Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 600: Grab the vitality of the spirit tree

"Na Klin's bald head is on Red Ye Star, and Darius also went to Red Ye Star." The King of the North sighed, although Darius was'humiliated' just because Klin killed Lord Luo Fei and others. It was only after Darius that he forced Darius to take the risk and steal the seeds of the spirit tree for experimentation, but Klin is a righteous martial artist after all, and the most important thing is to be able to kill more than 30,000 masters.

"There are many righteous martial artists in this universe, but none of them have strong combat power. All the strong men with combat power of more than 10,000 in the entire universe are more than 90% evil strong men. The more powerful they are, the more evil they are. , Especially the **** like Frieza, Kvila, Kurd, and Slug."

There are not two or three righteous powers in the entire universe with a combat power of more than 30,000, and these only people stay on their own planet one by one.

Therefore, a strong righteous path like Klin seems to be extremely rare. Why doesn't the King of the Northern Realm value such a strong righteous path, but...

"I really don't want to see this guy being killed by Darius."

Precisely because he didn't want to see Klin being killed by Darius, the King of the Northern Realm hadn't paid his attention to Red Ye star just now.

"If Darius and his gang don't have an accident, Klin's bald head has already been killed at this time, and the spiritual fruit of the mental tree is about to mature." The North Realm King looked towards Hong Yexing, hesitated, Darlie Si is getting stronger and stronger. For such a terrible existence, the Northern Realm King must always control his whereabouts, so he must know his direction when he leaves Hong Ye Star, but the Northern Realm King caught fire in his heart as soon as he saw Darius.


Red Ye star.

Five hundred kilometers away from the main trunk of the spiritual tree, Klin's gaze is still fixed on the spiritual tree ahead. His posture has been determined at this time. This is still a very strange posture, even if you tell others that his posture is No one will believe in imitating the spiritual tree.

"Absorb, grow, transform..."

A vaguely regular picture of a big tree appeared in Klin's mind. The big tree was constantly changing, and Klin's body posture was also changing.

It's just that this change is between intentional or unintentional, and it seems there is something like nothing.

If someone else sees it, he will definitely think that he is just maintaining a fixed motion.

At some point, a cloud of mist surged around Klin's body. This mist came very strange, even Klin didn't notice it, and besides the mist, there were also some other changes. If someone could see it, they would definitely be able to find it. Some vitality was pouring under Klin's feet.

"If this goes on, maybe I can really find an opportunity to make a breakthrough in martial arts from the spiritual tree." Klin was filled with a joyful mood, and this joy was inexplicable.

"Alin, I have to interrupt." Monkey King's voice sounded in Klin's heart. "You can feel the breath of life on this planet. If we don't find a way to destroy the entire spiritual tree, life on this planet will be true. It's hopeless."

"The breath of life?" Klin even moved his mind away from the mental tree, frowning immediately, and the breath on the entire planet became extremely weak and scarce during the induction.

"Alin, in the fragments of my memory, Darius planted a spiritual tree on the earth, and a large number of lives on the earth died. Even if they didn’t die, there was only one breath left, but after Wukong destroyed the spiritual tree, the spiritual tree The gathered vitality feeds back on the earth, and all life is restored to the way the earth was before the spiritual tree was planted, so we still have hope, but time is running out. If people on this planet die for too long and their bodies are stiff, even if There is no way to have vitality," Sun Wuben said solemnly.

Klin frowned even more: "Aben, there is nothing we can do about it. As you can see, I have worked hard, and I feel that I have had some results. I just need to find a way to destroy the mental tree. It's too early."

"Your method is not too early, but ten days and a half months are impossible to be effective." Sun Wuben said, "Alin, in my memory segment, when Wukong used the vitality bomb, because the earth's vitality is almost full He was taken away by the Spirit Tree. At that time, only Kelin, Piccolo, Tianjin Fan and other people provided him with vitality, but Kelin, Piccolo, Tianjin Fan and the others were already drowned because they were fighting with Darius. So there is very little vitality. Do you know how Wukong collects the terrifying vitality?"

"This is strange, how did Wukong do it?" Klin asked.

"Goku was also seriously injured by Darius at the time, and he was on the verge of dying, but his heart, spirit, and will were very strong, and he actually seized the vitality of the spiritual tree, which formed a super terrifying vitality bullet. Destroy Darius and the spiritual tree."

"Taking the vitality of the mental tree?" Klin widened his eyes. "When Wukong uses the vitality soothing technique, his attraction to the vitality is far less attractive than me, so he can actually capture the vitality of the spiritual tree?"

"So, Klin, I have an idea, if you use the vitality body technique..." Sun Wuben said his thoughts.

