Super Finding App

Chapter 2119: Eye of God

"Don't be noisy, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive to get away, don't be impulsive"

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Zhang Dao, the official TV station, said urgently, although he was also quite excited, his eyes were staring at the numerous golds in the altar. It can be imagined that these golds are absolutely valuable. Although the value is a bit exaggerated, there is no problem in sending a financial bill at all.

You and he thought that there would be some guarantees in Ghana, but did not expect that there are so many gold and silver treasures in this altar in Canadian cities. I have to say that this is really unexpected. thing

"It's interesting, it's really interesting. I didn't expect it to be like this. This is really beyond our expectations. There is so much gold here, and it seems that it can really make a lot of people feel excited. Li An smiled and shook his head, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked up and down in this group, but did not move at all. It seems that these mirrors are not worth mentioning to Li An.

"Calm down, everyone. Calm down. These sperm may be some antiques or cultural relics. Everybody, calm down. Calm down. If you want to give these things to the country, these treasures It was to be handed over to the country. The passer-by stunned the professor obviously, and then shouted loudly, his voice became more and more excited. For him, any archeological things should be given less to the country, not to the individual. Therefore, although what he said was simply deaf to many people, even the three students behind him were breathing more and more quickly, his eyes stared at them, and there was a lot of gold and silver treasures in the altar.

"Professor Zhang is really quite interesting. Ordinary people who see so many gold and silver treasures will definitely be heartbeat or have other ideas. I did not expect that the first reaction of this passerby Zhang was to hand it over. Country, no wonder he can be called a professor, he has to say that he really admires it quite. Chen Yiping was a little uneasy. After listening to the shout of the passerby Professor Zhang, he relaxed and understood. He shook his head funny, after all, there are really few people who can do this

"Stupid and stupid, this is really stupid. The ownerless thing is the ownerless thing. The two of you will expel me all the staff of nearly 10 sets of these groups. It seems we are looking for It is the blade of God, not the so-called elite Taibao of this pair. They gather here to pass and trample on the word of God, then it is over. "

Li An hovered in his brain for a moment, and then made a decision. He didn't know what the eye of God really was. If it was a very fragile object, it would be so easy to be seen. This will officially be on TV. It was really a very painful thing for the staff members to be ravaged for robbing gold and silver treasures.

You never allow him to happen like this, and he doesn't allow it to happen.

"Understanding Mr Li, we naturally know how to do it"

The flat-headed bodyguard and the bald-headed bodyguard laughed out of their eyes, took the gun in their hands, slammed into the sky, and shot a shot of the matchmaker shocked for 4 weeks. It was the crew of the TV crew who calmed down instantly, stunned, holding a large amount of gold and silver treasures in their hands, and still kept the gesture of looting.

"Get out and get out of the way, all give me a little calm down, all give me out. Mr. Li is now looking for God's blade when he is looking for God, and everyone is giving me away!"

"Yes, everyone must calm down, please calm down, do n’t make such a robbery. It does n’t make any sense. We still have to find the so-called God's Blade in this altar, and then everyone discusses this gold and silver treasure. What should be done and how should be divided "

Bald bodyguards and flat-headed bodyguards saw that their airsoft attack had already attracted them. China opened the attention of the official TV crew members and said that Jiang Zhen, who was in the state of excitement, was a crowd of TV crews. One after the other calmed down, exactly one by one, and they reacted exactly. They just seemed to be caught in a magic wand just now. Just thinking about how to grab gold

"Yes, yes, please be calm, everyone must be calm, and you must be very calm. Of course, I know gold is a good thing. Gold and silver treasures can be valuable, but do n’t forget about us, and The more important thing to look for is the so-called Eye of God. Everyone calm down and don't mess up the altar. As for this so-called gold and silver treasure, I believe we will discuss how to deal with it later. This is No problem at all, let God's Blade find it first. "

Zhang Zhenshi of Zhang Zhenshi TV station reflected this, and he quickly said, his tone became a little excited and enthusiastic. Obviously, he did not expect to have so many gold and silver treasures. He was more concerned about the eye of God. What is it.

"Yes, yes, all of our treasures belong to the state, and these torii gates belong to the state. More importantly, we must find the eye of this god. What is this so-called artifact? Think everyone Are also very curious "

A passerby Professor Zhang said quickly, just now he really wanted to stop Chinese, but unfortunately, the words of passerby Professor Zhang were not heard by many people, especially in some crazy state. Obviously, for many people, Professor Lu's words will not be put in their hearts at all.

But now by the airsoft attack of the two bodyguards and the bald bodyguard, both of them calmed down instantly, looked at the gold in the surrender, looked around for 4 weeks, exposed a hint of humility, and carefully from one side After all, everyone was in an excited state at first. The eyes lost by gold, and now that their senses have returned to their bodies, they naturally know what to do and what not to do. But even so, their eyes fell on this gold and silver treasure, showing a greedy look, after all, no one would dislike gold.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and find out if there is a god's blade, and if there is a god's eye hidden in this altar. What kind of thing is the god's eye? See if there is an eye of God! "

"Everyone hurry up and find out, where is this so-called god's eye, don't forget everything we find in this underground maze, all to find the eye of God is to find the eye of God"

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