Super Finding App

Chapter 2169: Kind people (7)

"This is indeed a very strange thing. If Zhao Dazhen is really a good person, then the problem is coming. Since it is a good person, what does this man with a sharp-eyed monkey gill twist his triangular eyes mean? ? "

"He said in a loud voice that Zhao Dayu was a trafficker and led some homeless children and homeless people into the Fortune Restaurant. After a few days there was no trace. Who are the two guys saying true or who is fake? "

Cheng Yiping's brow frowned tightly, but he knew very well that one of the two must be telling the truth and one was telling the truth

In other words, if there is really a so-called well-intentioned person, who is this well-intentioned person?

"Don't think about it, don't think about it. It is true that it is false. It cannot be true. Whether it is true or false, we only need to enter this fortune restaurant. Then everything will be true."

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, his eyes rolled.

To have a way is to guard against one's heart

Thinking of this, he turned and came to Yu Zhongqin, nodded and said cautiously.

"In a while, you will bring some villagers behind you. If the situation is not right then you should start. You should know what I mean."

The villager froze for a moment, then nodded heavily, reached out and patted his chest.

"I understand, I understand, I know what it means. You can rest assured. The people in our village are very united and will never let anyone bully the children in our village!"

'Very well, since you have something in mind, then I'm relieved, and the main thing is that we have already called the police, but when the police will come over, we ca n’t be sure, so in this way Under the circumstances, the main thing seems to be that we can only rely on ourselves. I think you should know this very clearly. "

Cheng Yiping nodded. Of course, he believed the police very much, but Cheng Yiping was also very clear about one thing: that he could n’t rely on the police simply.

After all, the police may come early or late. If the police are really late, there are indeed some unthinkable consequences.

After preparing everything, he was relieved with a long and flat breath, his eyes narrowed slightly.

But he knew very well that now that things had reached this point, whether it was true or false, naturally he had to go and check to see if Zhao Dazhao in this fortune restaurant was a good or bad person.

Whoever tells the truth between him and the man with the triangular eyes of the two-mouthed monkey gills will tell the truth.

At the same time, in the Fortune Restaurant, Zhao Dazhen was talking with Zhang Xue, a 12-year-old girl, and Zhang Li, a seven- or eight-year-old.

After watching myself finally convinced the two little girls in front of me, this was a long sigh of relief, and a bright smile was revealed

"Okay, you should go back earlier. I believe your parents will be very anxious when you see you. If something really happens in the future, you can call me if you are not satisfied, but do n’t I ’m running away from home. It ’s a very dangerous thing and a dangerous act, understand? ”

Zhao Dasong whispered his words carefully

"We know, we know, Zhao Dazhen really thank you so much, really thank you very much"

The eleven-year-old girl Zhang Xue wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes. Running away from home was just an impulse idea, but what should she do and what should happen after running away from home, she can say that she didn't know at all, also Not sure what to do, just like a headless fly, but just want to leave home and find a job in the city

If she hadn't met Zhao Dazhen, she really didn't know what she would become

"Okay, do n’t cry, do n’t cry anymore, it wo n’t look pretty anymore. You are a little girl, and now you are at the age of school, you must go to school and go to school After that, you will be able to go out to work and be able to come out to make money. It wo n’t be as silly as outside now. This is not a good thing. After all, there will be a lot of bad people outside the society. You also It's impossible to meet a good heart every chance, so you know? "

"A girl is more careful and takes care of herself when you are outside, especially if you are carrying a seven- or eight-year-old sister, you also need to pay attention to and protect yourself, don't let anything happen, and don't let yourself have problems. "

Master Zhao's words of graciousness once again instructed

He even thought that the 11-year-old girl Zhang ‘Xue’ was really big in her heart. If she changed herself, she would never do such a thing at such a young and immature age.

After all, it was too dangerous a move.

"Dahao Zhao, Dahao Zhao, are these the two little girls you picked up? It was really something we didn't expect. I didn't expect it to be so young. We all heard some when we heard that. I ’m not so sure. Are the little girls now so bold? They can run away from home at a young age. ”

The door was opened, and the two men came in with a smile on their faces, and their eyes fell on Zhang Xue, 11 or 12, and Zhang Li, 7 or 8 years old, and looked up and down.

Zhang Xue had a look of horror on her face, and couldn't help but take a step back. Zhang Li, a seven- or eight-year-old girl, said her body behind her sister, worried about the appearance in front of her. These two men really feel very strange, and even have some fear

"Okay, okay, two of you do n’t feel scared, do n’t think that these two uncles look so bad that they are bad people. They are my good friends, and they are also good people. After a while, they will drive you home. Go inside, do you have to obey obediently? "

Zhao Dazhen looked at Zhang Xue, eleven and twelve, and Zhang Li, seven and eight years old, with bright smiles and comforts.

The two little girls nodded heavily, but when they looked in front of them, the two men still looked worried and scared. They seemed to be really scared and worried.

"Really, Li Lei, how many times have I told you to make your hair fool, not to be so colorful, and there are a lot of pendants and tattoos, it looks like a Stupid, how many times have I told you, take care of your appearance, do not make yourself like a stupid, this is not cool, this is called no quality "

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