Super Finding App

Chapter 871: Meager hope

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Wang Hu was aggressive.

Heaven and earth conscience, Wang Hu vowed to curse. Since Wang Hao obtained the letter Z from the Super Hidden Object Studio, he also added many times yesterday, but now he has found nothing and has not passed the application at all.

He also holds the idea that he is definitely a liar for this super-hunting studio. If it is not for the Spring Festival, he hopes that his wife Wang Cuilan will have a hope, even if it is only a good-faith lie, I hope she can stop going crazy , No longer give myself too much mental pressure, nor would I think of this idea.

But Wang Hu never expected that this time the addition was successful.

"Super Finding Studio? Seeing this name is like helping people find things. If it is recommended by Xia Yiyue's live studio, it may be true. A private detective who can help find things ..."

Obviously, Wang Hu's wife did not know that Wang Hu had a feeling of being a dog at the moment. He had added it many times without success. He did not expect to add it in front of his wife Wang Cuilan. .

What is it called?

"Husband, husband, ask him quickly, if he can help us, as long as he can help us find the missing son, we can agree whatever the requirements are. If the money is not enough, we are willing to be a cow and a Malay. To repay his great grace ... "

For those who have not lost, naturally they will not know the feeling of being recovered. For Wang Cuilan, what she will never forget is the day 15 years ago, like a nightmare, repeated in her mind forever.

How many times at midnight dreams, Wang Cuilan burst into tears, she hates herself, really hates herself, if she can be more careful, if she can be more careful, if she can ...

But the last regret in this world is that there is no if ...

[Hello, is this Super Hidden Object Studio? 】

[Hello, this is the Super Hidden Object Studio, is your best line helper, I wonder if there is anything I can help you with? 】

Replied, replied, really replied .........

Wang Hu's heart was instantly agitated, and the hand holding the phone was shaking slightly, even though he thought in his heart that the super-hunting studio represented by the letter Z was a liar, but deep in his heart, He also hopes that the other party is a real super-find, which can help him find the child who disappeared 15 years ago.

Even knowing that the other party was fake, Wang Hu's heart was still trembling.

[Hello, I learned your contact information through Xia Yiyue's live room. May I help you find someone? Don't know how much to pay? 】

[Summer January? Oh, I remember, it's that live broadcast girl, indeed, I can help people find people and things, I don't know what you want me to help you find? Find price 500 people! 】

500 as long as 500?

Wang Hu's faint hope of the body suddenly faded again. Sometimes people are so strange. As the business man said, he never buys expensive things but sells them right.

Cheap is not good quality!

Among the many clues found by Wang Hu and private detectives, which one is not hundreds or thousands of charges, and sometimes the more money he collects, Wang Hu and his wife Wang Cuilan are more at ease, because the other party received their Money will inevitably look for the missing child for them wholeheartedly.

The end was nothing.

And now this so-called super-finding job is only 500? Is this true or false?

[Really just 500? 】

[Super Finding Work is child-friendly, if you really need it, you can come here ...]

[Address: Tianjiang, Dongzhou, Daojiang Town, City .........]

[If you are really sure, please make an appointment in advance if you are looking for ...]

Wang Hu sent a few more messages shortly afterwards, but the other party did not respond, and it seemed to be offline.

"Wife, do you see if this Super Hidden Object Studio is real or fake? He paid 500 yuan and was able to promise to help us find the missing child. How can I always feel that this matter is hanging ..."

"It's true. It's been 15 years. It's gone for 15 years. Husband, do you think he will be a liar? How can it be found for only 500 yuan after 15 years of disappearance? I am afraid that it ’s definitely a toll. More than that, he must be a liar. He must be a liar. Our children can't be found. Our children can't be found. It's all my fault. It's all my fault ... "

Just now the conscious wife Wang Cuilan murmured to herself, and it seemed that the annihilation of hope once again plunged her into deep blame. She murmured, her eyes were divine, and she seemed to be about to enter a crazy one. The state frightened Wang Hu quickly grabbed his wife's shoulders, and continued to shake, a clever move.

"Not necessarily, not necessarily, wife, wife, listen to me, since he was recommended in Xia Yiyue's live broadcast room, then he must be a capable person. Maybe he found it not for money at all, just talk to Xia It ’s the same in January. In order to be able to do good deeds, let alone just 500 yuan? Although we are very poor at home now, I can still get 500 yuan. Even if I am cheated, it is only 500 yuan. That's it "

"But if the other person can really help us find our missing son 15 years ago, let alone 500, even if it costs another 50,000, it is worth it. This is hope, we must try it!"

"What if the other party is real?"

Just in case the other is real, just in case

A short sentence in case the wife Wang Cuilan, who was about to fall into a mental illness, seemed to have recovered a touch of reason, and muttered to himself, hugging her husband Wang Hu, and burst into tears. Cheeky.

"Yes, yes, husband, we go to Jiangzhen City, we go to Jiangzhen City, even if there is a little hope, we have to try, how many times, how many times in sleep, I can feel Our child is still alive, he is screaming, his yelling, we are going to find him, he is waiting for us to find him, we will definitely find our lost child, I will find it, we will find it ! "

"Yes, wife, let's go to Jiangzhen City. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we can't give up a one-tenth chance. Don't say it's one-tenth, because even if it's just one-tenth. We have to go there, and we have to go to me. I believe our children are also waiting for us to find him, waiting for us to reunite together! "

Wang Hu hugs his wife Wang Cuilan tightly, stroking her skinny back, muttering to herself, and the words of encouragement in her mouth are not the same as the hope of his wife Wang Cuilan.

Meager hope.

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