"Using the vitality to capture the vitality of the mental tree, as long as the vitality entrapped is enough to form a fatal blow to the spiritual tree?" Klin thought for a moment, "although I don't think this method will work, but a dead horse is a living Doctor, I will try."

Klin sat cross-legged in the sky, with his hands on his chest dancing like butterflies, making a beautiful gesture...

After so many years of practice, Klin's vitality-satisfaction technique is constantly improving. Today's vitality-satisfaction technique is even more powerful, and every activation can absorb vitality within a radius of a hundred miles. Only after this time, the heaven and the earth seemed dead, and there was no vitality to be absorbed by Klin.

As for whether the vitality has entered the body, Kelin can still know through methods.

"Could it be that there is too little vitality in this area?" Klin's figure disappeared in the high air. It didn't take long for the other side of the planet to see a huge virgin forest, but at this time the forest was withered and almost died.

"There is still a lot of life aura in this forest, and there should be a lot of vitality content." Klin crossed his knees in the middle of the forest, and performed the vitality soothing technique again, but it was still dead.

"Alin, this forest has a lot of vitality. The breath of life in the forest is still rapidly weakening. Obviously their vitality is constantly being plundered by the spirit tree. So, the reason is obvious. The struggle for vitality cannot be compared to the spirit tree." Sun Wuben analyzed.

"Then what to do?"

"It's up to you." Sun Wuben stopped talking. Of course, Sun Wuben had a way, but there was no time to tell Klin.

"Wukong was able to seize the vitality of the mental tree by his terrifying will, spirit and mental strength, could it be because of mine..." Klin sat cross-legged again, but it was useless.

As time passed, Klin tried various methods again and again, and his heart became more and more anxious.

"Alin, don't be too anxious, have you forgotten the instructions of the gods? Even in extreme anger, you should keep calm and relax..."

"Yes, that's it. It's the mind to cultivate. It's useless if you are anxious. You must believe in yourself, just like when you are practicing, and exert every bit of your own strength..."

Sun Wu was pointing from time to time, and Klin sat quietly to perform the vitality and soothing technique. Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, and a mental tree appeared in his mind.

"I can do this..."

Like the mind and spirit, Klin sat cross-legged, his hand pinching Lingjue's posture began to have a new change. At this moment, Klin merged the posture he had previously realized when imitating the mental tree posture with the vitality-naphysical technique.

I saw that Klin's movements continued to change, and gradually his movements became smaller and smaller.

Strangely, the vitality between the heavens and the earth that originally rushed towards the spirit tree suddenly seemed to be attracted by another powerful force, and some of them began to escape from the devouring of the spirit tree and flew towards Klin and poured into Klin's body.

Klin’s movements are still changing, and more and more vitality rushes towards Klin. Finally, Klin’s movements are finalized as before imitating the mental tree posture, of course, on the surface it is finalized, forming a completely stillness. In fact, Klin's body movements have been changing.

It is a change between intentional and unintentional if there is no.

At this time, the influx of vitality has once again skyrocketed dozens of times.

At this time Klin was still closing his eyes, and his mind was ethereal. Suddenly, he seemed to see countless white mists between the sky and the earth. These mists came to him from all directions like rivers returning to the sea.

"this is……"

Klin's inspiration flashed and suddenly understood.

"So it's the vitality, I can see vitality..." Klin was full of joy and joy, the amount of vitality poured into him was crazy, but Klin could see that there was still a lot of mist in the surrounding heaven and earth. The influx in other directions is very regular.

"Then it is the Spirit Tree. It still absorbs vital energy faster than me. It seems that the vitality absorption technique alone is a vitality absorption technique that combines the charm of the spiritual tree, but it still can't compete with it. What about uukā"

Klin's brain became extremely clear at this moment, and he knew what to do with just a move in his heart.

"It is the mind that cultivates, and the mind is the strongest..." Klin's whole body became more and more relaxed, but his spirit, will, etc. were changing.

"Come on, vitality, I need you, for you, for the whole world, I need your more help, vitality, please come faster and more violently, spirit tree, take all your vitality... …" Klin continued to improve, condensing his own spirit, will, and mental strength....

Gradually Klin fell into a very strange realm, in which he almost forgot everything, only one thought, ‘I need vitality, vitality, vitality...’.

As Klin fell into this state, the vitality between the heavens and the earth rushed into Klin frantically, even the vitality of the mental tree rushed into Klin's body this time.

At the same time, Klin’s qi increased crazily, but no matter how fast his physical strength increased, his body’s absorption of vitality was after all limited. Therefore, a large amount of vitality was not absorbed by the body after he had gathered it. Condensed in his body, constantly growing...

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