Super Finding App

Chapter 2171: Kind people (9)

"Dao Zhao, I know that you are a good person, and I know that one's heart is very kind. If this is not the case, I will not agree with you to leave all the people you will keep in my hotel, and arrange work directly for them. , It is equivalent to the tramp you left for me when you came to me last time, I was relieved to work for him, but I ran away on the second day, not only that, but also stole the contents of my shop, now If you think about it, this is really a very difficult and unpleasant thing, and it is no wonder that many people in this world do not want to do good things, but some people are really not worth helping. "

The owner of the fortune-lucky Fortune Hotel said huh, with a bitter smile

There is a way to do good deeds has never been easier

There are so many white-eyed wolves these years

"Okay, okay, boss, I know you are wronged, but this is also no way out. This is the same as raising people in the world, not to mention that we ca n’t just do something wrong and then Do n’t do good things, as long as we do good things and can help others, this is a worthwhile thing for us, and as for the wrong things, I believe they will regret it later, or that they have their own last resort For the reasons why this is done, we should have some confidence in them "

Zhao Dazhen showed a bright smile, it seems that she really is very kind

"Okay, okay, I know, if I really talk to your melons, I don't really say but you, but then talk back, I can help you naturally I will help you, but there is one thing you But you must be sure and think about it. Like today, these two children are 12 years old and one 7 or 8 years old, but they are both minors. Good deeds are good, but if they are minors, if they are Trafficking in children is a crime, and we do n’t want to go to prison because of good deeds. That ’s not worth the money. ”

The owner of Fortune Restaurant said huh

Zhao Dazhen feels that there is nothing to worry about, but as the owner of the investment, he has encountered more and more gloomy and incredible things than Zhao Dazhen.

In many cases, it seems impossible for Zhao Dazheng to happen. It is often encountered by the boss of Hongyun Restaurant.

Then the world is always darker than people think.

"Boss, boss is bad, bad. Someone is here to make trouble. Someone is here to make trouble. The boss is not good."

When the owner of the Fortune Restaurant and Zhao Dazhen talked at the back door of the Fortune Restaurant and talked to each other

In an instant

I saw an employee wearing a waiter's clothes came over and said

"Nothing, what's going on? Why would anyone come to us to make trouble? What the **** happened?"

The boss of Hongyun Restaurant's pot-bellied **** revealed a look of doubt.

He hadn't really thought that anyone would come to their fortune restaurant to make trouble

This is too strange, right?

"What's going on? What's going on? What the **** is going on? Why would anyone come to us to cause trouble? Is it something to eat to eat your stomach?"

The owner of the pot-bellied Fortune Restaurant frowned, and he could think of this as the only possibility.

Is the food not clean?

Or is there a customer who deliberately came to make trouble?

Or is it something other competitors are doing?

"No, the boss, not the customer, but a group of rural people who came to our store. They came to say that we kidnapped their children, kidnapped them, and said that we were traffickers, and asked us to ask the children to pay you. come out

The waiter said word by word

The eyes are wide, there are some who ca n’t laugh or cry

He really didn't think it would happen, now this is the case

Someone came over and talked about the trouble, saying they arrested their daughter?

Say they are human traffickers!

Whatever you think of it is something that is impossible

The problem is that there are too many people. People in the hotel couldn't stop it at all, they could only come to the boss for help.

"What are you talking about? A group of people came over and said that we had betrayed their daughter. How could this be possible? We are in a restaurant, not for human trafficking."

The boss of the big-bellied Hongyun Restaurant is like listening to some heavens and nights, with an incredible look on his face, which is really strange.

"Wait, wait, did you just say that a group of people came over to look for children? Did he tell you what kind of children they are looking for?"

Aunt Zhao seemed to understand something, and quickly asked.

The waiter wiped the sweat from his forehead and paused.

"It seems like I'm looking for two children, saying one is eleven, one is seven, or eight, and they have identified this child in our store, but you also know that the boss has never come to our children , They are just making trouble, should we call the police now? "

The waiter of Fortune Restaurant said with a doubtful look on his face

It feels like he is pulling out his cellphone

As long as the boss agrees, he will call the police immediately and let the police come to deal with it

"Wait, wait, I know what's going on, don't call the police now, take us there, I think it's all a misunderstanding

Zhao Dazheng nodded, then nodded heavily, a bright smile said that she seemed to know what was going on

"That's right, let's listen to Zhao Dazhen's words, let people talk to them first, and calm them down first. If I didn't guess wrong, I should know what happened. This should be a misunderstanding "

The boss of Hongyun Restaurant has a bright smile and said he frowned deeply.

He slammed his temples. This is not the first time he has encountered such a situation.

After all, there are really many people who do wrong things with good intentions.

"Sorry, boss, I'm afraid this time I was the parents of the two little girls. I really didn't expect to find us here. It seems that they have some energy and strength. It ’s too strange to know why they let their children run away from home, and only because they stole a melon and ran away from home. ”

Zhao Dazhen shook his head with a slight smile, but he did not have any dissatisfaction, but showed a bright smile

Obviously, she is also very clear, if it is really Zhang Li and Zhang Xue's parents who came here, it is really a very good thing.

This shows that the parents of the two of them are really very nervous about the two little girls.

"Let ’s go, boss, we will meet this group of people, I believe they are waiting very anxiously, and I am also curious how they will find us, this is indeed a strange thing.

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