Super Finding App

Chapter 2090: Flinch (1)

"Shen Xianglei said absolutely nothing wrong. We have n’t been here in Ghana for a long time, but in this week we have counted this Ghana city all over. We have n’t really found the so-called temple, If there is a so-called temple, we should be able to clearly see it, after all, the temple and other buildings should look completely different. "

Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen TV Station nodded heavily and frowned.

As a guide to this archeological reality show, he attaches great importance to this city of Ghana. He has not really found the existence of a so-called temple building in the city of Ghana.

"I'm afraid that's not right. If there is really no so-called temple in this city of Ghana, is it that Professor Lu Renzhang made a mistake in analyzing the inscriptions under the statue? In fact, there is no such temple at all, or Say this temple is somewhere else "

Wang Yaner blinked her beautiful eyes, frowned, and said word by word.

She really felt weird. Now that she has found Ghana, how can she find the so-called temple again? She was really at a loss.

"No, no, this should be wrong. Although my analysis of the inscription is not 100% correct, it is definitely not wrong. I have analyzed the text on this inscription very clearly. It does say that there is a **** The two major tribes of the temple, Raksha and Shura were merged to form Ghana City, and even the eye of God was placed in this so-called temple. This is not wrong. "

Professor Lu Renzhang frowned, saying word by word

He didn't believe he would analyze errors at all. After all, he repeatedly confirmed the text on the inscription.

"This is indeed the case. Professor Lu Renzhang did not analyze the errors. This inscription was analyzed with Professor Zhang. There are no errors at all. How could errors occur?"

"The text analyzed on this inscription is like this, telling us that there is indeed a temple in Ghana."

"No, no, do n’t you tell me that the temple is not in Ghana, and what temple do you want to find again? Do n’t, we are now in the depths of the forest, Ghana is already in Below the canyon, if I have to go to other places, I will definitely not do it, and the food and rations we carry will not be enough. "

"That's right. If we really look for the so-called temple again, we will definitely not look for it. Even if Zhang Dao of Jiangzhen City TV Station said that we would never look for it, this is really It ’s too scary. "

"What are we doing here? We are here for the archaeology of Ghana's monuments, not just to find the city of Ghana, to find the so-called temples. This is too strange. This is very dangerous. "

"Yes, yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. After all, we are the staff of Jiangzhen City TV Station, not a dedicated archeologist, or an adventurer. How can we roam around in the forest? Channeling, even with Mr. Cheng leading the way, after all, it is a very dangerous thing in the forest, and God knows what will happen. "

"There is nothing wrong with this statement. It is true that there is nothing wrong with it. For us, this is the most horrible thing. Here, Lin Hai is not in the back garden. I can go wherever I want. Anyway, if it is true, To find a so-called temple and then run deep into the forest, I will definitely not do it. "

"That's right, that's right, and then we ran into the depths of Lin Hai, and we definitely didn't do it."

"Yes, yes, absolutely, absolutely, we will never do such a thing."

"We are members of the film crew of Jiangzhen TV Station, and we are not serious adventurers or archeologists. Then we wander about in the sea of ​​forests.

The staff of the numerous film crews of the Jiangzhen City TV Station talked wildly and thoroughly exploded the pot. Obviously for them, such a thing was really beyond their expectation.

But then again, if he replaced himself with a flat, he would also feel creepy and gritted and dissatisfied.

After all, everyone only knew that the archaeological reality show was filmed at the ancient monuments in Ghana, and the result went deep into the forest of the sea, and it was already scary.

Now that I have found Ghana, I can shoot with peace of mind, but what temple do I have to go to?

People are very frizzy and upset

"Zhang Dao, let's make it clear to you first. If you really mean that you are looking for a so-called temple and go to the depths of the forest, the three of us will definitely not go. Do n’t forget that we three I personally signed a contract with you to participate in this archeological reality show. It is only in the ancient monuments of Ghana. Now it is a breach of contract to reach Ghana. We can also recognize the effect of the program, but if we want to go to the depths of Linhai Everywhere we look for the so-called temple, then we absolutely will not do it. We are here to participate in the archeological reality show, not to find the so-called eye of God. "

Wang Yaner raised his head, his face became abnormally solemn, saying word by word

"Yes, yes, that ’s exactly the right thing to say. We came here to participate in the archeological reality show, not for the so-called looking for Ghana City or the so-called temples. All this is fundamental. It has nothing to do with it "

Shen Xiangrui jumped up from the side and hissed exhaustedly

"Jiang Zhang of Jiangzhen City TV Station, if you want to find any so-called temples, we will never go with you. We must first say clearly about this matter, when you do n’t want to Blame us for not telling you "

"It's true. If you want to find any so-called temples, then you should go by yourself. Don't involve us. Even if it is a breach of contract, you should break the contract first and send us out of the forest."

Wang Yan'er raised his head and said, word by word, the exquisite face revealed a dignified look

If at first she wanted to use this archaeological reality show to make it popular

Even after entering the forest, as long as he follows Yang Juan'er and Cheng Yiping, he can safely leave the forest, and now Wang Yan'er has completely withdrawn.

God knows what dangerous things to encounter in order to find so-called temples in addition to Ghana

If you really leave Ghana and go into the depths of the forest, it will be a very dangerous thing.

Not worth it at all

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