Super Finding App

Chapter 2081: Exploration (2)

The number of people visiting the outer area of ​​Ghana this time to explore is not too large

Professor Lu Renzhang and three of his trainees are definitely going. Li An is the sponsor, plus the two bodyguards he brought with him and the minority Sun Boyuan will add up, which is six people.

Cheng Yiping and Wang Yan'er as stars, Shen Xiangrui and Yang Juaner also followed.

This number adds up to ten people, plus Zhang Zhen from Jiangzhen City TV Station and several assistants and seven or eight people he took. The total number has reached nearly 20 people.

At the moment, there are naturally more than a dozen people who stay in the left-behind camp in the camp. The entire team has reached 40 or 50. This is definitely not a minority.

After all, everyone knows that it will be very easy to go wrong if you can take pictures here for nearly two to three months and the supply is too small.

After everything was prepared, the crowd began to move towards the level of the home ahead.

Although Ghana City can be seen clearly on the platform

But after walking down the platform, he was surprised to find that Ghana was not too close.

The crowd walked slowly along this ramp, and by the time they reached Ghana, they had already walked for almost an hour.

"It's so tiring. It's really too tiring. I didn't expect Wangshan to run dead. It's true that when we look on this platform, Ghana is very close to us. But now I find that the city of Ghana is really quite far, and it has taken almost an hour to walk, which is too tired. "

Shen Xiangrui breathed out

A star comes and goes with a car pick-up. Although it is also filming, it is not as hard as it is now

He felt some softness on both legs

"Okay, don't be like this, you are still a man, you see, we haven't had any trouble. In fact, this road is not too far to go, we have taken this long, the most important thing This is just a rough road. Because it is too rugged, it will delay time, but Ghana City is already ahead. The main thing is that the shooting on this way has continued. You do n’t want your shooting to be After editing, it turned into a mother-in-law cannon, but now it resists mother-in-law. "

Wang Yaner shook her head with a chuckle and spoke reasonably, showing a bright smile

She is very clear that Shen Xiangrui cannot do anything else. If it is a performance, you say that you attach great importance to your reputation and image.

Sure enough, when Shen Xiangrui heard it, he stood up a little at a time, and the expression of righteousness was revealed in his eyes, and his fighting power burst instantly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, of course I'm fine."

Cheng Yiping naturally didn't care about the things between the stars, he and Li An and Professor Lu Renzhang walked in the forefront, looking at the closer and closer Ghana city, couldn't help but be amazed

"This is the city of Ghana. It ’s really a bit of a surprise. It ’s really dazzling when viewed from a distance. It ’s even more magnificent when you look into it. Although the city walls are not too high, but for hundreds of years, There are various patterns and patterns on the wall, which is honestly surprising. "

"However, there are still some disappointments. I thought it would be a very majestic city wall and city like the one shown in the movie. Now it looks more like a village and a village, and of course it is slightly more than a village and a village. Taller, but compared with the so-called majestic cities in TV movies, I am afraid that some little witches will see big witches. "

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently and frowned

When I actually walked into this city of Ghana, I found that this city of Ghana is completely different from what I saw on the flat slope

It's like a Canadian who originally came out of an ancient painting, and when I walked in, I found that it was nothing more than that.

"Oh, of course, Mr. Cheng, most of the TV movies have exaggerated elements in them, and they are all about visual effects. How could there be such an effect hundreds of years ago, and you see this The walls of Ghana are three or four meters high. Although it doesn't look too majestic, it seemed quite remarkable at the time. It should be said that it was built by the cliffs on the left and right. After hundreds of years, This city wall has not collapsed. It can be seen that the construction technology at that time was indeed quite powerful. "

In contrast, Professor Lu Renzhang was completely from the perspective of archeologists.

He reached out and stroked the mottled city wall, and seemed to be able to feel the traces of history left by the years on the wall, revealing a look of admiration.

"Everyone, everybody, today we have arrived in Ghana. The task today is very simple for the three stars. The three of you will inspect the periphery of Ghana again. Of course, we will send personnel to follow Behind you, you will follow Professor Renzhang and his three students to conduct archeology and research respectively. As Professor Lu Renzhang and the assistants and assistants of the students, this time we only look at the periphery of Ghana City. Area, we do n’t want to go deep into Ghana. After all, we do n’t seem to understand the situation inside. ”

Zhang Tao of Jiangzhen City TV Station said inexplicably.

He began to make overall arrangements, and the first task was naturally to follow the landing of Professor Renzhang and three students to visit Ghana. I believe that many interesting things will happen.

Regarding the arrangement of Zhang Dao of the TV station in Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping and Li An did not bother at all.

For Ang, he is more to enter the city of Ghana and find what he is looking for

Zhang Zhen of Jiangzhen City TV Station naturally couldn't control him, as did Cheng Yiping.

"Mr. Cheng, if I want you to find something, can you really find it?"

When Yiping was expressing his emotions at the gate of Ghana, he felt his chin and thought what to do

Li An came over from the side, obviously he needed to make double protection

"Mr. Li wants me to look for something, and let me first explain that although I can have a super finder app, my super finder app's belief points have not become too much, this is the first."

"Second, if you ask me to look for exactly what I need, I must know what it is to find. Otherwise, you do n’t even know what you are looking for, and how to find a super-finding object."

"Although the Super Hidden Object App is amazing, it must also find the real thing"

Cheng Yiping looked at Li An with a heavy face in front of his eyes, and his eyes rolled a bit. After entering Ghana, he could not help Li An to find items casually.

be careful and live long.

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