Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 595: Grab the spirit fruit

"Kiki, whether Darius is awake or not depends on how much water gets into his mind." The **** general smiled faintly.

"That person seems to have a lot of water in his brain, how could he be sober." The female emperor snorted coldly and glanced at Klin. "You can't even knock someone's light head with a hammer, let alone Dares. idiot."

"Uncle Master is actually quite clever, Master, I don't agree with you." Qiqi giggled, and looked at Darius in the distance. "But Darius is really stupid, unlike the teacher. Uncle is pretending to be stupid, maybe Darius thought it was just a coincidence, or he just lost a little bit."

When Yuchiben and Luo Yiyi looked at the **** general, the empress, and Qiqi, their heads were a little stunned. Could it be that Darius was really interrupted by an arm, otherwise how could the two masters and sister Qiqi be so sure? But hitting someone is completely different from breaking someone in a leg.

One person is better than the other, and with one move, you can really stand up against each other.

But if you want to break a person's arm and succeed in one blow, it can only be done if there is a big difference in the combat strength of the two sides.

Darius has one hundred thousand combat power.

Can Klin have 120,000 combat power, right?

Yuchiben and Luo Yiyi shook their heads in their hearts. Suddenly they were taken aback, only to see Darius's face distorted in the distance, and his body was even trembling slightly.

"Damn it!"

Darius's intact right hand squeezed his fist angrily, at this moment he still didn't understand what was going on.

"Even if I said I was going to interrupt his hand, I was not sure that I could interrupt it with a single blow. This bastard... unexpectedly... was able to interrupt my hand with a single blow. His power has reached one hundred thousand. Or one hundred twenty thousand?" Darius gritted his teeth, compared to the last time he was interrupted, this time Darius was not afraid, but angry.

"I actually... I was interrupted again, unforgivable, never forgive!" Darius tried his best to control his anger.

"Dalles, next is your right arm..." Klin said slowly.

"Hahahaha!" Darius suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Klin looked at Darius curiously.

"Bald dwarf, it's undeniable that you are very strong, and your skill is far beyond my expectations. No wonder the last time you were in Garo, you could kill Ye Teng and others in seconds. At that time, your combat power might have been reached. One hundred thousand, right?" Darius called.

When Darius said this, the empress, **** general, and Qiqi didn't respond much, although they didn't think that Klin was 100,000.

But Yu Chi Ben and Luo Yiyi's eyes were round.

"Uncle Klin really has one hundred thousand?"

"Uncle Klin had one hundred thousand four years ago?"

Yuchiben and Luo Yiyi may not believe their eyes, but Darius himself said that Klin reached 100,000 four years ago, which at least proved that Klin's current strength is definitely 100,000.

In the sky hundreds of meters away, the faces of the brothers Kakao, Almondo, Diaz, and Lacasse became extremely ugly. They would never disbelieve what Darius said.

"That's the case, no wonder the boss sending a breeze to his bald head didn't work at all."

"No wonder the boss has just been shot a thousand feet away, although his arm may not be broken, but the bald head and the boss must be of the same level."

"Damn, it's no wonder that the previous boss slapped us, this bald head is so terrible!"

"Fighting gods, this is basically a fight of gods, **** it, this time!"


The suspended figures of the brothers Kakao, Almondo, Diaz, and Lakasai slowly retreated in the air. They did not dare to retreat too fast for fear of being discovered by Klin.

Klin blinked: "Dalles, I have to admit that you got it right this time."

"One hundred thousand back then, now it has reached one hundred thousand twenty thousand, bald guy, maybe you think you have control over everything, you have the chance to play with me, a strong man of one hundred thousand combat power, but you are too ignorant, you don’t understand. I don’t understand how terrible my Darius is, and" Darius’s intact right hand pointed at Qiqi, the Empress, and the God General, "You three idiot women, really think Can your man eat Lao Tzu?"

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!"


"Look, we are right, this guy is an elm head." Qiqi clapped her hands and smiled, "Let's guess again, what will he do?"

"It's not going crazy, it's going crazy, or something to eat. In short, I want to improve my combat power even more, thinking that I can win this way." The God General said lightly.

"I asked you to say everything, what did I say?" Qiqi snorted, "However, I heard that Saiyans didn't have this ability to madness?"

"The Saiyan can transform when he sees the full moon, but there is no full moon here, so he can't change." The empress said lightly.

"You three idiot women, you still have a bit of a brain." Darius cried, "If you could see the full moon, would you still live to this day? You are already dead on the star of Gallo, but there is no full moon here. It’s okay. I, Darius, can become such a strong man by relying on a mental tree, so a mental tree is enough, bald, dwarf, even though your combat power is already unique in the universe, no more than three people can match you. , But you are also dead today, hahahaha..."

As Darius laughed, his right hand reached into his arms and grabbed something out.

"This won't be..."

Klin's gaze fell on the object in Darius's hand. It was a red round object with many fleshy thorns on its surface and the size of a rice bowl.

