Super God Gene

Chapter 2899: Yellow temple

Bai Wanjie and others have no accidents. If the test of the First Emperor's Land is so simple, they will feel strange. .

"Since the first pass has passed, let's go to the next level." Bai Wanjie walked toward the wooden bridge rising from the sea.

The emperor of the emperor also followed, and Hansen did not rush to keep up, but continued to walk toward the Red Temple and came to the temple door.


The metal box that had been closed was opened again, and Hansen soon saw another transparent monster coming out of the metal box.

"Sure enough! This kind of creature is somewhat similar to the aliens... but it doesn't seem to be exactly the same..." Hansen looked at the transparent monster, and his mind flashed countless thoughts.

After the creature came out, he immediately rushed to Hansen with a punch. Hansen looked at it intricately, and did not mean to fight back. He wanted to bear this creature and punch his strength.

With Hansen’s current physical strength, even if it is hard to pick up the punch, there will be no damage.

But the fists and red awns of the undead have not been able to fall on Hansen's body. A fist like a jade like a jade slammed over, hitting the red mans with a punch, and hitting the creature with a blow. The creature's figure has gone back.

Han Sen turned his head and saw Bai Wei also stepped back a few steps.

"It's dangerous here, and you will retreat to the side." Bai Wei said, and again punched the creature and greeted the creature.

The Emperor's shocking Tianquan is a shock to the Emperor, and Bai Wei and the biological war are difficult to distinguish.

Bai Wei’s imperial horror is so majestic, and the creature’s is different, and the battle between the two is difficult.

However, in the battle of Bai Wei, the imperial concubine is constantly changing in the battle, gradually moving closer to the creature's imperial fist.

Han Sen probably also saw that Bai Wei was tempering his own imperial horror by undead, and learning the mode of use of the imperial person.

Her talent is really good, but it didn't take long before she became familiar with the imperial man's horror, and it was almost the same as the undead.


The undead is again torn apart by a punch, and it melts like water.

"Stop the primary undead." The same electronic synthesizer sounded again in the red temple, and the metal box was closed at this time.

"Wei, your boxing skills have been refined." Bai Lingshuang smiled and walked in, watching Bai Wei said.

"The ten emperors have won the prize, this is only the basis of my emperor." Bai Wei replied indifferently.

Between the words, the metal box turned on again, and another identical undead person got out of it.


Only the undead talents have just drilled out, Bai Lingshuang waved his hand, and an ice light directly freezes the body of the undead, and has become countless pieces of crushed ice.

After getting acquainted with the habits and patterns of undead, it is not difficult to kill it for the emperor who has the emperor.

"Let's leave the Red Temple and say it again, otherwise the undead people here will always be out of trouble." Bai Lingshuang said, he left the Red Temple.

Hansen and Bai Wei also walked out of the Red Temple together. After leaving the Red Temple, Han Sen looked at the Red Temple again. The metal box was closed, but there was no undead person to jump out.

"That is not dead, it is really like a stranger, especially the feeling on it..." Hansen frowned: "These different kinds of the nine palaces have been smoked, will not be here with Does the undead have some connection?"

Hansen felt that he had caught something, but it seemed to be very messy, and it was difficult to completely understand the connection.

"His Royal Highness, the father of the emperor let you come here, is there any special confession?" Bai Lingshuang came to Han Sen and kneel down and looked at Han Sen's smile.

“What special treatment can you have?” Hansen asked.

"For example, observe and record the performance of our emperors." Bai Lingshuang put his lips in Hansen's ear and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

After all, Bai Lingshuang stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go, they have already gone to the second island, and I am afraid I will miss the wonderful part later."

After all, Bai Lingshuang walked over to the wooden bridge behind the Red Temple.

"These emperors, there is no fuel-efficient lamp, Bai Lingshuang actually guessed a part, but she should not think of it. In addition to observing them, I have to protect their lives. I have to say that the White Emperor is even more sophisticated. If the other strongmen come in, these emperors will only be more suspicious." Han Sen thought about going with Bai Wei to the Duoqiao.

Most of the princes have already embarked on the wooden bridge, and only a few emperors have left to see the battle between Bai Wei and the undead, so it is relatively late.

Hansen, Bai Lingshuang and Bai Wei are the last wave. When they walked closer to the second island, they saw that the island is very similar to the previous island, and there is also a metal temple on the top of the mountain. However, this time the metal temple is yellow, the whole body is like gold casting, and the plaque above the door reads the two major universes of the "Yellow Temple".

The gate of the Yellow Temple has been opened, and a body is transparent. The blood vessels in the body are like gold. The undead people are fighting against the waves.

The strength of this undead person is obviously much stronger than the previous one. Although the same is still used, the Emperor is extremely shocking, but even the hard-pressed life has suppressed the white waves, making the situation of the white waves more and more unsatisfactory.

Hansen came to the island and watched the battle with other emperors. He found that the yellow undead was still different from the previous red undead.

The yellow undead is stronger than the red undead, but it is not much stronger, but the yellow undead body is somewhat different. There are long hair on his head, and the body is not so transparent. He can only see the gold color faintly. The blood vessels and internal organs are hard to see, and it seems that there is a feeling of a little more living things. It is not like a black undead person.

Moreover, this yellow undead person is obviously much more intelligent than the red undead. The fighting IQ shown in the battle is also much higher. The white dragon wave has already opened his royal body, but it is still suppressed by death. Not to mention the upper hand, but also to be beaten very badly, it will be defeated.

"The familiar feeling seems to be getting stronger." Han Sen looked at the yellow undead and frowned. I don't know if it was a psychological effect. He felt more and more that there was a connection between these undead and the alien.


The knife in the hands of Bai Yanlang was smashed by the undead, and his face turned pale.

"I will fight with it." Bai Wanjie's eyes flashed in a flash of light, striding up to the air and welcoming the yellow undead.

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