Super God Gene

Chapter 3173: misunderstanding

"Fifi, do you have anything to say?" Hansen always felt that after Feng Feifei came back this time, he looked at his own eyes.

Feng Feifei’s heart was complicated and he looked at Han Sen with a different look. He hesitated for a moment and then took the courage to ask, “Mr. Han, do you like music?”

"Yeah, a girl who is so cute like a voice, who wouldn't like it?" Hansen smiled.

Feng Feifei's body trembled, and the heart said, "Sure enough, it is no wonder that he will do so many things for the sound, give the sound to mutate the worm, and give her the ruin of the inheritance blood, and give her such a powerful Gene species..."

Thinking of this, Feng Feifei suddenly felt a bit sour in the heart. She had always felt that Han Sen had done so many things for Fengyin, it should be related to her.

But now it seems that this is not the case. At least Hansen has never taken the initiative to get close to her. Even if Hansen lives in the Fengjia Castle, she has not spoken to her.

Now all the doubts have been solved. Hansen did not come for her, but for the sake of music.

"Mr. Han, she is still a child of music..." Feng Feifei did not know how to say it for a while.

Although Hansen is very good, he is already the father of the child after all, and the sound is still a girl, so that the voice is married to a single father, she is somewhat unacceptable.

"You can rest assured that the sound is very sensible, she has a sense of proportion, know how to choose, will not do anything wrong." Han Sen thought that Feng Feifei said that he was too pet-friendly, and would spoil the Fengyin sound. .

However, this words fell in Feng Feifei, but made Feng Feifei's face more strange, biting his teeth, "Mr. Han, although the words, but she is always too small, she still has no way to tell her true My heart is not ready to be a stepmother. Please give her some time. When she really grows up, let her choose. If she chooses you, I will never stop. ”

Hansen listened to a glimpse, and then his face became strange. "No... what do you mean?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Han, I really can't let the sounds be with you now." Feng Feifei bowed his way.

"Hey!" Hansen almost squirted a piece of water that had just been drunk.

"" Hansen did not think in that direction. He only looked at Feng Feifei and smiled. "Feng everyone, you think too much. I have no interest in the little girl who has not yet developed. I like to mature. A plump woman. Even if I really want to find a woman, it should be like Phoenix. What do you think of me?"

When Feng Feifei heard it, he suddenly became cheeky.

"No..." Hansen was too excited to say something. At this time, he reacted and said something wrong.

"Mr. Han, your heart, Feifei understands." After all, Feng Feifei blushes and gets up and leaves.

"No... you understand what... I don't mean that..." Hansen was a little dumbfounded, and he didn't know how to explain it for a while.

Before Hansen came up with the right words, Feng Feifei had already disappeared.

Han Sen is depressing, suddenly feeling the back of the cold, as if there is a spirit behind staring at himself, turning his head and seeing Boa holding a kitten sitting on the flower bed, a pair of eyes sparkling with strange light, staring at himself He is laughing.

"Dad, I can see all of them just now." Bao's mouth was slightly tilted, and he smiled and stared at Hansen.

"What do you want?" Han Sen knows that it is useless to explain to Boa. This guy is the Lord who is afraid of the world.

Boa ran over and jumped into Hansen's arms and glared at Hansen's neck. "Dad is the most painful treasure. How can Boa sell his dad? You must keep your mouth shut, and you will never let your mom." I know, but..."

Hansen signed a number of unequal treaties such as going to Bao’s snack street every day, and finally satisfied the little demon of Boa.

"Who am I kidding?" Hansen sighed.

The battle of the gods continued. After entering the top 100 wars, the performance of the three gold coins was even more remarkable. The most inconspicuous flying fish was now well known.

There are also many people who have guessed the identity of the ingot because of the small flying fish. At least Tianyuan Wang must know that the ingot is definitely Boa.

"Destroy the gods to participate in the war before the gods, isn't this cheating?" Tianyuan Wang sighed with sorrow.

Because it is impossible to participate in the battle with the gods, the general strong will not use the gods, so the small flying fish is a boss-level existence in the battle of the gods.

And now the boss, actually hit the old **** of the gods of Heaven, and can not let the Tianyuan King gloat.

Now Tianyuan Wang can't wait to see the King of God and the small flying fish fight, and then the chasing of the little flying fish has no way to enter the ground without a door.

"Even if the **** of the gods ignores the risk of revealing the cards, the gods are used, but I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the small flying fish." Tianyuan Wang Yue wants to be more proud, as if he has seen the picture of the gods being burned into black charcoal by the small flying fish. .

In fact, the strongmen of all countries are also paying attention to this war. This is the first real hegemonic powerhouse encountered by the three gods of the God of Wealth. They all hope that the real body of the ingot will be forced out by this battle. Who is it?

On the day of the competition, not only the Qin people, but also many of the strongest of the seven empire, are paying attention to this battle. In fact, many popular candidates have not paid attention to it.

Even the gold coins and the lucky games, the number of people watching is relatively small. After all, their opponents are weaker than the level of the gods, there is no suspense.

After the game started, people saw the jade white flying fish into the starry battlefield, flapping a pair of white wings, sliding slowly in the starry sky, looking like a lazy fish floating between the water and the sky. A pair of human and animal harmless appearance.

But nowadays, people from the seven countries know how terrible this small flying fish is, even the god-level genetic species are directly burned to ashes.

People are waiting for the arrival of the **** of the gods, want to watch a world war, and even imagine that the owner of the small flying fish personally appeared to fight the gods.

Unfortunately, the owner of the small flying fish did not appear, apparently still ready to fight with small flying fish.

It is not a singular character that can be described by a gene breed against a king who has the blood of a destructive god. People are waiting for the mood of watching a good show.

The time passed by, but the **** of the gods never appeared.

"Does the **** of the gods abandon the war?"

"Is it impossible? What kind of character is the king of the gods, how powerful the genetic species is, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the gods."

"But why is the **** of the gods still not present yet?"

People from all over the world have been talking about it, but until the end of the time limit for entering the starry battlefield, there is no such thing as the appearance of the king of God. People can finally be sure that the king of the two kings of the Qin Dynasty, who is one of the two kings of different kings, has abandoned the war and dared not Only small flying fish fight.

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