Super Finding App

Chapter 2086: Inscription

The expression of passerby Zhang was quite excited and excited. At this moment, he was surrounded by the three students under the statue, looking carefully. After hundreds of years, the statue was full of dust and Mottled, even the carved statues have been blown to have some spirit horns and incompleteness after being weathered. But at this moment, this is the case. A broken and incomplete statue looks like a precious treasure in the eyes of passersby Professor Zhang and three students.

"Good news, good news. Has the text under this statue been cracked? Is it true or false? Do you know what the text of the ancient monuments in Ghana are?"

Chen Yiping surrounded with Li An and Zhang Dao from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations. Looking at the steps below this magnificent statue, there was a tombstone. The monument was engraved with lines of incomprehensible text, but not. What is denied is that these words do record certain facts and circumstances.

"Admire and admire, to be honest, I really admire it. I didn't expect that the tombstones under this statue were covered with dust. I wanted to clean up little by little, and it was very troublesome. To prevent the inscription from being destroyed, it is absolutely a meticulous job to clean up little by little with a small brush. "

Shen Xiangrui took a long breath and rubbed his arm with a headache.

"It is really too hard. Who can think of the task assigned to us to clean up the flying stones and cups under this statue, and it is not able to clean up a large area, and you need to be careful to use a brush With a little brushing, we and the three students brushed for a full day before we cleaned the cup. This is really tiring. I never thought about doing it. It's so tired, it's too tired. "

"Okay, don't complain. It doesn't make any sense to complain, let alone the archeological reality show we participated in this time, isn't it just to do this? I just didn't expect that we did The previous ones are more tiring, but there is no way. Who makes us where we are now is in the rare Ghana village and is not really in the recording studio. "

Wang Yaner shook her head gently, with a dignified look on her face, Yang Juner, who looked to the side, Yang Juner was also tired and sat aside, holding a small special brush for baking Obviously, the tasks of these three stars today are really exhausting.

Sometimes they even feel that they are here to participate in the archeological reality show, and they really are the assistants of the three archeologists.

Regarding the words of these three stars, Chen Yiping and Li An naturally did not pay any attention to them, and they were nailed to the inscriptions under the statue one by one.

"What exactly do these inscriptions record? Why don't we understand it at all? His disease is very similar to Chinese, but it is completely different from Chinese. Professor Lu Nengjiang, can you analyze the text on this inscription? You said that this is a story about love. Can you say that the numbers on the inscription have been completely parsed, if this is the case, what exactly is recorded on the inscription? Follow Ghana Does the city also have a relationship? "

I still ca n’t wait to find a whole day in the whole city of Ghana for half a day without any effect, that is enough to show that there are still some secrets in this Canadian city, Ang has some ca n’t wait, he needs to know What the **** is going on in Canada.

"It's true. The text on this inscription is indeed quite strange. It should be a special text belonging to the Ghana tribe. We have not been able to accurately understand the passerby Professor Zhang. You can really know exactly what is written on this inscription. What is it? "

Zai carefully looked at the inscriptions under the statue, Chen Yiping frowned, these words were extremely similar to the handwriting on the sheepskin scroll he got, but unfortunately he did not parse the text on the sheepskin scroll. The ability also does not have the ability to analyze inscriptions. If you knew this already, you should have invited linguists together, but who would have thought that a linguist might be used in Ghana?

Chen Yiping frowned tightly

"Of course, it has been resolved. Although most of the inscriptions on the inscriptions are from the Union, I have also studied Ghana recently, and said that according to the inscription on the village in Zhejiang, it seems to be about the city of Ghana. The world built up and this is a very miserable and beautiful love story "

The passerby was about to reach his hand, raised his head with great excitement, and his body was trembling constantly. Obviously there was nothing more exciting for him than the excavation of cultural relics. The story behind him was more exciting.

"Really? Really? Passer-by, Professor Zhang, what kind of story is recorded in the inscription? Can you tell us now? Is this a record of why Ghana City's sushi was established?"

Li An asked impatiently

"According to the records on this gossip, it is said that some hundreds of years ago, the Ghana tribe should not have lived on the top of this cliff, but they lived close to ten thousand meters away. It was said at the time There should be two different tribes, but these two tribes are fighting and fighting each other. "

Passerby Zhang nodded heavily, with an excited manual on his face, saying verbatim.

"The two tribes that carried out the slaughter, one is called Yasha and the other is Shura!"

"Isn't Yasha Shura there? Do you have these two words hundreds of years ago? It seems that these two words are not very good meanings. There is a fierce feeling that which tribe would use it. This name is too strange, right? "

Jiang Zhen ’s Zhang Dao ’s eyeballs swallowed his saliva, frowned, and said puzzledly. For him, this really felt quite strange and doubtful, which The tribe actually uses the names Yasha and Shura. This is too funny.

"No, no, no, you are wrong. To be precise, hundreds of years ago, people in the 10,000 yuan tribe believed that only the tribe's name, the more fierce but the more horrible they were, can deter the enemy. Therefore, this is equivalent to the totems owned by the ancient tribes. It is the same truth. Only the fiercer and fiercer the name gets, this is the favorite of the ancients, so this tribe named Yasha and Shura should be true Exists, and what is recorded above is that these two tribes should be enemies of the times! "

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