Super Finding App

Chapter 910: Consultant

"Hmm ..."

Walking into a bar street seems to be in a completely different world. The neon signs are flashing with all kinds of colorfulness. The whole air seems to be filled with alcohol. Drunk men and women are staggering and walking, and more It was women in exposed clothes and teenagers who killed Matt, who went side by side into the bars or entertainment venues in one of the bars.

Even in the air, fierce music sounds from the bar. It sounds deafening. Those who like it will swing involuntarily, and those who hate it will feel it is noise.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't like this loud music. As a bar street gathers the needs of everyone, there is also a clear bar with soothing music here, about two or three friends listening to soothing music and playing Songs from the band, drinking, playing cards, playing games, and relaxing the stress are not a bad place to go.

Refreshing bar!

This is the name of a bar, but the music in it is a mess.

Just walking into this bar, the deafening music shook Wang Yuting's frown. Although he is a second-generation rich man, his family is very good, but he is very resistant to the nightlife bar. If it is not for the sake of solving the case, it would not come Place, but she has always been accustomed to all this. After all, the police as a serious crime team must be quite familiar with nightlife places such as bars.

"A man wearing a peaked cap? No, seriously, so many people come to our bar every night, and the lights are so dim, it is not clear who is who, and the time has passed too long, a month ago Who can remember? "

"People wearing peaked hats, are you talking about this kind of hat? To say that the most popular here this year is the peaked hat, and my favorite is red, with hip-hop style ..."

"Wear a cap, who will come to the bar to play with a cap, and even if it is a cap, I have come here to dance and wear hats so much. How can I know who is who?"

"I do n’t know, I do n’t know, I really do n’t know, the surveillance video is not available. The surveillance video here can only be stored for up to 20 days, and it has been washed out a month ago. There is no such thing at all. Sorry, there is nothing we can do ...”

After a visit in the bar, Wang Yuting, Yang Tie, Mo Fei, and Zhao Weiqian all came out of the bar panting vigorously. The noise and dimness of the bar and the pungent smoke made them very angry. Not adapted.

"Head. No. We have visited so many people, even the person in charge of this bar, and even the surveillance video has been checked. There is no news at all, no information about the man in the peaked cap. A month ago, the surveillance video was already covered. Since no one remembers it for too long, we ca n’t be sure at the moment whether what Zhou Jie said is true or false! "

Yang Tie coughed a few times.

"It's true. Although we don't expect to find a man wearing a peaked cap in the beginning, we can't just give up. Just go back to rest today. We will continue to look for these days. I don't believe it, as long as this person wears a peaked cap. The real man has actually appeared, it is impossible to appear only once, then someone must be known, or if he has been seen, as long as there are clues, we must also find, only in this way can we determine whether Zhou Jie's words are true or not. false!"

Wang Yuting frowned, and whispered for a while, then said that the core of the entire case now lies in the man in the peaked cap described by Zhou Jie.

Whether a man wearing a peaked cap really exists or is fake has a crucial decision on the reasoning and development of the case.

If the man in the peaked cap is true, it may be able to show that everything that Zhou Jie said is true. Zhao Wanyuan and Li Lei may have been killed by the man in the peaked cap.

However, if this man wearing a peaked cap is false and does not exist at all, it is all a lie, it can only explain one problem, the lying Zhou Jie is the real murderer.

Until all the truth is revealed, Zhou Jie's suspicions still cannot be washed away!

"What the **** is going on in this case ..."

Wang Yuting sighed quietly, originally thinking that this was just a simple disappearance, but really did not expect that the case is now so simple and complicated and difficult to answer.

In the next three days, Wang Yuting, Yang Tie, Mo Fei, and Zhao Weiqian rushed around in the streets of bars in Jiangzhen City to find men in peaked caps, and even started a relationship to see if there was really a so-called killer. But everything came to nothing.

"Head, I said, otherwise we'll ask a consultant to help."

Yang Tie ran for a day, and his whole body was so tired that he collapsed. He sipped a few sips of water and looked at his boss and said.


Wang Yuting looked blue.

"Head, I know that you always feel dissatisfied with consultant Cheng's leave, and think he is unorganized and undisciplined, but it is undeniable that the ability to become a consultant to find people is really strong. If we find them quickly, maybe even if there is a chance of life, it may be delayed because of the long time ... "

"Head ... human life is off ..."

Life is off.

The short four words instantly destroyed Wang Yuting's heart. She is very clear that the time with which Zhao Wanyuan and Li Lei disappeared is getting longer and longer. If they were not killed, they were placed under house arrest by some people. Delaying a day may be more or less dangerous.

Compare the case.

Life is off.

Her so-called Ao Jiao really doesn't make any sense.

"I understand!"

Wang Yuting said quietly, biting his teeth lightly, looking at Cheng Yiping who was eating soy milk and fritters in his place.

"Sheng Yiping, I need your help"

Jiangzhen City Police Department's six serious cases, interrogation room.

"Zhou Jie, now you think about it. What exactly did you call the man in the peaked cap a month ago, and you will remember his look ..."

Since no one had found a man wearing a peaked cap, the goal of Chengping was naturally Zhou Jie. At the moment in the interrogation, he looked at Zhou Jie who was trembling around him and asked again.

"I was too drunk at the time and I can't remember very well ..."

"No problem, as long as you remember ..."

Cheng Yiping smiled slightly, and instantly clicked on the super seeker app in the right pupil. Instantly, a light from the deep and distant one pupil of the super seeker app appeared to connect to a flat, Zhou Jie and the super seeker app .

[Super Sensational Finding Opens .........]

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