Super Finding App

Chapter 2026: start

"Abominable, abominable, it turned out that the village chiefs of the minority tribe had planted A. nematodes in my body. I'm going to trouble them now. I'm going to find them now and ask them why. To do this, I want to call the police, I want to call the police. "

Shen Xiangrui yelled excitedly and said with gritted teeth

Just kidding, with such a horrible A. elegans in his body, he would almost die.

How could he remain calm under such circumstances?

This is absolutely impossible

Talking, I want to go to the middle of Lin Hai to find the troubles of minority village heads

Zhang Zhen from the TV station in Jiangzhen City took a step forward and quickly stopped it.

"Calm down, calm down, Shen Xiangrui, I know you are very angry now, but then again, everything we say today is just guesswork, even Professor Lu and so on have some truth. , But we do n’t have any evidence to prove that it was the people of the village head of this minority, and do n’t forget everyone, we are now in the forest, and the people of the minority tribes in the depths of the forest are better than us If the environment in Linhai really conflicts with them, it will be very unfavorable to us, so even if there is any problem, we should make a decision after returning to Canghai City instead of walking blindly now. , This is quite dangerous thing "

"Yes, yes, Zhang said that it really makes sense. After all, the people in the minority tribes here have absolute advantages, and they are very familiar with the environment. Where we are now is in In this forest, people are not familiar with their lives. It would be awful if conflicts were caused if they bothered them. "

The members of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City also chatted enthusiastically. At the moment, Shen Xiangrui, who had an uneven atmosphere, seemed to have calmed down.

"It is indeed the case. Now we are in the depths of Lin Hai. This minority is very familiar with Lin Hai. If we rashly provoke impulses, it is a very bad behavior, not to mention I do n’t care about it with a villain. In the abdomen of a gentleman, if the nematodes in Shen Xiangrui were really put in by them, it would be really terrifying. If we have a direct conflict with them, in case they have some other messy things, , That's a creepy thing, after all, there is a way to catch thieves, but there is no reason to prevent thieves. "

"Yes, yes, this statement is true. We do not occupy any local advantages here, and we must not be able to confront the village heads of ethnic tribes. Otherwise, it would be a very dangerous thing."

"Yes, yes, I agree with this sentence, and I agree with it. We might as well leave here quickly. I feel that there are some creeps in this Ghanaian monument, but here, if we really want to stay for three Month to half a year, God knows what will happen "

Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station listened to the voices of the members of the crew around him, his face changed instantly, and he smiled a little.

"Okay, everyone, do n’t worry too much about fear, after all, so far all this is just our guess, so it is not countable, at most we will not contact with a few tribe people in the future. We have also carefully studied and investigated the sent items, and there should not be any problems. After all, the archaeology we took this time has arrived at the site, then we must appear, we must shoot successfully, and absolutely nothing can happen. The leak happened. "


For Director Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station, he has paid everything for this program, and finally he is ready to go out. After something like Shen Xiangrui appears, he will have to cut off the program. Why? Is it possible? This is absolutely impossible

"No, no, Zhang Dao, although I also know that this show is very important to you, but now it is too dangerous here. I think our small lives are the most important."

"Yes, yes, I think our small lives are the most important"

"Director Zhang, we might as well hurry up. It's too dangerous here."

"That is, we did come here to shoot the show, but if we encounter a group of neurological diseases and still have such terrible things as A. nematodes, then it is too dangerous. Let's quickly withdraw, we can find other shows and go to other You do n’t have to be here "

The members of the production team within the Jiangzhen TV station have talked with each other with a few words.

Obviously, everyone seems to be backing out.

"No, no, absolutely not. Now this program has mentioned the schedule, and there have been reports on the TV station. Everything is ready. Now you say you want to retreat. How is this possible? Absolutely. No way"

Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV station shook his head like a rattle and refused it

On the side, Li An stepped forward, looked around, and said

"Zhang Dao, I just heard your conversation very clearly, but there is one thing I hope Zhang Dao will tell them clearly. I have invested 10 million as a sponsor for your program. I voted for this archeological category. The reality show is this Ghana historic site, all of which are written in the contract. If you did not record the show for some reason, or even played it, then you are breaking the contract, then I Think about the breach of contract, but you have to pay a penalty. In other words, you will pay me 100 million yuan, so, you guys, this money, or who do you think you can afford? "

Li An's smile was unusually bright, but this bright smile made people feel creepy.

All the members of the crew of the Jiangzhen Television Station were suddenly silent, opened their mouths and opened their mouths, and swallowed everything they wanted to say.


After signing the contract, the penalty is 10 times!

A penalty of 10 million would be 100 million.

Whoever is willing to pay this money will not be able to pay it

Even if the TV station in Jiangzhen City, it is definitely due to major bleeding.

How could it be worth 100 million for an archaeological reality show?

This is simply impossible.

"Li, Mr. Li An, rest assured, Mr. Li, you rest assured, everyone just feels very panic and anxiety about the current situation. There is absolutely no meaning of not taking pictures. There is absolutely no meaning of not taking pictures. You can rest assured that this archaeological site of Ghana is a real person The show ’s show will definitely be filmed as scheduled, and it will be shown. You are completely sure. Since we have signed the contract, we will definitely handle it according to the contract. "

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