Super Finding App

Chapter 927: Mother-in-law (2)

"Ha ha, yes, yes, Mr. Cheng deserves to be Mr. Cheng. No wonder I can get the recommendation of Miss Bai, and my mind is really meticulous, yes, this time I came to ask Mr. Cheng for help, I hope Mr. Cheng can help me find the missing Dongping Flight 7348 "

Well-dressed, full of mature charm, Xue Honglei laughed, and his evaluation of Cheng Yiping could not help but raise a step, and raised his eyes seriously.

"Please come to help you find the missing plane. You are too high on me. You can even ask me to help you find people and things. It is the plane. If I remember correctly, I will tell you in the news. I should have set up a special search team, do I still need me? "

Cheng Yiping had some speechlessness. He suddenly found that since he became famous, people who came to find him had all sorts of things. At first, it was just looking for people and things. Now it ’s better, the northern lights came out. The wreck came out, and now the plane came out again.

Are you looking for aliens in the future?

Well-dressed, Xue Honglei, full of mature charm, smiled grinningly, his face became serious instantly, and he looked serious into a fairness.

"Mr. Cheng joked, our search team is still a searcher, but as the saying goes, everything must be prepared by two hands, so if you are willing to help us find the missing aircraft, the reward will definitely make You are satisfied, but there is a requirement that the search for this item is secret. You must not break the news with any news media. Of course, you must sign a confidentiality agreement ... "

"Don't you want to know outsiders when signing a confidentiality agreement? That's understandable, but then again, do you think I will help you?"

Regarding Fan Honglei's signing of the confidentiality agreement, Cheng Yiping thought with his **** and could understand what was going on. If a company as large as an international flight group company had no effect on their search team, it would be turned out by a society. People find it, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to their ability to do business. In contrast, if they can solve it with money, it is a better choice for them.

Just when he promised he would help him find the missing plane.

"Mr. Cheng, there are more than 1,200 passengers on the disappeared plane Dongping Flight 7348. They are all innocent. At least it shows that there are more than 1,200 families. If Mr. Cheng can really help us find it, even if it is early, One day of searching can save one more survivor and save a family! "

In a suit and leather shoes, Wen Hongbin's gentle Xue Honglei blushed and shouted an affection card, and her voice just finished flat and chuckled.

"It does make some sense, but in the end, more than 1,200 families should be in charge of your Dongping International Airlines. If it weren't for your plane problem, they would not disappear ..."

Cheng Yiping laughed lightly, but he seemed to have a decision in his heart. After all, it was related to human life. More than 1,200 lives were not simple numbers.

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If you can't do it, then forget it, but if you can do it without doing so, it will be a bit cold-blooded.

"Sheng Yiping, I ask you to help find the disappearing plane ..."

As Yiping ridiculed, Zhang Xiaona, who sat on the side without talking, lifted her eyes and showed a complex look on her confident face, looking at Yiping, an expression that Cheng Yiping had never seen.

"Why? Do you have your friends on this plane?"

Cheng Yiping hesitated a moment. The only explanation for Zhang Xiaona's performance was that she had relatives and friends on the disappearing plane?

But it seemed that Zhang Xiaona was not heard.

"There is my mother on that plane ..."

Zhang Xiaona's face changed and she took a few deep breaths, raised her eyes, and spoke, shocking Cheng Yiping.


That's mother-in-law.

Cheng Yiping stared round.

"Rescue, then we must rescue, rest assured, I will find the missing plane and bring my mother-in-law safely back!"

"No need ..."

Zhang Xiaona showed a bitter smile, her intellectual face was extremely complicated.

"Sheng Yiping, I hope you can find the missing plane, it doesn't matter whether she is dead or alive ..."

It doesn't matter if it's dead or alive ...

Cheng Yiping was shocked in his heart. This was nothing like what intellectual Zhang Xiaona said.

In the loving family, Zhang Xiaona's concern for her children showed respect to Grandma and Aunt Zhang, which were all sturdy and solid, but why she showed such indifference and ruthlessness to her biological mother.

There must be something wrong here.

Is it?

Murderer's daughter.

Cheng Yiping's mind instantly remembered the information that Zhang Xiaona's father had received from previous investigations. Does it have something to do with Zhang Xiaona's father and mother?

At this moment, Cheng Yiping made up his mind to look for the disappearing aircraft. Perhaps he could find Zhang Xiaona's life experience, and learned that Zhang Xiaona,

The real Zhang Xiaona.

"Mr. Xue Honglei, I promised you to help you find the missing plane!"

Now that a decision has been made, it is unequivocal, and he turned to Xue Honglei, who was aggressive.

"Really? Great, Mr. Cheng, please rest assured, as long as you help us find the disappearing plane, the reward must be your satisfaction!"

Obviously, for Xue Honglei, the only thing he can express his gratitude is the reward. He believes that as long as the money is given, nothing can be done.

"Well, although everyone has talked for so long, I don't know if you can give me the details of Dongping Flight 7348, and only if you give me these information, can I know where they are!"

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes. Although he can also directly take photos of Zhao Xuehonglei as before, as long as he uses super-sensing to find things, he can directly find it. For a stranger with energy, Cheng Yiping still needs the disguise.

After systematic research and analysis, it is completely different from inferring the location where the plane disappeared and knowing the location instantly with the Super Hidden App.

Now Cheng Yiping has passed a period that needs to be shocking.

Safety comes first.

"There is no problem at all. I have put everything in the hotel. If you can, Mr. Cheng, Ms. Zhang, why do n’t you go to the hotel with me now. I will pass all the information to you, hoping to find it as soon as possible. You can also tell me who you need, and we will cooperate with you to make arrangements for you! "

Xue Honglei was thrilled.

He believes that if the manager Bai of the Youlu Club did not recommend the wrong person, then Cheng Yiping will definitely help him find the disappearing plane.

Of course, he did not say that this is where the plane disappeared, it may be the devil's land ...

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