Super Finding App

Chapter 937: Don't drag me

Within the vast expanse of the vast sea, the eagle ship is slowly moving, the waves in front of it are as if time is still, and the sky is blue and white clouds.


The vast sea of ​​blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters suddenly covered with clouds, countless dark clouds rolling in the sky, as if the sky was about to come down, the lightning flashed and thundered in the dark clouds, a crackling sound was made, and the sea was originally calm and vast At this moment, the wind and waves rolled up, the thunder and lightning were overwhelming, and it seemed like the end of the world.

"Warning, warning, storm is coming, storm is coming, warning, warning is coming, storm is coming!"

"Warning, warning, storm is coming, storm is coming, warning, warning is coming, storm is coming!"

"Warning, warning, storm is coming, storm is coming, warning, warning is coming, storm is coming!"

The red warning lights on the eagle ship were constantly flashing. Many sailors rushed to their own posts. The captain with a wine and beard staggered to the control cabin, and the electric flash outside the window The thunder and dark clouds are like the end of the world.

"Well, I knew the money wasn't that easy to make. The devil's zone is truly a devil's zone. There was a storm just near the edge of the devil's zone, and there was no time for people to react. It ’s going to be desperate! "

The drunken captain of the drunk Captain Benus' eyes disappeared instantly, the hand holding the bottle trembled slightly, got up and lived, took a sip, and staggered to the lower lane.

"Go, go and call out our young masters and noble guests, the storm is coming ..."

"Abominable, abominable, ca n’t be dragged on, and ca n’t go on anymore. We do n’t have any direction or compass at all. We only know the approximate location of the Devil's Zone. Now we continue to go on, and we will definitely destroy people. ! "

Filled with wild flavor, Ellie is fierce and thrashing her hands on the table. Her graceful body and healthy complexion exude attractive taste, but everyone present is not appreciated by anyone.

"Ali, my dear partner, calm down, calm down, everyone, although Ellie is more extreme, but it is true. We have just arrived in this devil's area and have not yet broken through. The weather has changed. Now outside But the lightning flashes, the clouds are thick, and the vast sea is full of huge waves. The waves are rough. To put it bluntly, even if there is a strong ship, there may be a huge wave coming over, and the ship will destroy people! "

The blonde, Robert, hurried to help when she saw Ellie talking.

"I am the director of the security department. I am only responsible for protecting the safety of you and Mr. Cheng. As for the danger of the devil's zone? It does not have anything to do with whether the ship will destroy people. Mr. Cheng, please rest assured, as a professional bodyguard , If it is really dangerous, I will escorted Mr. Cheng to escape if it could sink in the Eagle cargo ship! "

Fan Qiang with the national character face did not seem to care about the words of Ellie and Robert, but said loudly, his eyes flashed. No matter what, he must let Cheng Yiping enter the devil zone. As for whether he can find the missing Dongping 7348 He didn't care about the flight at all. What he cares about is that as long as he can enter the devil's zone, he may be able to find the kind of thing that Chief Bingshan needs to find!

"Fan Qiang, what are you talking about? Even if you do n’t take your own life as your life, you have to see who you are with. The devil zone we are entering now is very dangerous. It is already dangerous before we officially enter. Really enter the Devil's Zone and the ghost knows what will happen? "

The blonde Robert jumped up his eyebrows. He really couldn't understand what Fan Qiang said. Now that he has encountered such a dangerous situation just at the edge of the devil's zone, is this Fan Qiang really so afraid of life and death? Actually willing to follow Cheng Yiping to enter this devil zone,


"Cheng Yiping, what exactly do you think? Think about it a bit, if you are only for money, I think we can completely negotiate!"

The blond Roquemore blinked in his eyes and sat down.


The entire ship swayed violently, showing how harsh the environment was outside, storms and waves, and the waves were soaring.

"Cheng Yiping, you have to think clearly. If you are really just for money, we can just spend a week on the edge of this devil's zone and find a place to rest for a few days. After returning, I said that I didn't find it and died. You can escape. Do you really want to enter the Devil's Zone? It is a recognized place of terror, even if you really ca n’t find the missing Dongping 7348 flight, it ’s a normal phenomenon. Any risk, why not do it! "

Whoever said that the Tang Dynasty people are cunning, these foreigners are more cunning than the Tang Dynasty people.

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaonanan listened to a stunned, sitting in the position and looked at Ellie, Robert, Rockmore in a dumbfounded look, he really did not expect that the other party turned out to be such an idea.

This idea is entirely feasible.

think about it.

Xue Honglei said that the agreement signed was to go to the Devil's Zone to look for the missing Flight 7348, but no one could guarantee to find Flight 7348 in the Devil's Zone.

What's more, the Devil's Zone is notoriously dangerous. No one can guarantee that there will be a flight 73484 in the forbidden area of ​​Mercury Star. Turn around in this area and go back and get money for nothing.

Sure enough.

At this moment, Cheng Yiping had some emotions. Think of this kind of good thing, just taking money and not doing anything.

Or he seemed to notice that Cheng Yiping had some heartbeats and hit the railway while he was hot.

"Cheng Yiping, think about it carefully. Your girlfriend should be behind you. If both of you are still young, this time once we all enter the devil zone, God knows what will happen. It would be a shame if your two great years would be wasted if the entire army was lost! "


Cheng Yiping stopped their persuasion and took a deep breath. Looking at his face turning pale, it was clear that Zhang Xiaona, who had no sense of mastery in this storm, said seriously.

"Although the three of you are very tempting, I'm sorry, I have made a reservation for Dongping Flight 7348 in the Devil's Zone. If the three of you are really scared, you can use a lifeboat. Leave here, wait until I find Flight 7348, bring it back when the ship returns, and when the time comes, I wo n’t lose any of your money. "

"Rest assured, I won't tell Xue Honglei Xue, you can run away and escape, I don't demand much from you, only one point"

"Just don't you drag my hind legs"

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