Super God Assassin

Chapter 276: Revenge and Reckoning

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Seeing this, Qin Shou directly stepped back a few steps with "Dufflei", stood still, and wanted to take this opportunity to get out of the battle and sneak up... After such a period of time, he had discovered that Polka would not attack, Then as long as the dragon kills the Quartet and does not hit him, he will be able to get out of the battle smoothly.

Naturally, Dragon Kill Sifang would not give him this opportunity to let an assassin sneak in, which is a very terrifying thing. So he had no choice but to stop returning blood, stand up and play a trial, forcibly maintaining Qin Shou's fighting state.

In this way, his recovery effect during the duration of the Divine Shield technique will not reach the ideal effect. After all, the recovery amount of the passive skill [Heart of Divine Protection] gradually increases with the extension of the meditation time.

In other words, after Long Sha Sifang interrupted the passive, the number of jumps with the highest recovery amount would not be able to jump out of numbers.

In fact, if Long Sha Sifang calmed down and calculated it carefully, the hidden damage in one round without burst skills would actually be equal to the amount of recovery he interrupted. Moreover, it will take a few seconds for the hidden damage to be played, and he can completely use defensive skills to further avoid it.

So Qin Shou didn't lose anything if he didn't get out of the battle. On the contrary, he earned a few seconds. It doesn't matter if there is no hidden damage. Even with normal output in these few seconds, he can destroy a portion of his health, right?

In the end, Long Sha Sifang failed to hold on to the next Divine Shield technique, (while Qin Shou killed Polka, the damage of Life Link killed him incidentally.

It's not a good feeling to have the head taken away by his battle attendant. Although death in this situation can save the repair cost of this death, he is willing to pay double or even ten times the repair cost, and he does not want to die so funny.

The result briefing of the first round between Qin Shou and Long Sha Sifang came out soon. In the column of kill counts, the kill count of the victorious replayer was actually 0. And the failed Dragon Kill Sifang had one kill... This situation made many viewers have the illusion of dazzling eyes, and could not help but wipe their eyes and read it again, but still couldn't understand it.

Confused, many people couldn't help but pay to check the analysis of the battle records of both sides.

This made Qin Shou and Long Sha Sifang an unexpected fortune. Of course, they don't know it now. The money will not be distributed uniformly until the promotion competition is over, and the system that makes the most money is the system that provides this battle record and analysis, which is the official one.

After a three-minute break, Qin Shou and Long Sha Sifang started the second round.

In this round, Longsha Quartet will choose the map. After thinking about it, he still chooses the simple and rude arena scene... 90% of non-stealth professions will choose the arena scene when they are singled out with stealth professions, because there is no need What a high-end operation. You can play the stealth profession at the beginning of the game, so as to grab the first move.

Among all the optional maps for 1vs1, the only one that can do this is the arena.

So even though he just lost in the arena, and he lost in a way that onlookers couldn't understand, Long Sha Sifang still chose the arena map this time.

It's just that he didn't summon Polka this time. He had a new strategy. He would summon it when he was wearing Divine Shield, and then stuff it back into the battle servant space after adding blood.

In this way, Qin Shou will not be caught by the crispy cloth armor and beat him. He thought about this question during the three-minute break, if Qin Shou's attacks hit him. Definitely not that high.


Qin Shou is not surprised that Long Sha Sifang still chooses the arena map. After all, this is the only map that can 100% get the first move in front of the stealth profession.

The opening was almost the same as the previous round. Dragon Kill Sifang threw a giant light shield to seize the first move. Qin Shou quickly attacked with "Dufflei".

Then there was a change. After all, the crispy battle servant Polka was missing from the Dragon Kill Sifang.

When he realized that Qin Shou was missing a person, he was just stunned for a moment. He launched an attack towards the dragon killing quartet, and the damage number fell from the sky to the ground compared to the previous one.

After all, the Polka I played before was a cloth-armored attendant that was more brittle than the player's cloth-armor class, but now I'm playing a powerful tank from the Longxiang Guild, with two levels of defense.

"This guy is not stupid, but it's a bit late to react. If you found something wrong in the last game, you should take away the battle attendant."

Qin Shou commented, and continued to walk in circles with Long Sha Sifang, looking for an opportunity to release the backstab. Only when the energy value is about to overflow, he will use up some evil attacks... and a powerful tank with a shield. On the front of the liver, that's a job only an underachiever would do.

The Dragon Kill Sifang continues to double-target output. If you can hit Qin Shou, you can hit it. If you can't hit it, you can hit "Dufflei". Anyway, the skills of the guardian knights are almost As long as you hit The primary target in the middle, it will spread to a range. As for defense, he has a shield to block, a one-handed sword to parry, and no matter how bad it is, he still has a plate armor on him.

You say that this kind of damage is not enough? The terrifying damage of the guardian knight is not actually derived from conventional skills, but an explosion after being beaten, which is a skill called liquidation. As long as the guardian knight is attacked, the revenge value can be accumulated on the attacker, and when the accumulation reaches a certain level, the liquidation can be used to burst out.

In pve, the damage of liquidation can be accumulated up to the upper limit of one's own health, while in pvp it can only accumulate to 20% of the target's health... But even so, there are still many people clamoring for extreme imbalance, after all, in In the case of no blood, as long as it is liquidated 5 times, it is a death.

In the previous round, the revenge points accumulated on Qin Shou and "Daflei" were limited. After all, they were playing Polka, but because of the life link, they accumulated revenge points on Polka, which is also the reason. The reason why Long Sha Sifang just failed to deal good damage.

In this round, both Qin Shou and "Daflei" had to beat him, and the revenge value on his body increased with a swish one.

Long Sha Sifang seized the opportunity and knocked Qin Shou into a coma with a ruling, followed by a set of combos with all his skills, and at the end, a liquidation was attached, and Qin Shou was instantly knocked out by one-third of his health. At the same time, his blood is only in the second half, and various large-scale defense skills are useless, which makes him seem to see the dawn of victory! .

(To be continued...)

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