open.

Please be assured that they are so crowded. It should not be reasonable for the person in front of him to be trembling, crying and begging for mercy?

Why is it completely the other way around?

The main thing is that even in a fight, everyone gives you a punch and I give you a kick. It is very rare that you can really knock someone down.

Most have to play a few rounds.

But now this person is totally different.

With just one punch, he knocked his back down, and his brothers fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Who is this person right now?




Isn't this fake at all?

Brother Liu's eyes widened, swallowed drooling, turned his head, looked at the trembling host who was behind him, and patted his shoulder sharply.

"What are you watching? Give me, you hurry up and teach me."

The host really wants to cry without tears, just kidding. You let him play tricks and there is no problem at all, but if you let him fight, he really feels that Chen Ye can't do it.

"Waste, waste, you are simply a waste"

Seeing the host trembling trembling forward and not dare to go, Liu Ge kicked him aside with an angry kick, his teeth grinning into a flat sneer

"That's the case. No wonder you dare to be so arrogant. It seems to be a so-called trainer. In that case, let's see how great you are. I tell you, if you kneel on the ground and ask for forgiveness, I can still Forgive you, otherwise my dragon brother will be able to have more than one hundred people just by making a phone call, and when you cut it, it will hack you. "

"I tell you, you wait, you wait, you have the ability, you wait, you do n’t have to go away, wait for me to call for you, wait for me to teach you"

Brother Liu took the phone out of his arms while talking, and pretended to fight, but his body was walking backwards, shouting while walking.

Didn't come over.

Didn't come over.

Brother Liu shouted broadly, then turned around and ran to the corner, breathing heavily and taking down his cell phone.

He didn't make any calls at all

Just sighing, suddenly a big hand was patted on his shoulder, but a ghostly voice came from his ear.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say you want to find someone? Why don't you call? What are you hiding here? Is there anything invisible on this phone?"

Oh my God

Brother Liu was frightened, jumped aside, and swallowed drooling in front of him.

"No, no, why doesn't this guy play cards according to the routine?"

"Isn't it normal for ordinary people to listen to someone when they turn around and run away? Shouldn't they run away from the desert? Why did they run over? Is he a fool?"

The thought of Liu Ge here was intermittent, and said in horror

"You still want to come here. You haven't left yet. I tell you, if you come over again, I will have more than a hundred brothers when I make a call. I will see what you will do when that happens!"

"You can have hundreds of brothers on a phone call. Is it really fake?"

Cheng Yiping suddenly asked at the beginning

Jiu Ge's eyes are all staring out, and he murmured secretly.

"Are you afraid of this person right now?"

"Yes, he must be scared. How could he not be scared as a foreigner? He must be scared. Surely, he must be scared. If not, he would never ask me The problem is that this foreigner must be afraid! "

As if a light in the dark flashed into Liu Ge's heart.

His eyes suddenly lighted up.

Brother Liu, who was a bit worried, suddenly made a 360-degree turn, raised his head and grinned.

"Do you know how scared you are now? It's too late. If you apologize to me now, maybe I will forgive you, otherwise I will call you and you will be finished. You're 100% finished then. "

"is it?"

Chen Fan showed a bright smile, and then kicked out, knocking Liu Ge directly to the ground, his hands kept crossing, making a crunching noise.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Now that you know you'll call your brother over here, why should I stay here obediently and wait for you to call and call your brother, do you think I'm such a dumb person?"

Cheng Yiping said slowly while walking towards Liu Ge.

Brother Liu's face was aggressive, and his eyes widened.

Only at this moment did he find out a problem, it seems that he is really an idiot, or is it because he watched a TV series too much?


If you know that the other person can make a phone call with hundreds of people, why wait for someone to call and call someone over?

This is really something that only an idiot can do.

Most people must have said nothing, either ran away or beat him up before he called

Obviously this foreigner is choosing the second way.

Thinking of the aggressive face of Brother Liu here, there was a feeling of lifting a stone and hitting his own feet, shaking his head like a rattle.

"You do n’t come here, you do n’t come here, tell you, you definitely do n’t come here, I will call people, I will call people, I will really call people”

Brother Liu is now shaking like a little girl being bullied, with a look of panic and anxiety on his face.

Watching Cheng Yiping getting closer and closer, he turned away and ran away, howling.

Cheng Yiping touched his chin and shrugged his shoulders.

"No, don't I say I'm really scary?"

Turning and looking into the alley not far away, the seven or eight huddlers still fell to the ground and wept and snarled, covering their stomachs and mourning.

He shook his head, and then turned and left directly. I believe that even if the body is recovered for a while, it will never call the police.

But then again, it seems that the outside world is really not peaceful.

If you think about it, how can such a so-called Tiantang Communication Lucky Draw campaign be seen by me alone, and everyone else can see a clue.

In other words, local people can see a clue, but they are all silent, and the pits are some outsiders.

In other words, change a place with a shot.

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