Super Finding App

Chapter 2198: Survival (6)

Reward and Liu Hui are two girls who can be said to be hitting each other. However, it is definitely not a simple matter to want to kill a wormtail in the net red circle. In the past, rewards and discounts can still rely on With his young and beautiful attracts a wave of fans, but under the role of the beauty system today, even an ordinary girl or even an ugly girl can become a peerless beauty with the monthly system and makeup. The front of the camera grabbed the attention of many people.

Although most of them belong to building companies, it is undeniable that sometimes men do like this.

Reward and Liu Hui originally performed singing and dancing in the live broadcast room. When they were in school, they all had such sites, but found that the era of singing and dancing within the live broadcast platform was too common, unless it was true. The thing is that they sing very well, the dance is very charming, and even give some benefits, otherwise it is unlikely to attract a lot of popularity. Under such circumstances, the route the two people took will become Outdoor live broadcast, which attracts a large amount of traffic through outdoor live broadcast, has to say that when the majority of anchors were performing singing and dancing at the time, outdoor broadcasts that rewarded and discounted two people really attracted attention. In particular, it is the live broadcast of two wonderful young girls. It can really be said that within the screen live broadcast platform, it has gained a lot of people's traffic and attention and became a small net red.

Of course, it is not easy to keep fans and enthusiasm in the live broadcast industry for a long time. Therefore, the reward of the Wagyu conference from the beginning of the outdoor live broadcast has now become a climbing wild mountain, leading a lot of People climbing some unknown wild animals have attracted a lot of people ’s traffic and heat. After all, for many people, watching them fear that wild animals will have various sudden phenomena. Really There is a feeling of reality show, this real feeling has attracted the attention of many people, and fans like it, gradually becoming a major feature on the platform and the live rose world has gradually gained some fame In the case of fame, coupled with the fan effect of the number of fans, gradually turned into economic benefits and discounts, the two people's earnings are quite good.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are a pair of very good girlfriends and partners at work, but no one knows that Liu Hui has always been deeply envious of rewards.

The cooperation between two people will naturally be dominated by the master and the servant, and some will do the relationship between the secondary reward and Liu Hui. Although it is said to be an equal cooperative relationship, it is undeniable that it has always been a reward. As a dominant, preferential policy It follows with occasional suggestions. This is not related at all in ordinary times. Everyone has money to share, as long as there is no conflict in money, but in fact, Liu Hui has deep eggs and envy for rewards.

In the ordinary times, the thoughts hidden in my heart were all excited in the face of despair, and some negative effects were completely aroused on the edge of life and death!

"Say whether you have been using me for a long time. He has always used me as a servant. Everyday, everyone has money to make money. This is no matter what. It is estimated that he is like this. Otherwise, Why does he put both packs in his side, but he has all the food, does he really want to leave all the food to eat by himself, and starve me alive, and can he wait for rescue? "

"No, absolutely not, absolutely not like this. If I want to survive, I must survive well!"

Niu Hui's eyes showed an angry look. It could feel free from hunger, his physical strength became more and more weakened, and the severe wind continued to blow over the cliffs and caresses his body, making him feel It's extremely cold, he needs food, he needs more food to be able to live on the cold night with the cliffs and the most central platform

"Food, I need more food, I need more food!"

"I need more food, I want to live, I must live"

The cow will gnash his teeth and keep thinking in his heart, but he knows his legs better. One of them has been fractured and broken. There is no way to leave the platform. If it really hits the reward, then its odds are very good. small

"I had a broken leg. In other words, I was only able to climb on the ground. Although he was rewarded for breaking an arm, he said it again. His legs were intact if he really hit them. As long as you keep away from me, you can give me a solid life on this platform, so I definitely ca n’t go against him, I ca n’t go against rewards, so all I can do now is to wait until the evening rewards When I am asleep, I can launch an attack. No matter how I grab the package first, and grab the food inside, I must wait until the rescue team arrives. "

"I must wait until the rescue team arrives. I must survive. I must survive."

The cow said with gritted teeth, shrinking the entire body backwards, although already leaning on the cliff, the dripping wind whizzed past, blowing his clothes loudly. But he still couldn't help but tighten his clothes tightly, then narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the rewards not far away. He was waiting for the taxation of the rewards, like a predator in the dark The wolf came out half fiercely.

"To live, to live, we must live, we can live, we can live"

Rewarding the pain caused by the fracture of the right arm, he said his body to the back and said that he was holding the backpack tightly on his chest. He knew very well that the contents of the backpack were their qualification to survive, and they also survived. The source, once the contents of the package are lost, the consequences are absolutely unthinkable. Even the contents are not very important, at least on the cliff platform, there is an additional backpack, as a The clothes or quilt can withstand the severe cold wind and howl, at least it can make your body slightly warmer

The reward is to tightly wrap the package and look at the stars with his body leaning on his head. He never thought he would be reduced to the current situation, but even so, he did not give up and raised his case. Continuous analysis is sure to survive. It must be. When we fell, the live broadcast room was still on. At least thousands of people were waiting for fans to watch. If they found that we had fallen to Below the cliff, we will definitely call the police. In other words, we must wait. As long as we wait for the rescue team to arrive, we will definitely be able to survive. "

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