On the grass in front of the residence of the Great Elder Namek, ten seconds after the Great Elder had just made his wish, four figures appeared in front of him abruptly.

"It's them!"

The Grand Elder was a little excited, but more embarrassed and embarrassed, after all, they had been not very friendly to the four before. The four dragon races, including Piru and Didas, were also a little uneasy. They were not worried about being humiliated, but worried that the yin and yang of these four people would be shameful and unable to step down.

Perina and Saonel frowned, and they felt dull, but they couldn't escape because of this.

After the four Sun Wuben appeared, they only glanced at the Great Elder and others, and then looked at the dragon floating in the air.

"This is the dragon they made?"

Sun Wuben had a weird face, and the dragon in front of him was only the size of a hill, ten times smaller than that of the earth dragon.

The smaller the Shenlong, the weaker its ability.

This dragon is ten smaller than the earth dragon, what can it do?

Moreover, the appearance of the Shenlong in front of him is really weird. The closer the Shenlong's appearance is to the Super Shenlong, the greater his ability. Therefore, when Sun Wuben pointed out the appearance of the Shenlong made by the elders, he also made a simple description. His body has a pair of forelimbs, horns on his head and so on.

This dragon can’t be said that it didn’t take care of everything Sun Wu said, but when was the dragon a big crocodile with horns?

Next to Buma and Da Buma were also stunned by the divine dragon in front of them. They had seen the earth divine dragon and the Namek divine dragon in their own universe, especially Bu Ma, and they had seen Sun Wuben help to make it. Shenlong's.

Those dragons are truly majestic and majestic, exuding a mysterious, noble, majestic, vast, magnificent, holy and sacred atmosphere.

The Shenlong in front of him was not completely without those breaths, but compared to it, it was too thin, especially the unique coercion, even more insignificant.

But Taisi was very excited.

"It turns out that the Shenlong looks like this. I finally saw the Shenlong. It is really majestic. I can feel the coercion of the Shenlong." Tai Yisi was excited.

Da Buma and Buma on the side looked strange when they heard this.

"Hey, is this the dragon you made?" Bouma couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's obviously a big crocodile!"

"The big crocodile?"

The Great Elder, Pi Lu and others were taken aback.

At this time, the red light in Shenlong's eyes flashed, and then he spoke with a thunderous voice: "Your wish has been fulfilled, then goodbye!" Shenlong was about to leave.

Sun Wuben looked at Shenlong's eyes suddenly shooting out two rays of light.


The light directly penetrated the body of the dragon, only to see the body of the dragon collapse, and finally disappear completely.

Taisi was taken aback, she turned her head and looked at Sun Wuben, who had just killed the Shenlong.

The faces of the Great Elder, Piru, Didas and others became a little ugly, but in just a moment, the face of the Great Elder returned to normal. After all, there was guilt in the heart of the Great Elder, and the Dragon Ball was also made by the Sun Wuben instructing them. Without the Sun Wuben, just There will be no dragons, so destroying the dragons they made is actually not too much.

The great elder was about to accompany with a smile and said.

"You actually killed the Shenlong."

"Asshole, what are you doing?" At this moment, Pili Na and Saonel also reacted and couldn't help but roar.

"What's your ghost name?" Bouma frowned. "That was also called a dragon? It's just a big crocodile! I really don't know what the maker of the dragon ball thinks, and don't want that kind of dragon."

Da Buma also said to help: "I really admire you, the dignified dragon is actually made like this by you, it is really humiliating the name of the dragon, and Klin is helping you."

"Help us!" Pili Na laughed furiously.

"Don't think that if you help us, you can just bully people." Saonel yelled.

"You two shut up for me." The elder couldn't help yelling angrily.

"Elder, they are really deceiving people too much!" Saonel shouted.

"Nonsense." The elder pulled his face and glared at Saonel, "Use your mind to think, can we make Dragon Ball without them?" He said that, and the rest of Piru and others were in the mood. It's much better.

"Saonel, Uncle Perina, it's okay." Pirou said in a crisp voice, "The Polunga I just made is really not very good. After this uncle ruins it, I can make better ones. ."

Saonel and Pili Nara were silent, their faces aside.

"Four distinguished guests, Saonel and Perina are a little irritable, please don't be angry." The elder smiled to Sun Wuben.

"It's okay, Great Elder, what do you want Shenlong to call me over?" Monkey King said lightly.

"That's it. Through Shenlong, we have realized that we have blamed the distinguished guest earlier, so I want to apologize to the distinguished guest personally, and also want to entertain the distinguished guest." The elder said, bowing to Sun Wuben.

"What did Shenlong say about me?" Sun Wu couldn't help being curious.

