Super Finding App

Chapter 923: Disappearing plane (1)

Lightning thundered, dark clouds billowed.

Above the vast ocean of Mercury Star, the sky was just clear and clear, but at this moment it became dark clouds and lightning thundered.

As if the end is coming.

"Call, call, here are 7384 times in Dongping, here 7384 times in Dongping, emergency calls, emergency calls, we encountered bad weather, we encountered bad weather, call paging station, call, call paging station, request instructions ... , Request instructions ... "

An aircraft passed through the clouds during the storm, and lightning like snakes around it flew down, illuminating the entire aircraft.

Within the plane, many passengers yelled in panic, their faces pale.

"Please fasten your seatbelts, please fasten your seatbelts. We have encountered bad airflow. We have encountered bad weather. Please grab the handrail, grab the handrail, keep quiet, keep quiet ..."

The beautiful flight attendants on the plane held a loudspeaker to comfort the passengers. At this moment, their faces were still full of panic and anxiety. Both legs were snoring, but as a flight attendant's professional conduct They still have to stay calm.

Otherwise, even the plane's staff are panicked, how can they keep passengers quiet?

"What's going on? Why is this, why is this? Isn't it that airplanes are the safest means of transportation in the world today? Why are accidents happening? Why are they happening!"

"Calm down, calm down, don't yell, the plane is indeed the safest means of transportation in the world, but according to statistics, there are also accidents!"

"Relax, rest assured, since it's an airplane, it's definitely okay, but it's just bad weather, and nothing will happen today, nothing will happen ..."

"Amitabha, Amitabha, but I pray to God to worship the Buddha. Do n’t be troubled. Do n’t be troubled. I also want to marry a wife and have children, and I want to ask my wife ..."

"Look at the lightning flashes outside, just like the end of the world. Is it any great immortal who can't make it?"

Passengers on the plane were panic-stricken, some panicked, and some yelled, but even so they were very clear, it was important to listen to the stewardess, grab the seat handles in front, fasten their seat belts, and be frightened, waiting With the coming shock.

After all, everyone knows that on the plane, you do n’t listen to the pilot, to the stewardess, to whom you listen, to say something bad, if something goes wrong, everyone on the plane will die.

But the ominous and weird atmosphere has spread inside the plane, and everyone is praying for the safe passage of this terrible area.

"No, no, the call station did not respond at all, the call station did not respond at all, the magnetic field was unstable, the magnetic field was unstable here, and the instrument could not be used at all ..."

The sweat on the captain's face that drove the plane continued to flow down, watching the instruments flying in front of the plane's instruments fluttering everywhere, there was a feeling of horror.

This represents the chaos of the magnetic field in the whole region. God knows what kind of situation the plane will encounter? If only occasionally, as long as it can return to normal, the plane can be driven out of this dangerous place.

The most terrible thing is that the magnetic field has always been there, and the plane is spinning back and forth in this horrible zone, running out of oil, waiting for them is a dead end.

What exactly is going on?

"Captain, what is the matter with the captain? This line has been nothing at all many times, and according to the weather forecast, such bad weather should not happen, but why is it so? Why is it bad? Thunderstorms, and the clouds are weird! "

The co-pilot was pale. As a co-pilot, he was the assistant captain's job. But for this situation today, there is really nothing he can do. I don't know what to do.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down, don't think about it so much, maybe just because of the magnetic field generated by the sudden change in weather, hold on, hold on, as long as we can hold the plane, it will be okay to go through ..."

The captain was sweating. At this moment, he knew that he must not have any paralysis. The life of everyone in the cabin of the ship was in his hands.

"Know, Captain, let's just say what you want to do. I'll cooperate with you ..."

"Call, call, give me a call. The tower must call me. Only when the tower responds, we can know where to fly. Is there such bad weather around?"

It is a terrible thing for an aircraft to lose contact with the tower. After all, if it loses its direction in the vast sky, it is like a headless fly.

The tower is the beacon of the plane, which guides their line.

Not to mention the best way to get in touch with the call control tower is when the instrument's magnetic field is completely distorted.

"Know, I'll call now, I'll continue to call now, be sure to call!"

The deputy captain nodded with a sweaty back and called again and again, looking forward to getting in touch with the command tower.



A lightning pours down from the window of the aircraft, which illuminates the entire aircraft's captain and deputy captain's faces as pale as white. In their horrified eyes, they seem to see a cloud appearing in the sea of ​​clouds nearby A huge horrible creature ...


East 7384 has lost contact ...

Dongping International Airlines, headquarters.

"Answer me, what is going on here? What is going on here? Why did the East 7384 aircraft disappear? Why did it disappear? You know that there are more than a thousand passengers on it, you know this If it is reported, it will be a blow to our reputation. "

"I do n’t want to listen to any reason and explanation. I ’ll investigate it immediately and find out for me this East 7384 aircraft. I ’m going to see dead or dead. You have to get it back instead of me. It ’s missing as it is now, can you summarize it with a simple sentence? Do you know that this incident has become a big deal, or even an international one! ”

"Don't mention it to me, and don't make any excuses with me. I need East 7384 and I need East 7384. You can find it out and find out!"

"Stop, stop, don't let any reporters come in and tell them that everything is nothing to say, nothing to say!"

"What! The country has set up a task force to investigate. Abominable, OK, OK, OK, the company immediately created crisis public relations to negotiate, we must suppress this public opinion, we must resolve things properly for me, absolutely not Affects the reputation of Dongping International flights! "

"Enough, no matter what method you use, you will find out East 7384, and find out East 7384!"

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