Super Finding App

Chapter 2070: found it

"What, Mr. Cheng, are you telling the truth? You have already found it, and found the way to the city of Ghana under the cliff, will you not lie to me?"

Li An's eyes were wide, with obvious doubts and misunderstandings.

After all, he really felt quite strange. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see Cheng Yiping have any action.

Now ask yourself if Cheng Yiping says he has found the way to Ghana?

Is this true or false?

Maybe it ’s a coincidence. ”

"Of course it is true, Mr. Li, you wouldn't think I was kidding you about this matter. Of course, it doesn't matter if you think it's fake. I can tell you that I haven't found the way to Ghana under the cliff. "

Cheng Yiping reached out and patted his hand twice, shrugged his shoulders, and made an indifferent expression.

He knew very well that Li An would never give up, as long as there was any hope of the first line, they would never give up.

Sure enough, Li An laughed immediately when he heard it.

"No, how can I not believe Mr. Cheng, we are not the first time to cooperate, Mr. Cheng, of course I will believe in Mr. Cheng"


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If you have the ability, continue to pretend!

Cheng Yiping rolled his eyes, and I would be surprised if I believed you

This Ang is definitely not easy. Turning your face is faster than turning a book.

Those who are of value to him will look good-looking, but if it doesn't have any effect on him, turning the face is faster than turning the book.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that there must be some kind of power behind Li An, otherwise it would never be like this

Cheng Yiping's complexion became somewhat dignified

He had some fears about Li An, and from the one-eyed temple, he became quite fearful.

It should be said that from the beginning, Manager Bai of the Youyou Club told him that there was some terrible force behind Li An.

Ang Lee, who can be jealous of the White Manager of the Discovery Club, is definitely not easy

And what exactly is this matter, although Cheng Yiping is not clear, but there is already a hint of thought and thought in his mind!

Although this idea for Cheng Yiping is just some cranky thoughts in his mind

But Cheng Yiping believes that soon he should be able to find a way to verify

Of course, he does not want his verification to be correct. If his idea is correct, then things will really become very troublesome and even dangerous.

"Everybody, everybody, good news. Good news. Good news. Mr. Cheng has found the way to the cliff. Mr. Cheng has found the way to the cliff. Good news."

As soon as Ang turned, he couldn't wait to say that his face was full of bright smiles. He was really anxious. He couldn't wait to enter the Ghana city under the cliff.

"What? Mr. Cheng has found the way to the cliff. Is it really fake? Wouldn't it be a joke?"

"Yeah, I have been following him. He just held his cell phone on top of the cliff and was dazed. He didn't do anything. Now he says that he has found the way to the cliff, which is too much. It ’s amazing, if it ’s really amazing, it ’s even better than a magic stick. ”

"I'm afraid that's not necessarily true. Don't forget that Mr. Cheng uses the Super Hidden Object App, which is originally a mobile phone, and it is impossible to explore the site like us little by little. Honestly, this Super Hidden Object I even wanted it, it ’s really amazing. "

"Forget it, everyone in the Super Finding App can have it on their phones. If you do n’t have one, you can download something. Do n’t have more. I guarantee that as long as you download four or five things, you will be bound to Super. Hidden Object App, the only problem is that this Super Hidden Object App needs belief points, and it can only be used if it has belief points, otherwise it is simply a rogue software and has no effect. "

"Now is not the time to discuss these. Now the focus of our discussion should be that Mr. Cheng has found the way to the cliff? This is the main thing."

"Yes, yes, yes, we can leave here, we can finally leave here. Honestly, it's really dangerous to stay on this cliff. I really want to go back. If not, we really don't know this forest. When I go back to the road, I don't even want to go to the city of Ghana under the cliff. After all, the unknown is dangerous! "

"Yes, yes, yes, this is saying there are no errors at all, and we don't want to stay in this forest anymore, but there is no way at all. Who doesn't let us know the way to leave this forest at all, If I had known it already, I should have made a mark in the forest, wouldn't I be able to return now? "

"Okay, the environment is the same everywhere in the depths of the forest. We have no experience of survival in the wild. Even if the road signs are really left, we may get lost. Once we get lost, we will definitely die, compared to It ’s safer to stay here, at least there are more people and we can discuss it. ”

The members of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV crew filmed the discussion. For them, Cheng Yiping found the road to Ghana City under the cliff. This is definitely good news.

At least not on the cliffs, waiting for the unknown fate

"Great, great. I knew that Uncle Cheng would be able to find the way to the cliff. Uncle Cheng will never harm us."

After hearing the news, Yang Juaner's face was filled with a bright smile. It seemed to her that no matter what kind of choice Cheng Chengping made, whether she came to the end of a cliff or left the forest, she was 100% Full cooperation and support

"I found it. He actually found it. There are really some things that are unexpected to us. Who is this leveling? Is he really so amazing? "

"I do understand a bit now, why Yang Juan's believes Cheng Yiping so much

"Wang Aier" exhaled a long breath. With a charming face, she was overflowing with a bright smile at the moment.

It ’s better than staying in the forest, no matter what

At the same time, looking at Cheng Yiping also became milder, even cumbersome.

He seems to have some understanding of Yang Juaner's attitude towards equalization.

"Okay, don't say that some are gone, the main thing now is to leave here, no matter what, I just want to quickly end this **** reality show, leave the forest a little faster, I always have a kind Ominous feeling "

Shen Xiangrui gritted his teeth and frowned.

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