Super Finding App

Chapter 942: Into the devil's land

"Successful, successful, we actually passed through the mist vortex intactly, we actually passed the mist vortex intactly!"

On the eagle, everyone looked at a calm devil's zone in front of them. The sky was clear, and even seagulls crossed it. It was completely different from the dangerous situation just now. Even the devil's zone was thundering and thundering. , The wind is violent, and the waves are not so bad.

The sea was calm like a mirror.

"No, it's really fake to pass through the mist vortex like this? Is there anything wrong?"

Dirt-covered, bearded drunkard Captain Benus didn't even know that the bottle in his hand fell to the ground with a crackling sound. The bottle was swirling and the cheap wine spilled into the ground, giving off a pungent smell. Benas was really stunned and dumbfounded.

Heaven and earth conscience, this drunk captain Benus has long been ready to die in the mist vortex in the devil's zone. In his opinion, none of the people here have the ability to take them out. The mist vortex here is plain In this case, they are taking a one-tenth chance of Bobo.

But Captain Benas, the drunkard, didn't expect that they could really survive the devil's belt, the whirlpool of fog, unharmed.

Just kidding.

"No, we really spent it that way, did we really come to the Devil's Zone and pass through the whirlpool of mist?"

With a look of aggression, Ellie was dumbfounded. The reason why he was ashamed and angry was because he was very afraid to enter this devil zone. Within this whirlpool of mist, the deep sea floor, once you enter the mist of this devil zone Within the whirlpool, even if they can swim, facing the boundlessness of the surroundings, hundreds of whirlpools are absolutely dead and dead, and now they have passed so easily.

"Just kidding, that's what it took to hear Cheng Yiping's words, and he's so lucky?"

Good luck.

Ai Li's words had just fallen, and everyone in the room stared at her face instantly. The only thing revealed in her eyes was that it wasn't your fault to be stupid, but he knew he was stupid and showed up. It's your fault.

Will the fog swirl be easy to spend?

What more joke!

"Dear Miss Ellie, what you said is completely wrong. If the mist vortex can be safely passed by luck alone, then this mist vortex will not become a ship's grave!"

Captain Benas, the drunkard, had no hope at all in the search for the Devil's Zone, but this level of truth actually led them to break through the mist vortex on the periphery of the Devil's Zone. Savage way.

This all explains a problem, that is, this flattening hired by the boss Xue Honglei, there are really a few brushes, maybe if you follow him, you can really complete the search for this devil zone.

It's even possible that safety is back.

The thought of a safe return, even Benas, who had the cancer, had a quick breath. Although he had cancer soon before he died, who would be willing to die early if he could live a few more days.

At this moment, Benas thought a lot of thoughts in his mind. If he was obedient to Cheng Yiping's order at first, it was only because he had received Xue Honglei's money, then he had a sense of hope for Cheng Yiping at this moment.

It is also full of contempt for the trio who has been running away.

"Three of you are still big adventurers in our country. Do you really think that the Devil's Zone is so simple and ordinary that it can pass? If so, the Devil's Zone will not be called the ship's grave. In this way, the plane flying in the sky will not be lost here! "

"I don't know what the three of you think, but from now on, the owner of this ship is Cheng Yiping. Mr. Cheng, we will obey Mr. Cheng's orders. I also believe that Mr. Cheng will surely take us out. This devil's zone has completed the task. If the three of you are obedient, if you are not obedient and violate Mr. Cheng's order, it is normal for a few people to disappear in this devil's zone! "

Fan Qiang, who had been standing next to Zhang Xiaona, shot fierce light in his eyes at the moment, but his heart turned into a huge wave.

I really didn't expect that Cheng Yiping, who was in front of this horrible and abnormal mist vortex in the Devil's Zone, could easily spend it under his command.

If the final forcible breakthrough was considered dangerous, it was just to increase the horsepower of the helmsman Anthony.

Cheng Yiping is unusual.

At this moment, Fan Qiang instantly heard the words spoken by his master behind the scenes, and Cheng Yiping might really be able to find their legend for thousands of years.

Maybe you can really find the legend.

And now anyone who prevents Cheng Yiping from helping them find the legend is their enemy.

Fan Qiang raised his eyes and looked coldly at Ellie. The trio of Robert and Roquemore's tone were calm but with deep murderous power.

If these three people really threatened Cheng Yiping's existence, then Fan Qiang would definitely not mind solving them in this devil zone.

"Misunderstandings, misunderstandings, these are all misunderstandings. We didn't know Mr. Cheng before. Now we know that Mr. Geng is really powerful. We will definitely listen to Mr. Cheng. We will definitely listen to Mr. Cheng ..."

Ellie, full of wildness, was about to speak, and behind her, Robert covered her mouth with a humorous smile on his blond face, his eyes staring into a flat look but a look of astonishment.

Although he was greedy for fear of death, Robert was an adventurer after all. He knew the horrors of the mist vortex in the Devil's Zone, and the people in front of him actually took them through the mist vortex. No matter what method was used, luck was good. No matter the means, at least one problem is explained.

That leveling is not easy.

In addition, on the eagle now, whether it is the captain, the sailor, or the so-called bodyguard Fan Qiang all stand beside Cheng Yiping, which is equivalent to isolating the three of them at this moment. Unwise choice.

"You rest assured, you rest assured that the three of us will absolutely obey Cheng Yiping's orders and obey Mr. Cheng's orders from now on. We believe that as long as Mr. Cheng can complete the task at us, find Dongping Flight 7348 and bring us back safely. Just fine! "

Robert lowered his head and said softly.

"Cheng Yiping ..."

Zhang Xiaona, who was flushed, came to Cheng Yiping with excitement. Compared with other people, Zhang Xiaona was very clear about Cheng Yiping's ability to find people and find things.

But even so, watching Cheng Yiping brought everyone out of the mist vortex is still very shocking.

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