Super Finding App

Chapter 849: Follow my brother to live (1)

Cheng Yiping stood at the bow of the ship, surrounded by the collapsed buildings, and various debris floated on the river surface. The ship was slowly advancing, and many of the trapped people on his sides held various large and large pieces. This kind of tool pushes the debris on the river away, preventing some debris from hindering the progress of the ship. Otherwise, if some debris jams the ship's power system, everyone must be trapped here. After all, everyone knows that there is a boat to move forward and live!

Anyone who is trapped in this city after the tsunami strikes will feel terrified and panicked, but Cheng Yiping has no panic.

"As long as the tsunami has stopped, there will be no more tsunami attacks. This city of Stell is close to zero risk factor for me. I have a super-hunting app!"

That's right, what Cheng Yiping was afraid of was not getting lost in this city of Stell, but the tsunami attack. Even Cheng Yiping, who has a super finder app, is very clear. In front of nature, his The role of the Super Hidden Object app is almost zero.

The tsunami of mountains and rivers will not know whether the people and things in front of you are good or bad, good or evil, as long as they are blocked in front of them, they will be washed away in an instant!

The power of nature is so scary!

Fortunately, I have help finding things!

Cheng Yiping's eyes fell aside to help the wounded who was rescued from behind. The nervous Zhang Xiaona flashed the smile in her eyes. As the first aid for finding objects, breaststroke and Cheng Yiping didn't pay too much attention. Although I know that swimming teaching can be performed after the breaststroke learning, seriously, with the continuous use of the super-finding app now, it helps people to become a swimming coach at a point where the work and salary are leveled. Over time, this Breaststroke skills are not at heart.

But I really didn't expect that the skills of breaststroke in this city of Sterl became the foundation of Cheng Yiping's survival.

"Sure enough, there are no useless skills in this world, only useless people!"

Under the invasion of the tsunami, the super-hunting app was used to keenly avoid various running debris in the tsunami, protecting Zhang Xiaona and also living. As long as she can survive, the tsunami is calm and calm. For Cheng Yiping, there is no danger in the entire City of St.

Beginning with a floating wooden board, Cheng Yiping used the Super Hidden Object App. The first thing he looked for was a ship that could be used. He used super sense to find the object and found a recent worn-out ship. After continuous replacement, By now it is almost 80% of new ships.

Some ships need to be able to drive, not to mention manpower, not to mention the various debris running above the river in this city of Stell, which requires manual cleaning, but this is not a problem for City Yiping By using the Super Hidden Object App again, you can clearly see where the trapped people will be, and rescue the trapped people alive.

The rescued people were certainly grateful for Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona, and were willing to obey Zhang Xiaona and Cheng Yibo's orders to clean up the debris on the way forward of the ship.

It was difficult at first, but as the number of people increased, the work of sorting out became very easy and easy. In addition, Cheng Yiping continued to use the Super Hidden App to find the edible food and water source. Once the conductor could find a whole lot of canned food and water, everyone's eyes changed into a flat look.

Everyone knows that if you take Stall Cheng, you must have food even if you survive. Otherwise, you will be starved to death sooner or later, and a person who has a ship and can know where the food is is just a beacon. Anyone who thinks with his **** knows that in this situation, Cheng Yiping can only live, and violation of Cheng Yiping can only die!

Especially Cheng Yiping ’s magical oriental divination technique is almost like an immortal, saying that there is someone where there is food, there is food where there is food, and where there is danger, there is danger, as if the whole Stir The city is well known in his eyes.

To the point of danger in Styr City, with a level of guidance, they were able to defend in advance.

Suddenly, everyone had a feeling that they were traveling in Styr City instead of fleeing.

Of course, not everyone thinks so.

"Brother, I'm really mad at me, I don't want to do it anymore, why? What do you say? That man stood on the bow of the boat and pointed, and we are here to work for him, we must know that in us Everyone in this city is equal. Doesn't he know what we do? Brother, tell me, whoever sees us is n’t all stubborn, and who does n’t treat us as guests. Why did the black-haired and black-haired man in the east suddenly ask us to clean up the debris, did he put us in his eyes? "

A man with a bald head and blue eyes exudes a scent of mules, holding the bamboo pole in his hands in anger, standing on the side of the ship, kicking the debris close to the ship, gritting his teeth, and looking from time to time They swept across several women inside the ship, licking the corners of their mouths.

"Scar, be quiet. Now we are not at all clear about what is going on the ship, so still be quiet. I am curious. How can this Oriental man know where the food is? Where are the trapped people? Is it true? Is it the so-called Eastern divination? "

Five big and three thick, burly men with low voices. If you find out carefully, this person's only pupil emits a sharp light like a hawk.

"Boss, it's true that Pingyang was caught by a dog. Although he saved us, we are also grateful, but it does not mean that we can come to command us to help the eagle gang. Our brothers have always been walking sideways in Styr Yes, boss, I just took a closer look. Most of the ships on this ship are old and weak women. Even a few young people do n’t matter. I ’ve got a clear picture of the situation of people, food. Put it all behind and check the water source clearly! "

The **** named Scar became more and more excited. Emotions became more and more excited, whispered to his boss.

"The main thing is that the boss now has more than a dozen people on the whole ship, but there are only two people with black hair and black eyes. In other words, the others are our Eagles. As long as these two people can control, The entire ship belongs to us! "

"Yes, yes, scar, you are very good at inquiring. Although he saved us, but without them, we can also survive. We are the gang of eagles, and they should be the eagles flying in the sky, and Not a chick sent by someone! "

"This ship will belong to our gang!"

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