Super Finding App

Chapter 2073: Ghana City (2)

"I'm so tired. I'm really tired. I don't know how long it will take. How long will it take to reach the bottom of this cliff? It feels too tiring to go there. Let's say breathlessly in the sound, frowning as we walked, he really felt a little tired. The road seemed to be all bushes, layer after layer, dense and dense. I do n’t know. I can only passively follow the people in front of me in the southeast and northwest. This feeling really makes him feel at a loss. He does n’t know when he is going to be considered a head. ”

"I really want to endure, hold on a bit, hold on a bit, it should be fast, it should be fast, after all, we are all walking on the cliff cliff scene, and the edge brings the road to the cliff cliff, but it is quite dangerous. If we ca n’t be careful, if it falls off a cliff, it ’s a matter of no doubt, and I do n’t think you want to die. ”The young and charming warrobe shook his head gently and said, With a dignified look, it was clear to him that what was going wrong was wrong.

"It's okay, it's okay. I believe that as long as we follow Mr. Chen and as long as we follow Uncle Chen, there must be nothing. I believe in Uncle Chen. I absolutely believe in Uncle Chen."

Yang Juaner showed a bright smile, saying word by word, even though she still believes in Chen Yiping very much at this moment, he believes that as long as he follows behind Uncle Chen, it is absolutely no problem, okay, okay Yang Juner, if I can, I really hope that I am as naive as you, Wang Zier shook his head with a smile and looked at the young and charming Yang Juner in front of him. Although he did n’t want to admit it, it is undeniable that This Yang Juner was indeed quite naive, and even some of them were unexpectedly unexpected.

Sometimes I forget and think about it. Fortunately, this sincerity certificate is not a bad person, not an evil person, someone with other ideas. Otherwise, if you really want to deceive Yang Juaner, it is estimated that Yang Juaner was sold. It will also help people with money, but this is very possible.

"Let ’s go, everyone, hurry up. We have to speed up. We have to speed up. I believe that if we speed up, we should be able to walk under the cliffs when it is dark. Just walk to the cliffs. Below the cliff, we can be considered safe. "

Chen Yiping shouted loudly, turning his head from time to time and shouting loudly to the people behind him. He was more clear than anyone in the air, in the bushes on the cliff and the road higher than half-irrigated, in his heart What a dangerous thing, the main thing is that I do n’t know the direction of the southeast and northwest at all. If you do n’t own the soul flight, you can decide 100% of what is correct. It is estimated that you will lose it. One step wrong fell instantly under the cliff and fell to pieces.

"Professor Professor, passerby, Professor Zhang, do you think this Chen Yiping is reliable or not? Why do I always feel that there are some very strange, I am not sure whether this idiom is true or false, There are really some at a loss. We walked on this road for a long time and felt like we were walking in circles. Indeed, it is so. This half-height bush has completely blocked our business. I do n’t know what is right and what is wrong. If you go on like this, it ’s too weird to know what will happen. What happened? What exactly is Chen Yiping ’s path? Right or incorrect, we are totally at a loss "

"This is true without any errors, but then again, I think Chen Yiping should not lie, and he should not give us a cover on this matter. After all, we always follow He walked all the time, and looking at his appearance, he should know the correct way to the bottom of the cliff. After all, it has the legendary super-hunting app. "

Three trainees who will be taught by passersby, you talked with each other in a word. Obviously, for them, it is still impossible to determine whether Chen Yiping can really take them safely under the cliff.

"It should be okay, it should be okay. Calm down. This Chen Yiping is really beyond my expectation. Although he is not a professor of archeology, he has a super finder app. Since he can Going to have a super cool app, can find Ghana, and can also find the way to the cliff, we just follow him "

While the passerby was walking carefully, his face was full of excitement. The boundless bushes higher than half a person in front of him were not obstructed by the passerby at all. He even went further and further. Excited, more and more excited

"Win Seven Luck, our luck is really quite good. Mr. Li is lucky to have met Chen Yiping this time. He possesses super majesty. Only if he can live for half a day within this estimate, I am afraid I will not find it. Where Ghana City is, it is not accurate to say that even if we found the secrets of 6 murals within Canadian International, I am afraid that we cannot find Ghana Village. "Zhang Dao, the official TV station, said excitedly that he followed Chen closely. Yi Ping walked while showing an excited look on his face, it was clear that he really felt quite excited and excited.

"It's true. This can only say that our luck is really good. Li An nodded heavily and took a long breath. He also felt that Jiang Zhen was a TV station, and what Zhang Dao said was really true. It makes perfect sense. After all, if you haven't met Chen Yiping with the Super Finding App, you and others will not accurately say that you rely on archeologists and professors to find homes safely. This is indeed true. Something difficult, not like it is now "

"It's great, it's great, as long as you find the enlargement, this is a major discovery for the archeological community, and it is also a major discovery and a very good thing for us. My archeological reality show It will definitely catch fire, and the sponsorship fee you give will also be great value for Mr. Li. "

At this moment, Zhang Dao of the TV station in Jiangzhen City has fantasized about what his show will look like after it's on fire. This affects such a result. Even if the bushes in front of it are treacherous and rugged, he will insist on persistence without regret

"Zhang ’s sponsorship fee is okay. As long as you can find Canadian bonuses, the sponsorship fee is worth it for me. You have to say word by word that he did not lie. For you, the problem solved with money , That ’s not the problem, but unfortunately many times his problem is not solved with money. ”

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