Super Finding App

Chapter 2013: Uneasy (2)

"Do you know? You know? Shen Xiangrui has gone mad. I heard that it was a curse. When I saw someone, she was stunned. She was almost killed by Shen Xiangrui."

"I know, I know, it seems that Shen Xiangrui became abnormal when he entered the forest, and he likes to drink water very much. His assistant often comes here to get mineral water. One person can drink enough of us. A few people "

"Yes, yes, I also know this. I also reflected on Zhang Xiangru ’s assistant to come over to get mineral water, but Zhang said that Shen Xiangrui is a star and drink more water. That ’s no problem, but I I feel that it is strange and abnormal for him to drink so much water. Maybe from that time on, he has been cursed. "

"No, no, according to the words, are the words of the village chief of the minority tribe true? It is because we came to this Ghana historic site and even wanted to study the Ghana historic site, so we suffered. Did the cursed Yasha of Ghana's monuments also appear? "

"Don't scare me, don't scare me. I'm really scared when you say this. It should be impossible."

"Not necessarily, not necessarily, this may be true, it may be true, otherwise how do you explain what happened to Shen Xiangrui, how can a good star suddenly become crazy and see people I'm struggling to death, and I want to become very fond of drinking water, how to think this is an abnormal thing, it should be like a curse. "

Within Ninghai, Ghana's historic sites

The film crew of the Jiangzhen TV station had a lot of discussions and people were frightened. Even Professor Lu Renzhang and his students, Zhao Zhou Xiao Zhou Duan Lun Moon, and Li An had some fear and anxiety.

After all, Shen Xiangrui's performance today is really beyond everyone's expectations. It is really abnormal.

"Master, master, I decided. We ca n’t wait for tomorrow. Today we are leaving here immediately. This Lin Hai is too weird. It is too dangerous. We can never stay here again, your life. But more important than any other situation "

Xiao Zhou, wearing a suit, came to Zhaozhou in two or three steps, saying word by word.

This time, his words did not carry requests and inquiries, but were decisive.

"Xiao Zhou, I said no, don't you believe that there is such a thing as a so-called curse in this world? Don't I say this is simply impossible, maybe this Shen Xiangrui is sick and has symptoms of sleepwalking., You are too sensitive. It should have nothing to do with this Ghanaian monument. "

Compared to the dubious Xiao Zhou, Zhao Zhou shook his head, he did not believe that there was this so-called curse in this world

This is simply a matter of fate.

"Master, I do n’t know if this curse is true or false, and I do n’t want to know whether this curse is true or false, but I also know a little bit that it is quite dangerous here. Now Shen Xiangrui has become crazy, although here Jiangzhen City TV station looks for someone to find, but it ’s impossible to know how to find it. Even if it ’s not a so-called curse, it may be a bacterium that modern science calls, but if it ’s really a bacterium, then you master Zhao It ’s even more impossible to stay here. Bacteria are invisible and inaccessible, but if there is a source of infection, it is quite dangerous. So we leave here today, and the moon is broken. Prepare yourself, and we will leave Linhai in an hour. Back in Canghai City, if the young master refuses to leave, I allow you to use force to kidnap the young master. We must not put the young master under inexplicable danger. "

The two bodyguards behind Zhaozhou who had been closely following him nodded day and month, and his face became hazy.

The two of them are bodyguards, and the force value is quite high, but they are also very clear that if they really have any infectious diseases, even if they are high in martial arts, it will have no effect at all.

The virus invades directly into the body of a person, regardless of whether your force is worth it,

Therefore, in the current situation, in the case of possible infection with a virus and cursed infection, the best way is to go high and fly high.

"Wait, wait, let's do this, if that's the case, I still have a little time to say goodbye to Yang Juaner, and I can take Yang Juan away with you at best, as you said This is indeed quite dangerous. If Shen Xiangrui was not hit by a curse, but some viruses, it would be quite horrible to have an infectious effect for a while. "

Obviously, even now, Zhaozhou is still worried about Yang Juaner.

"Master Zhao, rest assured, we will notify Miss Yang, but the main thing now is to ensure your safety, whether it be a curse or an infectious disease, or Shen Xiangrui has her own spirit No matter the disease, you ca n’t stay here as long as there is a 1% chance. Even if you are not satisfied with me now, this is a must, and we will leave here today. "

Little Monday said in a word that he had made up his mind

For him, he must guarantee Zhaozhou's safety.

"What the **** is going on here? Professor, did you hear that? Shen Xiangrui went crazy and heard that she was cursed and she was going to strangle Wang Haoer, but she was stumped by other people, but now she has Rushing madly into Lin Hainey, many people are looking for it. "

"Shen Xiangrui was really cursed, really cursed. Is it really because we opened this Ghanaian monument that we released the curse?"

Lu Renzhang's three students swallowed their saliva

After they knew what happened to Shen Xiangrui, they had some fears:

After all, archeology is a very happy thing for them, and it is also their specialty, but if something bad is really caused by archeology, then it will be troublesome.

After all, they are still very young.

They don't want to die yet!

"Don't think wildly, don't think wildly, if all people think wildly like you, all things that you don't understand or say don't know are all summed up in the so-called curse, the so-called gods and demons, then the human society also It will not develop "

"We specialize in archeology. The crew of other Jiangzhen TV stations and even the celebrities can understand such cranky thoughts, but do you all believe it?"

"If that's the case, you guys are really disappointing me"

Professor Lu Renzhang shook his head heavily. He didn't believe the curse of the so-called Ghanaian monuments at all.

After all, he was a professional, hesitated a moment, raised his head and said

"But no matter what, Shen Xiangrui has a problem, and it is very abnormal. The most important thing is to wait for the director of the film crew of Jiangzhen City Television Station to find Shen Xiangrui, and everything will be true."

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