"The distinguished guest is too powerful, and Shenlong can't detect the origin of the distinguished guest's identity. He just told us that the distinguished guest came to us really want to borrow Dragon Ball, but because we were too rude, and there was no Dragon Ball, so many died. People, so I changed our mind in the end and just wanted to instruct us to make dragon **** and restore the dead people." The elder straightened up and said, then he looked at Saonel and Perina, his brows wrinkled slightly, "Perina, Saonel, please apologize too, don't make people think that our Namek stars are all ignorant people."

Perina and Saonel felt like fever on their faces. They wanted to apologize, but they couldn't say anything.

"Elder, I...I..." Pili Na gritted his teeth, "A few distinguished guests...Before...I was wrong!"

"Sorry!" Saonel whispered.

"What you two did at the time wasn't considered a mistake. After all, it was for your own people. Be careful not to make a big mistake." Sun Wuben set his hand indifferently.

Pili Na and Saonel couldn't help but sighed, and they felt very fond of Monkey King. Indeed, even if they misunderstood Monkey King, they did not feel that they had done anything wrong. After all, they came from a terrifying powerhouse. It is someone who can cause their Namek star to suffer severe damage and even complete annihilation. In the face of such a terrifying powerhouse, it can't be wrong to be careful.

Sun Wuben looked at the great elder: "You said Shenlong couldn't detect the origin of my identity?"

"Shenlong said that the level of the distinguished guest is too high, and it seems to come from another world. That world is beyond the scope of Shenlong's ability. We asked what the other world means. He said it was another time and space. I don't quite understand. But Shenlong did not wish to explain." The Great Elder said.

"So that's the case." Sun Wuben nodded, "Elder, I feel that your clan spirit has not increased. Didn't you make a wish to resurrect the dead clan members?"

The great elder's face showed bitterness.

The faces of Piru, Didas, Perina, Saonel and others also showed helplessness.

"Guest..." The Grand Elder was about to explain.

"Aben, didn't you ask you knowingly!" Boomer shouted crisply, "A big crocodile like just now, even if they make a wish to resurrect the dead Namek, it is impossible to bring them back to life. At most, a few people will be resurrected. That's it."

"It won't be so, right, that Shenlong is really bad." Da Buma also understood at this time. After all, she had also seen two types of Shenlong, knowing that some of Shenlong's wishes could not be realized for others.

"The two distinguished guests are really right." The elder smiled bitterly, "The Shenlong really cannot resurrect so many people at once, at most only one person can be resurrected, and whether it is the Shenlong just now or the Polunga I made, both It's the same, we are also distressed about this matter."

"Uncle Klin." Piru yelled crisply from the side, "Shenlong said that you taught us to make dragon **** just to let us resurrect the people. You must have a way?"

Sun Wu raised his eyebrows and was about to speak.

"Aben, you can help me." Bouma smiled, "Anyway, it's just a matter of effort for you."

"How could I not listen to Bouma's words?" Sun Wuben smiled. It was a trivial thing for Sun Wuben to help these Namek star people make a dragon that could resurrect 100,000 people. The reason Sun Wuben didn't speak immediately was thinking about what to use. Ways to help them.

"Unexpectedly, the distinguished guest really has a way. This is great." The elder was overjoyed. "Dear guest, I am grateful for your help on behalf of the Namekstar people."

"Actually, the reason why your Shenlong is not strong is because..." Sun Wu was about to point out.

"Aben." Bouma shook Sun Wuben's arm, "Or you can simply make the dragon's body and let them give life to it."

The smile on the face of the elder was slightly stiff, Piru, Didas and the other two dragons frowned slightly. They made Dragon Balls by the Namek Star Dragons, and wanted to make them entirely by themselves, not just for empowerment, just like children still I had a good life.


Sun Wuben naturally understood the psychology of the great elder and others~www.NovelMTL.com~ could not help but hesitate. Of course, Sun Wuben wanted to do it himself, so that he could make a more powerful dragon.

"That's it." Buma said crisply, "With their abilities, no matter how you point them, you can't reach your height, and the dragons made by you have a certain possibility to restore the dead on our planet. people."

As soon as he said this, Sun Wuben’s eyes lit up. That’s right, there are too many people on the planet killed by artificial humans, reaching billions, and it’s been almost 20 years since artificial humans began to kill. People, even to make the earth return to the prosperity of the year, only Super Dragon Ball can do it, and no other Shenlong can do it.

But he had seen the Super Dragon, and he knew what the Super Dragon looked like, so why not give it a try.

"Great Elder, I don't know..." Sun Wuben looked at the Great Elder inquisitively.

"Since the distinguished guests wish to do it yourself, that would be great." There was a smile on the face of the great elder. Although there was some unwillingness in his heart, even the method of making Dragon Ball was taught by Sun Wu Ben, and now he wants Sun Wu Ben to teach them how to make it. Can you refuse a dragon that can resurrect a hundred thousand people?

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