"Red, the surface is covered with fleshy thorns, it is definitely a spiritual fruit." Sun Wuben became excited, "A Lin, hurry, grab it."

"Take it over?" Although Klin was full of doubts, he even burst out all his strength. Klin's strength reached more than 300,000. In addition, his current martial arts realm is also very strong. This burst of power bursts. For Xiang Dares, no one noticed that even Darius hadn't seen Klin's movements, and even Darius saw Klin stopped in place.

"Bald..." Darius flew back, and at the same time sent the spirit fruit to his mouth.

After eating the spirit fruit, the combat power can instantly double, although more than 90% of the power will disappear after a short period of time, but for the current Darius, as long as the combat power doubles in a very short period of time, it can kill the bald head.

As for flying back.

Although he doesn't think that bald head can grab the spiritual fruit from his hands, he should be careful. After all, the spiritual fruit is his last refuge.

However, his hand had just been raised, and a hand appeared in front of his eyes, and it grabbed onto the spiritual fruit in his hand. Even before Dales could react, he pulled a huge force on the spiritual fruit, and his hand It was empty, and then he realized that a person appeared one meter away, with a bald head and no nose, holding a red ball in his hand.


Darius stared at Klin in front of him, feeling a little dumbfounded.

He kept looking at the bald head. It was obvious that the bald head was still far away, but why did he appear in front of him?

Then Darius reacted.

"Give it back to me!" Darius screamed, then furiously rushed towards Klin, grabbing the spirit fruit in Klin's hand with his right hand.


Klin waved his hand, and Darius grabbed the intact right hand with a ‘click’, and then Darius smashed into the ground.

"Aben, do you say this is a spiritual fruit?" Klin looked at the spiritual fruit in his hand. As soon as the spiritual fruit started, he felt a very warm, cordial and comfortable feeling. This moist, cordial, and comfortable feeling was just like the scent of food. The same, made Klin an impulse to eat this fruit.

"The 99% possibility is the spiritual fruit. No matter what, this Darius is carrying the spiritual tree seed. We must **** it away from anything that may be the spiritual tree seed. Otherwise, if the spiritual tree is allowed to be on this planet Take root and sprout, then it will suffer.

"I know this, so you let me grab it. I grabbed it without asking." Of course, Klin understood that once the spiritual tree grows on a planet, that planet will be destroyed, even in the end. Humans will die. They have lived on this planet for so many years, how could it be possible to watch the humans of the entire planet go extinct, so when Darius came, Klin flew over in a hurry, and he would just not plant a spiritual tree for Darius. time.

"Hey, Master, what are you holding in your hand?" Qiqi rushed over excitedly, "Master, you are so amazing, when did you come here? It's like teleporting."

"This thing was snatched from Darius." Klin smiled, "I saw that he took this thing out of his arms, suspecting it was the seed of the spiritual tree, so I snatched it, you know, the spiritual tree is absolutely extinct. He cannot be planted on this planet."

"I know that once the spiritual tree takes root and sprouts, that planet will be destroyed, and even the creatures on it, including humans, won't survive." Qiqi nodded and looked at Klin with admiration, "Uncle Master is so powerful. Things are so slippery, wouldn't you just do this before?"

"Am I so bad?" Klin scolded with a smile.

Kiki's head is like a chicken pecking rice: "Your face is written with the words wicked, slippery and bad. It shouldn't be a good person. Can you show this fruit?"

"Take it." Klin threw the fruit into Kiki's hand, and Kiki looked at it curiously: "It looks delicious, Master, should we share it with one bite? "At this moment, a figure shot at Qiqi.


Klin kicked it out and Darius hit the ground again.

"Abominable bald head, I'm not reconciled!" Darius roared and flew out from the ground and flew towards the distance. At this moment, a phantom flashed by, and then Darius felt severe pain in his thigh, and both legs were in pain. Severe pain.


Darius slammed into the huge pit he blasted Darius, do you think you still escaped? "Kling hovered over Darius, "I ask you, what is the thing you took out just now?" "

"Damn bald head, I wouldn't tell you!" Darius yelled angrily.

"Don't think I don't understand anything. That thing is either a spiritual tree seed or a spiritual fruit." Klin snorted coldly, "Dalles, you were so mad when I broke an arm earlier, you must rely on this thing, I Very curious, will you throw him into the ground or eat it in your mouth?"

"Damn it, bald, if you hadn't taken the seed of the spiritual tree, I would have planted it on this planet. As long as the seed of the spiritual tree is thrown in the soil, it will automatically take root and sprout, and my master can absorb The vitality it absorbs becomes extremely powerful." Darius said fiercely, with unwillingness in his eyes, "If I can successfully absorb its vitality, my combat power will double to 200,000. At that time, You are a dead end, a pity... However, it's useless if you get the seed of the spiritual tree, because you don't know how to become its owner, hahahaha..."

"Become the owner of the mental tree? Absorb its vitality?" Klin was shocked.

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