Super Finding App

Chapter 2064: Ghana City (1)

Deep in the forest, above cliffs

The crowd of the TV crew of Jiangzhen City camped on the cliff at the moment

Now that Ghana City is known to be under this cliff, although it is unclear how to enter Ghana City, it is still necessary to set up camp.

Everyone's chatter, compared to the panic at the beginning, has now at least slightly stabilized the panic mood

"I didn't think of it. Ghana City is actually under the cliff. This is really something we didn't expect. I just do n’t know how to get into Ghana City and won't let us climb the cliff. Cliff bar "

A member of a crew of Jiangzhen TV Station is boiling water in a kettle

In this forest, although there is also spring water, it is better to boil and drink. After all, no one knows whether there are any parasites and other things in this spring water.

"That's true, anyway, I put it here, and let me do other things without any problems, but if I really want to climb the cliff, I will definitely not do it, I just looked at it, this If the cliff is so high, it will be dead if you fall inattentively. I don't want to die. We come here to work and not to die. "

Another staff member in the TV station of Jiangzhen City shakes his head like a rattle, and while boiling water here, he said that he had a serious look.

"This is exactly the right thing. I don't think it's possible for all of us to climb the cliff, but I guess Professor Lu Renzhang and others should go down the cliff and watch Professor Lu Renzhang and others look like Ghana City they will never give up "

"Yes, yes, I really agree with this sentence. Now think about it, these archaeologists are really desperate, otherwise they would dare to go down the cliff, but I really I'm curious what happened to this city of Ghana. What kind of people were able to do such a thing hundreds of years ago was really beyond our expectations, and then under the cliff Establishing Ghana City is something you never thought possible. "

"You don't know. You can only say that we can't understand it at all now. Sometimes it is really amazing and amazing to think about these ancient people."

Members of the filming group within the TV station of Jiangzhen City, you said, I talked in a word, some people were excited, but more of them were some anti-terror and uneasy.

After all, for them, they really do n’t know what the development of things will be like.

This is indeed something unexpected to everyone.

"Hell, hell, it's really too hell. I didn't expect that the city of Ghana would actually be under the cliff. If we had known this before, we shouldn't have agreed to his request at all. In Ghana The program of archaeological reality show on the historic site is also okay. Now it has reached the cliff. Tell me below the cliff is Ghana. Do you want us to climb the cliff? I will never climb it. "

Shen Xiangrui gritted his teeth and said

In fact, according to his own character, under such circumstances, he would have to roll over and leave.

But the problem is that now here is in the depths of Lin Hai, he is very clear that if he leaves the army alone and wants to go out in this forest, it will be quite difficult.

Maybe I will die in this forest

There really is a feeling of being forced into Liangshan

"Okay, Shen Xiangrui, your concerns, of course, we will be very clear, but I believe that the guide of the TV station in Jiangzhen City should not force us to climb the cliff. After all, if we die, it will be a very serious matter for them. What's more, other members of the Jiangzhen TV station filming team besides us may not dare to climb down this cliff. If we use strong means, we will probably lose more than we can. We will first quietly and see the development of the matter first. what's going on"

Wang Yan'er's charming and charming complexion also became a little dignified and ugly at the moment.

Obviously for her, she had also thought things through very thoroughly, and he knew that if she left the army,

That's quite dangerous

This will definitely make everyone feel worthless.

Things like this must be carefully and carefully, especially in this forest, not in this real city

"Wang Aier, Wang Aier, I just realized that your heart is really very big now. We can say that this situation is extremely dangerous. Under such circumstances, you can still be so relaxed, honestly say me I really do n’t know if you are big-hearted. If you are really big-hearted, I really admire it. In this case, I can think of so much optimism. "

Shen Xiangrui shook his head funny

The conscience of heaven and earth, if it is changed to another person, it will tremble at this moment, and even some of them will flee.

After all, Lin Hai was so scared and disturbed that it was a little overwhelming.

"Shen Xiangrui, you are wrong. It is not that I am panicked and overwhelmed, but that the development of the matter has become like this. We are not too contentious and have no effect, let alone we No killer at all, do n’t forget we still have Yang Juaner here ”

"Yang Juaner, you are talking about Yang Juaner. What can she do and what is she doing? Is it right? I now feel Yang Juaner has become like a nympho"

Shen Xiangrui shook his head with a bitter smile

He never thought that Yang Juan would be like this

This is indeed something unexpected.

"" Yang Juaner really has no way to take us out of the forest, but don't forget that Yang Juaner is protected by this person "

Wang Yaner said with a chuckle

"Yang Juaner is protected by someone"

Shen Xiangrui took a moment to understand, instantly understood, raised his head and said excitedly

"Are you talking about Cheng Yiping?"

"Yes, what I said is Cheng Yiping. If you think about it, since this Cheng Yiping can find the place of this Ghana city, it is also believed that if you follow this Cheng Yiping, he will be able to take us out of this forest Perhaps, Cheng Yiping will not help us, but he will definitely bring Yang Juaner, in other words, as long as we follow Yang Juaner, it is not foolproof. "

Wang Yaner smiled brightly

"Yes, yes, yes, what you said is really very correct. If we really say that, we can leave this forest by following Yang Juaner. Even if we cannot leave the forest, we just follow Yang Juan Children can keep us safe "

"It's just that Cheng Yiping is so amazing, is it so powerful?"

Shin Xiangrui's eyes paused for a moment, revealing hesitation

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