Super Finding App

Chapter 2021: Sober (2)

"Okay, okay, Shen Xiangrui, I know that your mood is not stable yet, but I believe that you can stabilize after a short rest, everyone, for the sake of insurance, I think Shen Xiangrui is still tied here, today I was sent on duty at night. If Shen Xiangrui wakes up tomorrow morning and there is still no problem, I think the bugs in his body should be cleaned up. "

Cheng Yiping nodded, watching Shen Xiangrui **** and said.

One way is to sail carefully for thousands of years, especially this mutated bug easily penetrates into the human body. If you are not careful, you know what will happen.

"What? Should I tie me to tomorrow morning? No, no, absolutely no, what are you talking about, what are you talking about? Hurry up and let me go, and hurry up and give me Let go, otherwise don't blame me for complaining you, don't blame me for telling you "

Shen Xiangrui's eyes were wide and he was desperately struggling, but his words were ignored by everyone.

"I see, Mr. Cheng, then just as Mr. Cheng said, we will bind Shen Xiangrui here for another night, and we must ensure that Shen Xiangrui will not have that weird bug in his body."

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station nodded heavily.

He is very clear that such things can never be sloppy. After all, there are two. If it is because Shen Xiangrui still has the terrible A. elegans lurking in it, the consequences will really be unthinkable.

"It's interesting, it's interesting, it's really very interesting, Xiao Zhou, now you feel relieved, this Shen Xiangrui is not a mantra of the so-called Ghana monuments, but just a clematis, in other words He just became ill and was parasitic to the parasite, so do n’t worry so much. We do n’t have to leave this Ghana monument so early, and I ’m really interested in this leveling. ”

Zhao Zhou looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes fell deeply on Cheng Yiping's body, his teeth made a crunching sound:

He really finds it interesting

Who is this Cheng Yiping, and what is his relationship with Yang Jianer?

Why is Yang Juaner's attitude towards him completely different from others?

As a close bodyguard and assistant of Zhaozhou, Xiaozhou naturally understood Zhaozhou's thoughts very naturally and sighed for a long time.

"Master Zhao, despite this, you should also know that such mutated A. nematodes are very strange. They can penetrate into the human body and still have a dangerous coefficient. We are better to leave here a little faster. I will send someone to send Miss Yang over there. I believe this is completely okay. Now your safety is the most important thing. "

Xiao Zhou is still trying to persuade

He decided that if it did n’t work, he would take Zhaozhou away even by force

"Okay, don't say these words, if you said that you could go before there was danger, now that the danger has been lifted, and you already know what the **** is going on, what can you worry about? , There is nothing to worry about, let's stay here for a few more days. "

"Just a few more days, I'm also curious about this Ghana monument, and very curious about it being leveled"

Zhao Zhou refused to speak.

His eyes are still flowing between Cheng Yiping and Yang Juaner.

Xiao Zhou opened her mouth aside, and finally sighed.

He knew he still couldn't convince Master Zhaozhou.

"That's right, this one is really interesting. I didn't expect that he really saved this Shen Xiangrui. It seems that this Ghanaian monument does have some relationship with the one-eyed temple."

Li stood quietly, watching the people around him swiftly alive, exhaled a long breath, and then turned to Professor Lu Renzhang.

On that side, he also needs to talk and exchange with Professor Lu Renzhang.

After all, within the entire Ghanaian heritage, only Professor Lu Renzhang is the most important core.

As for the shooting of the so-called reality show, Li An did not care.

"Strange. It's really amazing. I didn't expect it to be this mutant A. elegans. This is still too creepy."

The three students of Professor Lu Renzhang, when you talked with me, you all felt the fear of being cold all over the body.

"It's true. If it wasn't for Mr. Cheng, we really don't know that Shen Xiangrui has so many bugs in his body. The most important thing is that there are three or four large barrels in this bug. With so many bugs, now I can understand why Shen Xiangrui desperately needs to drink water. There are so many parasites in the body. If they do n’t drink water, it is estimated that they have already died, it is really creepy. Things. "

"Okay, okay, you do n’t need to discuss these anymore. Anyway, at least it shows that the curse of the Ghanaian monument does not exist at all. It is also a matter of rumors. We still need to excavate the Ghanaian monument as soon as possible. The main thing, otherwise, if there are some problems, I am afraid that archeology will really be stopped. "

Professor Lu Renzhang said, stretched out his hand, and patted his palm twice, saying it word by word

He felt a hint of ominous feeling.

After all, the incident of Shen Xiangrui happened just after entering this Ghana historic site, which is really very strange.

"Professor Lu Renzhang, the matter has been resolved. I believe that since it is not the curse of Ghana's monuments, it should not affect archeological excavations. Moreover, Professor Lu Renzhang, you don't realize the current situation of Shen Xiangrui and the books in this Ghanaian monument Is the recorded Yasha very similar? "

"Yasha, you mean?"

Professor Lu Renzhang froze for a moment, then immediately came over, quickly picked up the book and carefully read it, and nodded.

"It's true. According to the records in the book, as long as anyone who attempts to dig up Ghana's monuments will be punished by Yasha, and Yasha will disappear without trace. Once the people that Yasha sees will eventually become a dead body. Death, and now Shen Xiangrui ’s situation is indeed very similar to this Yasha. If Cheng Yiping was not met, Shen Xiangrui would eventually have absorbed all the water and nutrients by the nematode in the body, and eventually died as a dead body. Say, the Yasha recorded in this book is this mutant A. elegans. "

Professor Lu Renzhang grew more excited and his eyes lit up

"It is true. In ancient times, people would blame it on the demon and the inexplicable curse for things they didn't understand. This A. elegans really fits all the characteristics of Yasha."

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