Super Finding App

Chapter 913: Pay at the bottom of the kettle.

"Hell, hell, what's going on in this case? I feel that the case is simply confusing, and now we have taken a big turn, and finally returned to the origin ..."

The office of Group 6 of the Serious Case of Jiangzhen Police Station has now reached over two o'clock in the morning, but everyone still has no drowsiness because they have been headaches in this case.

"It's true. It was originally a simple disappearance case. We thought that the police chief gave us this disappearance. It was an overkill. I didn't expect that the case was really hidden in the case ..."

Yang Tiedao

"In fact, this case is difficult to say, and it is very simple to say, that is, Zhou Jie's girlfriends got together with her boyfriend, and then her boyfriend Li Lei and her girlfriend Zhao Wanyuan disappeared, but now we all look for Not to ... "

Murphy shook her head and said.

"That's what it said, but we sorted it out and found out that everything had returned to the original point. We thought that the case was caused by Zhou Jie, but as a result of our investigation, we found that Zhou Jie did find out between her girlfriend and her boyfriend. Rape, but rather than run away from home, she did not attack Zhao Wanyuan and Li Lei, but instead involved the killer in the bar ... "

Zhao Weiqian followed.

"And the killer wearing a peaked cap in this bar, after our investigation, is just a junk. To put it bluntly, you can let him fight and fight, he ca n’t really buy a murderer, and according to our investigation, he has never I haven't received Zhou Jie's money, so it can be concluded that he was a lunatic, and at that time he just made up an excuse for himself, wanting to pick up a girl or cheating money ... "

"Enough, I don't want to know whether this big ambition is picking up girls or cheating money. What we are studying now is where is Zhao Wanyuan? Who was **** or killed? If it was killed, where was the body? Who is the killer? You should know that this is crucial ... "

Wang Yuting sighed for a long time. The biggest difficulty of the case lies in the fact that a full month has passed. This month, even if there are some clues, it will be cleaned by the weather or some circumstances.

There are really some tangles.

"Actually, I don't think you guys are tangled. Since we don't know who Zhao Wanyuan is the murderer? Then we just need to find Zhao Wanyuan. Don't forget that I can help you find Zhang Dazhi, a man with a peaked cap, and I can help you Find Zhao Wanyuan! "

Some of the hungry people came straight to the office and picked up a instant noodle. The instant noodle taste was flowing in the office, and they ate the instant noodles with joy, without raising their heads.

One word provoked thousands of waves.

Suddenly, the eyes of Wang Yuting, Yang Tie, Mo Fei, and Zhao Weiqian fell to Cheng Yiping.

"Yeah, head, why did we forget Cheng Cheng? Since Cheng Cheng can help us find Zhang Dazhi, it must also be able to help us find Zhao Wanyuan's body? As long as you can know where Zhao Wanyuan's body is, maybe we You can figure out where the killer is and break the case. "

"Bottom pay, bottom pay, this is the bottom pay scheme. Why didn't we think of it? It should be long ago that consultant Cheng finds Zhao Wanyuan's place. He wants to see people when he is born, and corpses when he is dead!"

"Yes, that's right, we can ask Cheng Cheng to take a shot. Cheng Cheng's tracing for people and things is a must. If he can find Zhang Dazhi, he will definitely be able to help us find Zhao Wanyuan!"

The members of the sixth group of serious cases, you persuaded me, and continued to urge Wang Yuting.

With a cold face, Wang Yuxin was gritting her teeth. She just wanted Cheng Yiping to see that they could solve the case without his help. However, she still did not expect to ask for help. Although she was unwilling, she acted as a police officer. She still puts the case first.

"Become a consultant, I need your help ..."

Zhang Yuting rubbed her teeth and gritted her teeth.

"Yes, no problem, you should have a picture of Zhao Wanyuan, take the picture, and I will take you after eating this bowl of instant noodles ..."

Cheng Yiping raised his head and said while eating instant noodles.

For a moment, Fangdian Biandian took Zhao Wanyuan's photo and Cheng Yiping took over. This is indeed a very beautiful woman and a proper goddess.

Tap the super-hunting app in the right pupil, and a deep and mysterious black pupil emerges.

"Super-sensory search begins,"

"Superlink ,,,"

"Please ask the seeker to say or perceive the seeker,",

A beam of light from the black pupil is linked into a flat, Super Find App and Wang Yuting, a beautiful figure with a shawl and long hair, Zhao Wanyuan emerges into a flat head in a moment.

"The seeker's search request is being accepted ,,,,,"

"Super Sense Link ,,,"

"The Super Sense Link was successful!"

Suddenly, the miracle landed on the ground, crossed the sea of ​​clouds, and a sensational flat map emerged in the mind of Cheng Yiping. At the same time, the mysterious and mysterious feeling in Cheng Yiping's mind emerged, and he could find Zhao Wanyuan only by feeling Location.

This time, Cheng Yiping didn't immediately look for it, but took the photo and pretended to eat the instant noodles leisurely, waited until the instant noodles were eaten up, and the soup was drunk, and he looked at the impatient crowd and laughed.

"found it……"

"What? Really found, consultant Cheng, you really know where Zhao Wanyuan is. It's great. Let's go now ..."

Murphy's eyes lit up?

"Yes, yes, it's so late anyway, we passed by overnight, as long as we can find Zhao Wanyuan, we can figure out who the killer is."

Yang Tie said.

"Do you have to guess who the killer is? Just let Chen Bowen infer the killer together ..."

Zhao Weiqian said

"It's really stupid. Through the photos you give him, consultant Cheng can find them through the so-called satellite system and the facial scanning system of people, but you ask him to infer the murderer. Are you a diviner?"

Wang Yuting, excited, hummed coldly.

A short time later, the six major cases of the serious case immediately called the police. They had no time to delay, they could find the place where Zhao Wanyuan was earlier, they might be able to solve the case earlier, and they could get some key evidence.

When all the six members of the serious case came to the police eagerly, the office of the Jiangzhen Police Station was still brightly lit. The director rubbed his painful eyes. Regardless of the work of the director, it was definitely anxious.

"The members of the six major case set off again, this time they seemed to have been prompted by Mr. Cheng ..."

The gates of the police chief's office were pushed open, said a person wearing police uniforms.

"I know…"

The director of Jiangzhen Police Department nodded, thought for a while, and called the phone.

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