Super Finding App

Chapter 917: Middle plan

"Yang Tie, Murphy. Zhao Weiqian, the three of you, be careful, we just go in and don't know what's going on inside. Although we have the information that Cheng advised us, it's not very clear, even we are not Know if the opponent has the weapon, so be sure to pay attention to your safety "

Wang Yuting, who was about to take action at night, was very excited and flushed. Although she had called the headquarters for support, she still wanted to rush in and arrest the criminals. At least, she could find the whereabouts of Zhao Wanyuan and know what had happened whats the matter.

"Relax, we know the head"

"Relax, there will be no problem with the head"

"Head, we know"

Mo Fei, Yang Tie, and Zhao Weiqian nodded their heads. Jiangzhen City is the mainland of the Tang Dynasty. In fact, there is not much danger. It is not like there are many dangerous elements along the coast. To them, this is a simple matter. I am afraid that as long as he rushes into the bright police identity, the other party will immediately rise to serve the chief minister and there is not much danger, not to mention they still have weapons in their hands.

"Sheng Yiping, you stay here and wait ..."

Cheng Yiping just opened the door of the car and was ready to follow him, but Wang Yuting stared at him with an angry look. He shrugged his shoulders and returned to the car.

"Well, since what you said, I'm here waiting for you good news ..."

Cheng Yiping has no other ideas. Although he does know martial arts, as the saying goes, no matter how good martial arts are, they are afraid of guns!

Wang Yuting, Mo Fei, Zhao Weiqian, and Yang Tie all had pistols. What could be dangerous?

Didn't care too much.

The next equipped Wang Yuting and other cats quickly slanted across the body, and then kicked the door open and rushed in.

"No move, police!"

"No move, police!"

"No move, police!"

Surprisingly, after rushing in, it was dark inside, and no one was there. The four of them looked at each other and searched in the room.

"Zhao Wanyuan is here ..."

Opening the door of a room, Murphy's face suddenly changed?

He clearly saw Zhao Wanyuan's rotten body hidden in the middle, and the body seemed to have been dissected enough, and immediately shouted.

At a glance, Wang Yuting hurried over and looked pale and ugly.

"This is indeed Zhao Wanyuan, but it looks like her body has been dissected. What is going on? Why do people do such a cruel thing to the dead body?"

"What exactly is going on?"


The door of the room was closed with a bang, and several black objects were thrown into the room, accompanied by acrid thick smoke.

"Not good, memorizer!"

Wang Yuting's face became ugly in a moment, covering her nose and mouth, trying to stop the invasion of the smoke, and then Mofei and the two quickly rushed to the door and knocked on the door, but it had no effect. After a while, the smoke went down. Breathing into his lungs, Wang Yuting gradually fell into a coma, and thumped to the ground with Murphy and the two.

In the other room at the moment, Yang Tie and Zhao Weiqian were both pale, because they saw Li Lei in front of them.

At this moment, he was **** by a large flower, and his stomach was opened, and the organs of the body were taken out intact and put into a jar with liquid on the side. It was like a tragedy on earth, and it was abnormal.

"Hell, hell, what the **** is going on? How much hatred does this man have for Li Lei to do such a cruel thing, and he had all his organs cut off? It seems that this case involved organ transplantation. No way? "

"It's too cruel, terrible to die. Who can do such a terrible thing? What is going on in this disappearance case?"

Yang Tie swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, he felt nauseous and vomiting in his chest, and he wished to vomit it now. It was a simple disappearance, but why the human organs were found in the end, and it was so horrible. What is going on here, and what exactly is involved in this disappearance?



The door of the room behind them slammed shut, and a few black objects were thrown in, and the pungent smoke filled the room instantly.

Yang Tie and Zhao Weiqian suddenly felt bad, and they had to break free. They moved faster and faster than the smoke filled them. They both showed a bitter smile, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

"It's ridiculous. I thought what would happen to the six teams in the heavy case. I didn't expect it to be so."

Wearing a gas mask, Zhao Guodong stepped out of the darkness and looked at the four members of the six major cases who were brought up by his subordinates and laughed lightly.

"There is really a way in heaven. You don't go. Hell has no door to come in. There is nowhere to step through the iron shoes. You have to come without any effort!"

Zhao Guodong, wearing a gas mask, stretched out his hand and gently stroked Wang Yuting's face and chuckled.

"Since you are automatically brought to your door, then don't blame me. Take Wang Yuting away. As for the others, just throw them here. After all, they are the police. Killing the police and harming the police are completely different results!"

"After all, this is a Tangtang fruit. I don't want to cause the police to chase it down, and leave trouble at that time!"


His subordinates immediately nodded and praised, and then quickly started to work.

"problem occurs!"

Sitting outside in the driver's seat of the car at this moment, Cheng Yiping's eyes closed with eyes closed and his eyes shone violently. In the mysterious and mysterious induction, he could clearly see that it represented Wang Yuting. How about the white silhouette of the four?

"Abominable, careless. I didn't expect that Wang Yuting and the four of them would make a fool, and who are these people? Dare to fight the police?"

Cheng Yiping frowned, and his expression was heavy. It was definitely not easy for someone to dare to do so with the police, but he couldn't watch Wang Yuting being abducted.

Cheng Yiping clearly saw the movements of Wang Yuting and others through the super-finding app. Yang Tie, Zhao Weiqian, and Murphy were placed in a place that seemed to be life-threatening, but Wang Yuqing was carried by this group of people. The car drove away.

"damn it!"

Cheng Yiping snorted, and immediately climbed up to the car and started the car. To know that he was a car god, Cheng Yiping felt that he would be safe even if he drove a hundred yards in the city.

"Is it the Jiangzhen Police Station? Come here, there are police officers injured here. The address is here. I am the consultant of the 6th serious crime case of Jiangzhen City. Cheng Yiping, I am hunting the prisoner, so I said. Come here, or you will be in danger! "

Cheng Yiping said nothing and immediately picked up the phone and called the police, then stepped on the accelerator to catch up.

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