Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 741: Rescue number 18

Trunks’s more than 200 million qi all exploded and rushed towards Sharu. After listening to what Sun Wuben said earlier, Trunks also understood that Sharu must not be swallowed by No. 18, otherwise Sharu’s strength will become stronger. Ten times a hundred times, the current Sharu is so terrible that no one can beat it, and it is ten times a hundred times stronger, then they just commit suicide directly, and resist the fart.


Even if Sharu only had half his strength, Trunks could not deal with it. So although Trunks was very anxious, he rushed towards Sharu angrily, but there was nothing in his heart, and it could even be said that the blow was him. A desperate struggle.

During the Trunks operation--

A strong breath suddenly exploded.

I saw that Sun Wuben released his whole body breath, and at the same time activated Hundred Times Realm King Fist.

Although Sun Wuben didn't mind breaking off his wrists with Sharu who was completely sturdy, but for Sharu to swallow Number 18, neither Klin nor Sun Wuben could do it by themselves.

600 million breath broke out instantly.

Sun Wuben's figure disappeared in place. At this moment, Sun Wuben shot at Sharu as fast as a flash of lightning. It was obviously slower to start than Lanx, but he surpassed Trunks who rushed towards Sharu madly.

Sharu didn't flick his tail fast, because he believed he could deal with all accidents.

But at this moment--

The figure of Sun Wuben in Sharu's pupils suddenly enlarged.


Shalu's pupils widened, and Sun Wuben's speed was too fast. As for the breath, Shalu had no time to estimate, but he felt that Sun Wuben's aura also became extremely large in an instant.

"call out!"

The speed of Sharu's tail thrown towards No.18 increased to his extreme, and the black needle at the end of the tail was also widened at this time, turning into a black hole like a mouth covering No.18.

It seems that No. 18 will be sucked into the syringe.

Sun Wuben had already reached No. 18, and then he stretched out his hand directly around No. 18’s waist, and then the figure traversed the weird S-curve, dangled the tail needle like a black hole, and swept in from Sharu’s long tail, breaking into the sand. Lu's arms.

Sun Wu's movements were erratic and weird, as if following the way of heaven, he completely caught Sharu by surprise.

But Sharu could still see Sun Wuben's movements.

"call out!"

Sharu's tail retracted and thrust into Sun Wuben's back, and his hands raised like two mantis knives and slashed through the two blades, one slashed towards Sun Wuben and the other towards No.18.

At this moment, Sun Wuben's speeding figure slowed down as if it violated the rules of physics, but this slowdown was not that Sun Wuben's speed really slowed down, but faster.

A fist appeared like a Thor's hammer in front of the ‘knife’ that Sharu slashed at Monkey King.


The fist collided with the praying mantis knife, and Sun Wuben flew back, and Sharu was like an iron ball hit by an iron hammer. He shot backwards wildly, smashing through all the buildings along the way.

Sun Wu himself, Ying Fei, withdrew from Baizhang and then stopped.

At this moment, Trunks had already rushed to the place where Sharu was standing. He stopped his figure and motion, his eyes widened. The confrontation between Sun Wuben and Sharu just now, although he didn't know it very clearly, it was the scene. You can see it most clearly.

Trunks stared at Sharu, who hadn't stopped his body and shot backwards.

"Saru...Saru was actually knocked into the air..."

Trunks had fought with Sharu before, and it was just a clone of Sharu with a four-body fist, and only possessed half of Sharu's strength.

But Trunks fought this Sharu clone and never flew Sharu.

And this time.

Sharu wants to devour No. 18, and this is his only chance, because once he lets No. 18 escape, with No. 18's breathless characteristics, it is no easier for Sharu to find her than to find a needle in a haystack.

So Sharu will definitely go all out for those who dare to come to disturb him and devour No.18.


"Is it because Sharu is going to swallow No. 18, so the power is scattered, and they are all used to suppress No. 18, this is?" Trunks thought flashed in his mind, but he also knew that it was impossible.

And he could feel the aura from Sun Wu himself that was far more powerful and terrifying than him.

Trunks turned his head in a daze to look at Monkey King.

Sun Wuben had already lost his breath. He turned his head to look at No. 18, who was still a little confused, his eyes widened, and the panic had not dissipated.

"Don't worry." Sun Wuben's gentle voice sounded in No.18's ear.


On the 18th, she was stunned. At this time, she seemed to realize that she had been rescued. Sun Wuben was holding her arms around her, and her face was filled with uncontrollable ecstasy.

"I'm not dead, I was not given by Sharu..." No. 18's lips trembled, and her talking eyes moved.

"You are fine, I am here, how could you be bullied by Sharu." Sun Wuben said with a bright smile. The smile made No. 18's face flushed, and she turned her face away.

