Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 736: I am also a cyborg

Trunks frowned slightly, the figure in the center of the light had green skin with dark spots, like a ladybug, and had a long black tail with a red stripe on the back, and this tail was very weird. , There seems to be a needle sleeve at the end.

Trunks saw such a strange-looking human being for the first time.

the most important is……

The aura of the powerful creature in front of him was evil, it seemed to be full of evil aura, even Trunks felt a feeling in him when facing No.17.

"What the **** is this guy releasing his breath here? Is it to attract the strong from our planet to come over?" Trunks looked at Sharu and couldn't help his heart beat.

"There has just been a big battle here, I actually...missed it!" Trunks continued to improve his aura sensitivity, searched around, and suddenly his eyes lit up under a collapsed floor not far from here. There are two extremely faint breaths.

"It's Kiki and Vidili."

Kiki and Vidili are here, but they don’t show up, and the aura is so weak, if there is nothing, if it’s not that Trunks is very familiar with their aura, and the sensitivity of the aura is amplified to the extreme, it is impossible to find it. .

There are two situations for this phenomenon. One is that Vidili and Qiqi are seriously injured and their lives are at stake; the other is that they deliberately suppress their breath, or they want to hide. In either case, it is not a good thing.

"There's no such thing as Klin and his mother here either, so to speak..."

Trunks felt that things might be serious. At this moment, he had the urge to turn around and run, but he didn't believe that the green-skinned creature below didn't notice his arrival.

Trunks slowly landed aside, he moved very slowly, as if he was afraid of awakening Sharu.

Sharu's body is still beating with flashes of lightning. Of course, his second form transformation has been completely completed. The reason why there is still lightning is that Sharu is too excited, this time the transformation power has become too strong. , So he couldn't help but release his power.

"Even I was taken aback by this power."

The corner of Sharu’s mouth was raised, and he couldn’t be unhappy. Since escaping from the laboratory, Sharu has been living in hiding in Tibet. Until a year ago, he had absolute certainty that he could swallow the 17th and the 18th. Look around for numbers 17 and 18.

This adds up to almost seventeen or eighteen years, and nearly twenty years of forbearance is for this day.

"Just absorbing the number 17 gives me such a powerful force. It is really hard to imagine. If I absorb the number 18 again and transform into a truly complete body, then there should be..." Sharu couldn't wait, and wanted to Transformed into a complete body in one breath, but...

He looked at the position where No. 18 had stood before.

It was empty there, and number 18 could not be seen at all.

"No. 18 escaped. It seems that she is much smarter than No. 17." Sharu was a little upset, but soon his mouth turned up again and smiled, "It doesn't matter, this world is so big, I don't believe it can't be found. On the 18th, that's the case..." His eyes slowly turned, and Trunks, who slowly landed in the distance, gradually appeared in his pupils.


Sharu's unique low voice sounded.

Trunks trembled in his heart, his flight stopped, and he looked at Sharu in surprise: "How do you know?"

"You mean how do I know your name?" Sharu turned to face Trunks, with a smile on his face, "I have been here for almost twenty years, watching you grow up, You said how do I know!"

"You watched me grow up?" Trunks exclaimed.

"But to be honest, I admire you very much. In just ten years, you have cultivated to such a strong level. Even I am a little envious. Unfortunately, you are still not as good as me." Sharu said.

"Who are you?" Trunks felt his scalp numb. A person who cultivated on the earth to possess an aura stronger than his Trunks actually didn't even know.

"My name is Sharu!" Sharu said.

"Saru?" Trunks' eyes were cold. "I have never seen a human like you. Can you explain it?"

"I'm happy to help." Sharu smiled. "I'll introduce you formally. My father is called Dr. Gro."

"Dr. Gro?"

Trunks has a very bad feeling.

"You mean Dr. Gro, the lunatic scientist with the red ribbon?"

"It should be a genius scientist." Sharu smiled.

"No, if your father is Dr. Gro, it will never be like this. Dr. Gro is a very normal appearance of a human being on Earth." Trunks said.

"It seems you are mistaken. I mean Dr. Gro made me, not what you think."

"Made?" Trunks' throat was dry, he took a deep breath and looked at Sharu with a hint of luck, "I don't understand you."

"In other words, I and the 17th and 18th are the same kind of people, and they are all the artificial people in your mouth!" Sharu said.

As if a blast of thunder sounded in Trunks' ears, sweat dripped from Trunks' forehead one by one.

"No! You lied!"

Trunks cried out unwillingly: "If you are a man-made, why do you have breath? Man-mades are not breathless, and why have they never seen you before? Why are only the 17th and the 18th killing people, and You never showed up?"

