After taking the water, Murong Lang nodded subconsciously and said:


Seeing this scene, the corners of Queen Kesha's mouth curled up slightly, and she didn't know what she thought of. After drinking a glass of water for a long time, Murong Lang still didn't prepare her mind well, so she couldn't help but ask again.

"Can you let me have some food?"

"Don't go too far, kid. You just used at least a ton of my advanced nutrient solution! It’s enough to upgrade a divine body! Why are you hungry?"Hexi gritted his teeth.

Obviously, that one ton of high-grade nutrient solution is considered a very precious thing even for Tianji King Hexi, otherwise he wouldn't be so distressed.

Think about it, after all, it is something that can upgrade the divine body. , it’s definitely not cheap, haven’t you seen that there aren’t many divine bodies in the entire Merlot Heaven?

"Forget it, don’t be in a hurry. It’s okay to let our children take a break. Zhi Xin, you can arrange it."

"Yes, Queen."

After saying that, Queen Kesha walked straight out, feeling Tianji King Hexi who was still lingering beside her.

Queen Kesha directly grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Before leaving, Queen Kesha As if he thought of something, he ordered Zhi Xin

"By the way, find him a quiet place and don't let Leng and the others disturb him. Also, keep an eye on him and don’t let our children get hurt accidentally."

"Yes, Queen!"

Only Murong Lang, whose mouth was twitching, and Angel Zhi Xin, who looked curious, were left. The two stared at each other for a long time, and Zhi Xin took him to the resting place.

"Let's go, take you to rest"

"Sorry to trouble you, thank you"

"You're welcome. By the way, do you still want to eat?"

Looking at the upright Angel Zhixin, Murong Lang was still a little moved.

"Have it? If there is any, I will eat a little. It has been such a long time, so why not eat something?"


"Oh, what are you doing? Let go!"Pipixi reluctantly pulled out her arm and looked back in the direction of Murong Lang, with a look of emotion on her face.

"Okay, stop reading! He's right there, and he can't run away. Be good, give me a cup of tea."

Pipixi glanced at the man-in-law angrily and stamped her feet hatefully.

"snort! If you want to drink it, pour it yourself!"

Queen Kesha didn't get angry with her. She poured herself a cup of tea and also poured a cup for Pipi Xi.


Pipixi glanced at the tea cup that was handed to her, her little head was raised, she was very ambitious.

"Don't drink! So angry!"

Queen Kesha asked after taking a sip of He Xi's treasured tea.

"By the way, apart from people who are not from our universe, what else have you discovered?"

When this was mentioned, Pipi Xi was no longer angry, and her eyes shone brightly.

"His everything!!!"

Then he said to himself

"Their universe, their planet, their Guo Jia, including him!"

Queen Kesha raised her eyebrows

"oh? You can learn so much from one little card?"

"How stupid!"Pippi Xi rolled her eyes at Queen Kesha in front of her, which made Kesha's eyes twitch.

Then He Xi took out Murong Lang's two-year-old mobile phone from the dark plane, and kept saying

"A small card can prove his identity and the technological level of his world. And this!"

He Xi shook the phone in her hand like a show off and said

"This way you can learn everything about him!!!"

"Come on, send it to me."Queen Kesha also became interested.

After a moment, after receiving the message from He Xi,

Queen Kesha tapped her fingers lightly on the table, and picked up the tea cup with her other hand trembling slightly.


The tea cup. A crack appeared on the surface, and the tea slowly flowed down the crack, which made He Xi feel distressed.

"lighter! This is my treasure! Yes, you have caused trouble again!"

How many secrets can you get from a two-year-old mobile phone?

If the person who gets it is an ordinary person, he may just exchange pots and pans.

If the person who gets it is a hacker, he can get the phone All the information in it, even the traces of browsing bad web pages that you have deleted.

But if the person who gets it is Hexi, the Tianji King of Mero Heaven...

Then you will be miserable.

People can use the celestial computer to directly reverse the entire process. The world, even the entire universe!

Two years of usage records! This is not a small problem.

Let’s put it this way, He Xi can even be said to know himself better than Murong Lang now!

Even at what age Murong Lang was weaned, how old He could feel the bedwetting even more clearly than he himself.

Oh, by the way, there is another Queen Kesha now...

After a long time, Queen Kesha exhaled a foul breath

"So, our universe is just an anime with pretty good results?"

He Xi didn't care at all about Kesha's current reaction. On the contrary, he was very curious.

He knew about it from the first moment he got the phone.

When she first learned the news, she felt the same in her heart. She was very uneasy, but it was over now.

She was more curious about Kesha now, what on earth would she, a tomboy, think?

"Yes, the universe we live in is just an animation work with decent results, and then what?"

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