Super Finding App

Chapter 2208: Hope (3)

"Yes, Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, what kind of place are the girls of the two of them? This platform is on board. Let's take a look at the top of the mountain belonging to Qingyun Mountain. The area is not too different. , But no one exists, does it mean that your Super Hidden Object App has found the wrong place? The middle-aged rural man veteran and several villagers behind him also followed the climb to the top of Qingyun Mountain, vigorously Breathing, the whole body was cold all over, and no one was found four weeks after the incident. The middle-aged rural man fellow frowned, and said carefully, it seemed to him that there was only such a possibility. Um, Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, what the **** is this? What the **** is this? Do n’t you say that this super user app can look for any misunderstandings and misunderstandings you can find? Why have n’t we found our daughter now? What is going on here? The man with a Chinese character face, Liu Kai, can't wait to say that he is gritting his teeth, his fists are clenched tightly, and his face is full of sadness and indignation. Holding back the anger in his own heart, looking at the situation in front of him, the man with a Chinese character face, Liu Kai, rushed to face Chen Kang, Chen Yiping, writing 800 yuan, and beat him up. After all, he was worried now It ’s her own daughter, not the so-called scenery. Yes, what is going on with Mr. Chen? What is going on? Superhero APP, in theory, should be 100% successful. But why is it like this now, what is going on here? What is going on here? A man with glasses, Jiang Wei shakes his head like a rattle, he really has some helplessness, never thought of hard work Reached the goal, reached the center point, and came in, along with the platform of Qingyun Mountain, but did not see where his daughter was actually. "

Calm down, calm down, everyone is calm, and the reward is in this platform, then it must be on this platform. Everyone needs to find it carefully, then naturally you can find the Super Finding App. Never I have been disappointed. In the face of everyone's emotional words, there were almost nothing in their own shoulders, and there was almost no response, no method of understanding, and a bright smile was revealed, which can be seen in his eyes. Clearly see where the soul avatar is. Even if there is no soul, by speaking of the red beam in the sky, it is possible to know what the situation of the two people of the reward and Liu Hui is. Chen Yibing and the owner wanted to compare and find it by themselves and let the two couples find it by themselves. This is the most important thing. Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, we did not doubt your meaning, but since you say that this super finder app is 100% successful, there will be no problems with this super finder app, what is the situation now? ? Saw it. The area on the top of Qingyun Mountain is just that large. There is no place to hide people. What is going on? Our daughter is not here at all. The woman with long hair said eagerly, her face was full of anxiety, it was like a person who was finally looking for it, and finally found the destination, but only found nothing. It really made him unbearable. If it was a treasure hunt, it would be fine. In this case, everyone ended in failure. But the problem is that they are not looking for them. They are looking for their own daughter. Qingyunshan ’s daughter who was trapped all day and night, a daughter whose life and death are unknown, they are really worried about their daughter, do not know what happened to them, life or death, calm down, calm down, two A bit calmer, you can think about it, your daughter is taking photos on the top of Qingyun Mountain, and then falls off the cliff. Think about where her daughter fell off the cliff. Where is it? Chen Yiping's eyes focused on the light, flashed, and began to guide, through two red princesses and soul clones within two years, can clearly see the rewards and discounts, what is the situation of the two at this moment? All he had to do was to guide him, understand, understand, what our daughter was like at the time, I remember he was on the top of the platform and fell down, the man with glasses, Jiang Wei wrinkled The eyebrows began to stroke and spoke to Hunan word by word, a faint cry for help came to my ears, and I was mine. Have I rescued me, wait a minute and wait, have you heard the voice of people, have you heard the voice of people asking for help, the man with glasses, Jiang Wei quickly raised his head, with an urgent face on his face Look said, we heard it, we heard it, we really heard it, it was the voice of her daughter, the voice of her daughter Liu Hui. She was here, and she was near this girl with long hair. The woman quickly raised her head and said urgently that although it was only a faint voice, her face turned to the previous dark red to show that their daughter was still alive and their daughter was alive.

Where is where Where is our daughter? Where exactly is our daughter? What kind of place is our daughter? The people shouted eagerly, their faces became extremely nervous and flustered, and they began to look for the voice of asking for help. What about our daughter reward, our daughter reward, where do you reward it? where are you? Liu Hui, where are you? Liu Hui, where are you guys? The two husbands and wives yelled loudly and their faces became very excited. Although they heard a weak call for help, they vowed that they really heard the call for help. Chen Yiping surveyed side by side calmly, looking as if he heard the sound and came to the edge while looking down, looking down at a platform prominent on the middle platform of the cliff not far below, With the idea of ​​a platform, I can vaguely see that two people are holding each other tightly and indulging. Eyes suddenly lighted up, and yelled quickly, found and found them, are they here and what did they really find here? Did you really find it? Where is your daughter? Where is your daughter? Where is the reward? Where is the reward? Where is our daughter Liu Hui? The two couples yelled together, rushed to Chen Yiping's side, bowed their heads, and saw the platform below through the edge of the cliff. Although the platform is a little further away, it was illuminated by the faint silver-white moonlight Now, I can still clearly see that there are two people snuggling together on this platform, and one of them is making a weak call for help. These two girls are really the daughters they are looking for. Liu Hui, finally found it.

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