"It seems that you still don't give up, okay, I will explain it again." Shalu said slowly, "because I and the 17th and the 18th are completely different humanoids, and the manufacturing principles are different. The 17th and the 18th are The human beings looted by Dr. Gro are transformed, that is to say, they were originally human beings just like you."

"As for me, Dr. Gro collected the cells of all the powerful martial artists in the world, such as Monkey King, Piccolo, Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, Klin, etc., and transformed them with gene editing, then cloned them and cultivated them artificially. Yes, in other words, I grew up from cells, and I have all the abilities of the world's most powerful martial artist, such as Monkey King, Piccolo, Tianjin Fan, etc..."

Sweat kept dripping from Trunks.

"So with your cleverness, you should be able to understand that I also have the abilities that Monkey King and Piccolo possess, such as..." Sharu waved one hand and chopped off a finger from his other hand. He raised his hand with his broken finger.

"Tranks, look good..." Just as the voice fell, a new finger grew from the broken finger, "Of course, because I have Saiyan cells on my body, so you Trunk Sharu has the same abilities that Si has. Know how powerful I am!"

"Shut up." Trunks roared. "Even so, but why have you never appeared before?"

"Because I was not as strong as I am when I was born, and No. 17 and No. 18 are rivals to me, so, in order to avoid them, I quietly practiced." Sharu smiled.

"Practice quietly? Impossible, you are already so strong, and we can't feel your training." Trunks said.

"If I polish my body like you, I will naturally be sensed by you, but I... used another method of cultivation, and that method is more enjoyable for me."

"In what way?"

"Cannibalism!" Sharu smiled, spitting out two terrible words as if the wind was calm and calm.

"Asshole!" Trunks roared.

"I didn't lie to you, because I can absorb the breath of all creatures, and as long as I swallow them, I can absorb their power. Of course, I can absorb their power by directly inserting a needle on my tail into them, so when I When you’re not hungry and don’t want to eat, you just absorb their power instead of swallowing them. Unless you meet a young child who is tender and delicious, I am really embarrassed. The meat of the child is very tender, so it is very addictive!"

Trunks felt his scalp explode and his chest felt sick.

"I kept devouring the power of human beings to strengthen myself. Soon I had terrible power. More than a year ago, I had the power to kill No. 17 and No. 18. It is a pity that these two **** were actually in ten. I didn't kill many years ago." Sharu was angry when he said that.

"That's because there are not many people killed by them, and they all hid." Trunks called.

"Your analysis is correct. On the 17th and 18th, you will hardly take the initiative to go into the underground to kill people, but I don't care, so you should understand that in fact, more than 80% of the people who died in the past ten years were killed by me." Show off proudly.


Trunks could not restrain his anger at all.

He transformed into a Super Saiyan in an instant.

"Do you want to fight me?" Sharu slowly flicked his tail, and his body slowly flew towards Trunks.

Hidden corners.

Kiki had already recovered a little bit of strength at this time. She huddled together with Vidili and Number 18 and looked at Sharu and Trunks in the distance through a very small gap.

"Saru's breath intensity has reached 670 million!"

"Although Trunks has transformed into a Super Saiyan, his breath intensity is only 210 million."

"Tranks is not Sharu's opponent at all. Even if he escapes, I am afraid that he will not be able to escape. The guy Klin only has 300 million..." Qiqi and Vidili murmured, their voices were very weak.

At this time, the eyes were out of focus, and No. 18, who was not as bad as his heart, suddenly said: "If Trunks is willing to escape, I can go out to attract Sharu.

"You have a problem with your brain!" Qiqi turned her head and gave No. 18 a fierce I heard that Saru needs to swallow you to be perfect. Just now, there was a problem with the brain on the 17th and was swallowed by him. Now that he has become so powerful, if you are swallowed by him again, the world will really be over. "

"No. 17 is not a brain problem, he just wants to save you!" No. 18 coldly said.

Kiki shuddered, of course she knew this.

"Sounding well, don't you want me to forgive you? Don't think about it, even if you really saved me, I won't forgive you." Qiqi sneered.

"No. 17 is not rare for your forgiveness, and I am the same." No. 18 said coldly, "I just thought, No. 17 is dead, and I am alive, so... But you are right, I must not let sand Lu becomes stronger. In that case, even if Klin comes, he won't be his opponent."

"That dead bald head is not Sharu's opponent now, it's far away, one in the sky, the other underground." Qiqi snorted coldly.

"But besides him, who else can deal with Sharu?" No.18 gave Qiqi a cold glance.

Kiki was taken aback and was silent.

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