Super Finding App

Chapter 2056: Direction (one)

How many relics are there in the forest?

Chen Yiping is not clear.

But the only thing he can know is that, through the daily search of the Super Search App, the most concentrated cultural relics worth 10,000 to 100,000 yuan should be where Ghana is located.

Recently, Jinan was called Jiana Village, which is naturally a city. There should be a large number of funeral items in it. The price of these funeral items is also high or low, but there are some between 10,000 and 100,000. Existence, therefore, where the focus of the red is most concentrated, it should be the direction and orientation of Ghana.

"Really? Great, Mr. Chen, this is really great. No matter how you believe in the help of Mr. Chen's Super Finder, you should be able to find Ghana's existence. There should not be too many relics in

Li An showed a bright smile. The original nervousness suddenly disappeared at this moment. He looked up and looked at Chen Yiping and couldn't wait to say.

"Since this is the case, let's hurry to tell passerby Zhang and tell them exactly where Fang Wei is. I believe that as long as you follow your direction and add the map of passerby Zhang, you should be able to foolproof."

"After all, the distance and time we occupy in this Ninghai may be too long, and then we will stay in this sea. If there is no way to find the city of Ghana, very terrible things will happen. Once it happens With the commotion, it ’s very troublesome. "

Li Ran nodded slightly, he was very clear not to look at the staff who will be officially set up now, all of them are sticking their teeth, but in the end everything is tempted by their own money, but if it is in this territorial sea If the lost time is too long, the temptation of money in reality will disappear, and then the human desire will be infinitely expanded, and when the desperation is on the verge of despair, human beastness will also become prominent.

The reason why people are called people is that they are a bit lonely and have moral advantages. Once people break through the moral extinction, they are not much different from wild animals.

"How is the professor? I found that some places on this map are relatively vague. It is really difficult to find the direction to Ghana. Now we have two northeast and southwest directions. These two directions It ’s very different. We do n’t know which direction we should go. What should the professor do now? ”

"It's true, professor, what should we do now? The maps made up of the six murals of Ghana's historic sites, although it can be seen as an approximation, but some places are indeed blurred, even as long as there are A little blur of the trace may point us in different directions. After all, this time has passed too long. "

The three passers-by of Professor Zhang, while wiping the sweat from their foreheads, said openly, looking up at Lin Hai in front of them, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva. The three of them also became a little worried and afraid. Do n’t worry, it ’s impossible.

"It ’s true. The six murals of ancient Canadian books are too shabby. Some of the lines and paintings were added by ourselves. The maps we put together did make us feel weird and wrong. What should we do next? We must find a correct direction in both directions, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable if we go the wrong way. "

The passerby Professor Zhang said that his face became abnormally agile. He could feel that he was not far away from the Canadian Village, but he chose 50% of the two directions. He didn't know which direction to go.

"What the **** is going on? Can the passerby Professor Zhang find the way to go next? We have been here for three days, and I have some impatience."

The township members of the TV set group were resting breathlessly, and at the same time, they were discussing violently, and an ominous irritability filled their hearts.

"That's true. It's a very strange passerby. Professor Zhang has been here for the whole three days. I have a feeling that we are in a circle. If it is really circle, then the consequences are simply unthinkable."

"It's true. If I had known it would be like this, I shouldn't have promised that the director of Jiangzhen City TV station Zhang Dao should go directly to Huijiang Town, Changhai City, and it wouldn't be like this now. There must be some ups and downs in the middle and upper levels. "

"Okay, don't say these again, don't say these words anymore, there is no use at all for saying too much. Now that we have all entered this territorial sea, I hope that this passerby Zhang will be more successful, quickly Find the way to Ghana in a little bit "

"What's wrong with Yang Juner? Does something seem to be bad? Have you ever asked the person who can protect you, how long will it take to find Ghana? We have been here for three days in this sea. , There is something wrong with it "

The prince gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and came to Yang Juner in two or three steps, with a dignified look in his eyes.

"I don't know, I just asked him, he wasn't too clear, but I believe he will find the way to Ghana"

Yang Juaner shook her head gently, looked up at Wang Juaner, and smiled, but there was a bit of bitterness in the smile

"What's going on? Did something happen to you? It doesn't feel like you are in a good state, or is there any inside information that you have heard? Do n’t tell me that the map of Ghana is wrong. We are here by the sea The school lost its way. If this is the case, the consequences are really unthinkable. "

Obviously, there was something wrong with Yang Juaner's state. Wang Aier said word by word that there was a serious look in his eyes, and he had some concerns.

"It's okay, it's okay, rest assured, it's absolutely okay"

Yang Juaner raised his head, his original tangled complexion became abnormally dignified, saying word by word.

"I do n’t know if the passerby Professor Zhang can really take us to Ghana according to the map, but one thing I do know very clearly is that as long as I follow Mr. Chen Yiping Chen, he will be able to take me out safely This bank, he must be able to find the way to Ghana "

"Even if we cannot find the way to Ghana, I believe Mr. Chen Uncle Chen will definitely take us out of this Ninghai"

"Uncle Chen, are you talking about Chen Yiping? You really trust him so much"

Wang Yaner noticed something wrong, but did not expect Yang Ju to believe, but she would trust such a person.

"Yes, if this world makes me choose the person I trust most, it must be Uncle Cheng."

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