Sun Wuben appeared beside Bouma, Kiki, Vidili, and Taisi with a teleportation on the 18th.

Vidili, Kiki, Bouma, and Taysi stared at Sun Wuben in a daze. Of course they couldn't see the scene just now, but now Sharu is gone, and Sun Wuben appears in front of them holding number 18. This says it all.

"Kling, did you rescue the 18th from Sharu?" Qiqi exclaimed in surprise.

"You actually..." Vidili pointed at Sun Wuben. In her current sense, the strength of Sun Wuben's breath was 50 million, but the moment when Sun Wuben suddenly broke out, Vidili still remembers that powerful breath.

Bouma, Taisi, and Da Bouma were also very happy at this time. Beautiful eyes looked at Monkey King, even though they knew that Monkey King was terribly powerful.

But now they can use their breath to sense the strength of the breath of others.

Knowing that Sharu has a powerful strength of 670 million, much stronger than Trunks who has transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Sun Wuben was able to **** someone from him, no matter what, it was already terrifying.

Coupled with the fact that Sun Wu would move instantaneously, the three daughters were originally worried that Sun Wu would not be able to defeat Sharu, so they all relaxed at this time, because they could escape even if it didn't help.

"On the 18th, you stay here with Qiqi and others. I will play with Sharu and rescue the 17th by the way." Sun Wuben said.

"Can you save the 17th?"

On the 18th, she turned her head to look at Monkey King in surprise, but then her eyes were a little gloomy.

"Aben, didn't you say that the 17th was swallowed by that guy?" Tays cried out doubtfully. This was also unanimously approved by Kiki, Vidili, and even Big Bouma who was not far away. Swallowed by someone else, I'm afraid it has already been digested at this time, how to save it.

"It was swallowed. However, No. 17 is intact in Sharu's body. No. 17 and No. 18 are a complete part of Sharu. Sharu swallowing them is equivalent to adding one or two more power to the car. , So he can be rescued." Sun Wuben said.

"Is that so?"

Everyone stared, but Taisi, Da Bu Ma, and Bu Ma some believed in Sun Wuben's words. After all, they had been with Sun Wuben these days and had seen Sun Wuben's omniscient ability.

"Since Klin said it was okay, it should be okay." Big Bouma flew up to Sun Wuben, and she frowned and looked at Sun Wuben's hand on the 18th waist.

"Aben." Bouma pursed her lips, her gaze also fell on Sun Wuben's arm around the 18th waist, "When will you still hold the 18th?"

Sun Wu even let go of his hand, but a pair of jade arms came over, and No. 18's red ears turned his arm around his waist, and even buried his head on his shoulder.

"No. 18, you..." Sun Wu himself was a little stiff.

"Let go!" Bouma was angry, holding No. 18's hand with both hands and pulling it hard, but Bouma's power could not pull No. 18 at all.


On the other side, Sharu had stopped retreating at this time, his mouth opened, as if he couldn't believe it.


"That's called Klin, how could it be possible!"

Sharu looked at his hand, the hand that had fought against Sun Wuben, the pain still remained.

"I was actually given by him, given by a lump of shit..."

Sharu’s forehead bounced with blue veins, and his eyes were full of murderous aura. He previously told Monkey King and Trunks that Klin was not as good as **** in his eyes. It was just a pile of shit. This was indeed Sharu’s heart. idea.


In this way, something that was not as **** in his eyes actually snatched No. 18 from him.

The 18th is the key to whether Sharu can become a complete body, why Sharu is not angry.

"That Klin, I heard that he was killed by No.17. Didn't he get killed by No.17 at all? Did he just go to other places to practice? He didn't even deserve to carry Sun Wukong shoes, so why can he become So powerful?"

Although Sharu was not convinced and reconciled, he recalled the scene just now in his mind and had to admit that this Klin was terribly powerful, and he underestimated him.

"call out!"

Shalu shot in the direction where Sun Wuben was, and soon hovered a hundred meters in front of Sun Wuben.

"I am changing my wrong view now." Shalu looked at Monkey King murderously, and said in a low voice, "I admit that you are not weaker than Monkey King. You deserve to be a veteran master who learned art at the same time as Monkey King. Your strength shocked me. Maybe I shouldn’t call you a pile of shit, nor should I think you’re rubbish, but...just now I was caught off guard by you, my true strength has not yet been shown!"

Sharu is indeed confident. He just swallowed the 17th. Suddenly he got such a huge power. It is very easy to deal with the weak, but it is impossible to deal with the real strong because the power has not been fully controlled. Extreme, even had to be careful because of the inability to control the power.

It's like a car, which is suddenly replaced with super power. With just a tap of the accelerator, you can soar to a speed of more than 100 kilometers. At that time, the driver would not be able to drive the car.

Sharu is like this at this time.

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