Super Finding App

Chapter 932: Adventurer

The Eagle.

This is a ship that has been transformed with the owner ’s strong body. Although the whole body is hard to be grilled with rusty spots, the sighted person can see at a glance that these rusty spots are artificially added camouflage. This is a carefully modified Regardless of the endurance, the wave resistance or the sturdiness of the ships, they are far more than ordinary ships.

"Eagle, I didn't think Dongping International Airlines even released this ship. It seems that they are very nervous about the disappearance of Dongping 7348 ..."

The blond, flat-headed boy blew his whistle gently, with a cynical look on the corner of his mouth.

"This is of course. The disappearance of Flight 7348 in Tiantang Guodongping has caused a huge response. So far, more than 1,000 family members have disappeared. This is definitely not a small number. It is more than 1,000 people. There are more than a hundred people, of course it will be tense, hehe, if Dongping Flight 7348 is uncertain, then the trouble will be big ... "

A man with messy blond hair and an adventure suit is wearing a man who travels all year round, but has a sense of vicissitudes and maturity.

"It's true, but then again, if it wasn't for this tension, why would there be such a business for us? Devil's Zone, hey, dear friends, I'm really interested in the Devil's Zone and always wanted I ’ve been there, but if I do n’t have enough equipment, I just want to die, but it ’s different now. I did n’t expect that Dongping International Airlines was willing to pay for the devil ’s land. So horrible! "

Nice figure, blond hair shawl down, if you think she is a woman, she can bully at will. It ’s a big mistake. Under her nice figure, there are extremely explosive muscles hidden. A five for Ellie It's not too difficult to say.

Ellie, Robert, and Rockmore are well-known explorers in the western countries of the United States. Their footprints have traveled all over the country, and they can be regarded as famous in the adventure world. It can be said that those who can move them, except money In addition, the three of them need to be of interest.

Many people regard the Devil's Zone as a place of death, but it is where they are rushing, after all, if they can explore the Devil's Zone. Even unraveling the secrets of the Devil's Zone, the three can absolutely live forever and have a long history.

This is an opportunity, and the three will never give up.

"Here comes, everyone else comes ..."

The man in the golden bottle raised an eyebrow, and looked lightly. A group of heavily dressed men hurried to the scene, and they could feel the Xiao Xiao breath from them.

Special soldier?



"Is this the Eagle? Is everyone ready?"

With the order of the leading blond man behind, dozens of people slammed and stood up neatly, exuding a sturdy atmosphere around the body. This stunning scene attracted everyone's attention and discussion.

"Haha, Mr. Cheng, you are finally here. Let me introduce myself ..."

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona came to see this scene when they came to the Eagle Ship. Xue Honglei laughed, showing a bright smile, and quickly introduced Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, you are finally here. Let me introduce you. These three are top adventurers. They are Miss Ellie, Mr. Robert and Mr. Rockmore. These three have explored the north and south of the river. Very rich. Not only that, they are also very interested in the Devil Zone. After years of research, I believe that the cooperation of three people will definitely help Mr. Cheng! "

With Xue Honglei's introduction, Cheng Yiping raised his eyes and looked, and saw that the three people exude a capable atmosphere, much like the vicissitudes of drifting all year round, even the only woman Ellie among the three. The youthful vitality and wildness emanating from him are completely different from Zhang Xiao's.

"No, I said, boss, the person you told us to wait is this. It doesn't look like a person who has gone through hardships in vain, but also carries a beautiful woman. I say this beautiful woman is too delicate Well, it should be suitable for being raised at home instead of going to the devil's land, but that's a lifetime! "

The blonde Ellie picked her lips and looked up and down with Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona. In his opinion, Cheng Yiping is completely a small white face, so the hands are not bound by the power of a chicken, and the intellectual beauty around him is full of It looked even more fragile. How could such two people go to the Devil's Land, it was simply death.

"If anything in this world just needs to be strong to be able to complete it, what else does the brain need to do? The reason why human beings become the spirit of all things can even conquer the whole nature, relying on the mind rather than the physical strength!"

Cheng Yiping narrowed his eyes. Although Ellie is full of wild charm, it is indeed pity, but it may not matter that Cheng Yiping speaks by himself, but dare to say Zhang Xiaona, then I am sorry.

What's more, although Cheng Yiping hasn't talked about love, he knows very well that he should never praise other women in front of his girlfriend, or say good things about other women, that is simply causing domestic violence.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be a fragrant and cherished master. So, are you confident that you can lead us to the devil's land to find the missing Dongping 7348?"

The wild Ellie laughed lightly, and the corners of her mouth raised on her eyebrows were slightly raised, aggressive.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down everyone, don't look at him like this. He is a second-level member in the Explore Club, and Manager Bai also strongly recommends him. He must be able to lead us to find Dongping 7348!"

Seeing the hot scene, Xue Honglei quickly persuaded and wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling that his decision might be wrong.

"Boss, don't blame us for speaking directly. The three of us are a team. We have been exploring all over Mercury Stars. Life and death have long been put aside. What we believe most is the judgment of the three of us, not one. Someone who came up somehow said it was ridiculous to be able to lead the way! "

"The devil's zone is very dangerous. It can be said that people who enter the devil's zone are absolutely dead or dead. Compared with this, the sudden appearance of an inexplicable Cheng Yiping, I believe more in our own judgment!"

"You are right, you are called Yiping. We do n’t know how powerful you were before, but one thing is clear. We will have our own judgment. If you are in the Devil's Zone, your choice is to follow We have to judge that we have differences, and we will just follow our decision! "

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