Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 744: Put on the eighteenth

The world became quiet. Everyone looked at the direction in which the qigong bombs disappeared, including No. 18. The silence was only maintained for a moment.


"Saru is dead, Klin killed Sharu!"

"Klin, has Sharu been killed by you?"

Kiki, Vidili, Bouma, Tays, Da Bouma, and Trunks were all excited, and Kiki, Da Bouma, and Tays rushed towards Monkey King.

"Kling, is Sharu dead?"

"Completely dead?" Qiqi and Da Buma asked. After all, the battle between Sun Wuben and Sharu was beyond the scope of their clear observation, so they were still asking excitedly, knowing that everything was over.

"Of course, Sharu can't die anymore." Sun Wuben said with a smile.


There were tears in Vidili's eyes.

"I knew it, I knew he was dead!" Qiqi waved her fist fiercely, venting the excitement in her heart.

"Saru is also unlucky. I met an opponent in the first appearance!" Da Buma's face was full of smiles. Although she didn't understand what Sharu did, the oppression brought by the 670 million Sharu. Too much force.

"It's Aben." Bouma smiled and narrowed her eyes. "I knew you would win. Sure enough... The sharu, which is a mere 670 million yuan in your hand, is just rounding when you want to make a round. Squeeze flat."

Trunks walked to Sun Wuben.

"Uncle Klin, I really didn't expect you to be so strong!" Trunks was also excited, and his tone was a little emotional, "After I knew that Sharu was so strong, I was already desperate, especially on the 18th. In his hands."

"Don't say it's you, I think it's almost over." Qiqi also nodded. She looked at Monkey King with bright eyes, with a trace of worship like Monkey King. "Klin, I used to look down on you, thinking you and Wukong are the same. At the same time learning arts, but the ability is far inferior to him, he is also lazy and slippery, timid and weak. Whenever something happens to the earth, Wukong will take care of it. Even making money and raising a family is not better than Wukong, but now...I am impressed with you. ."

Vidili also looked at Sun Goben with bright eyes. The Uncle Klin in the Sun Gohan’s mouth, in fact, she had never seen it in person before. The impression of Gohan’s Uncle Klin did not come from some previous rumors. For example, the description of her father Mr. Satan is the description of Kiki and Gohan.

The Klin in the mouth of his father, Mr. Satan, is a fake fighter who can only play tricks.

Uncle Klin in Gohan's mouth is not bad.

But Uncle Klin in Qiqi's mouth was very unbearable.

But the last time I saw Sun Wuben... At that time, Sun Wuben completely broke the stubborn impression in Bidili's heart. At first glance, I felt that Uncle Klin was very arrogant and arrogant, and he didn't care about the 17th and the 18th.

But after seeing Sun Wuben easily ravaging the 17th, Bidili knew that it was not arrogance and ignorance, but because of real strength, so confident and calm, and sunny.

But Bidili's impression of Monkey King was not good.

Because he let go of the 17th and the 18th.

And this time...

"If this Klin could show up earlier, Gohan wouldn't..." Bidelli was happy in her heart, but she thought of the 18th and the 17th with complicated expressions.

"It's my honor to get Qiqi's admiration." Sun Wuben smiled, but he was a little uneasy. After all, he let go of the 17th and the 18th, and even now, he would not kill the 18th and the 18th. On the 17th, Qiqi has a murderous vengeance with the 17th and the 18th.

"Qiqi." Bouma appeared next to Sun Wuben, hugged Sun Wuben with an arm and looked wary, "Klin actually has a lot of shortcomings, you must not think of him as Wukong, he is not as good as Wukong. , And he is my man, don't think too much about it."

"Oh!" Although Qiqi noticed Bouma's hostility, she didn't care. She turned to look at the 18th and 17th.

No. 17 is still in a coma, and No. 18 seems to be thinking with her eyes down.

"Fortunately, No.18 was not swallowed by Sharu just now." Vidili also turned to look at No.18 and No.17 and said with some emotion. Trunks also nodded, although Sun Wuben killed Sharu easily, even killing Sharu. Before Lu, he easily beat Sharu to spit out No. 17, but who knows how strong Sharu will become once he becomes fully transformed?

Sun Wuben frowned and looked at Trunks: "Tranks, can you let No. 18 be on my face?"

Trunks couldn't help but look embarrassed. The purpose of his hard practice was to kill No. 17 and No. 18. Now No. 17 is in a coma, and only No. 18 is left, which is the best time for him to do it.


Trunks looked at Big Bouma as if for help.

Da Buma looked at Sun Wuben with a puzzled face: "Klin, why did you let go of the 17th and the 18th, don't you know that it is because of them that made this earth world into the **** it is now."

Sun Wu couldn't help but have a terrible headache. No matter from which aspect, No. 18 and No. 17 are damned.

"I know, I know all, but..." Sun Wuben smiled bitterly, "Just treat it as if I'm going to be willful once, just this time."

"Klin, you have to think clearly." Taisi also wondered, "These two guys are not blinking, demon that destroys people all day long. If you don't kill them, even if the earth recovers its previous population, it will be destroyed. They kill few people, unless you stop every time they kill."

Sun Wuben rubbed his forehead.

"Alin, what do you say?" Sun Wuben asked Klin in his heart. After all, it was Klin who was really obsessed with the 18th. Sun Wu didn't want to care about this kind of thing. "There were too many people killed on the 18th and the 17th, and the entire planet They are about to be destroyed. Bouma, Taisi, and Qiqi have lived a life like **** for the past two decades. It is really impossible for them to give up killing the 17th and the 18th."

"Is there anything you can do?" Klin got even more headache.

"There is no way, after all, they have done too much, and what will happen in the future, it is difficult to say." Sun Wu said.

"Okay." Klin said distressedly, "whatever Trunks wants, I don't care anyway."

"In that case..." Monkey King was about to speak to everyone.

"Tranks!" The cold voice sounded, "If you want to do it, hurry up, who is afraid of you!" No. 18's eyes were cold, and even a little angry shouted.

"And you, your bald head without a nose. Although you saved me, don't want me to be grateful." No.18 shouted again, "And, who asked you to intercede for me? Don't be affectionate, don't you know? Knowing that you are so disgusting, I am a murderous demon, or a human being, so I won’t have a good impression of you because of it. Previously... Sharu was here, and now Sharu is dead, I will definitely kill again. Yes, Trunks, whoever of you wants to kill me, just do it!"

After speaking, No. 18 grabbed No. 17's wrist, flew into the sky, and flew towards the distance.

"Mom, what do you do now?" Trunks called.

Da Buma frowned. Of course, she didn't want to escape on the 18th and 17th, but she had to sell Sun Wuben's face.

"Young mother!" Trunks looked at Boomer again.

There was a gleam of doubt and even vigilance in Bouma's eyes, she shook Sun Wuben's arm: "Aren't you looking at the 18th?"

"Don't think too much, the 18th is my relative in the previous life, and the 17th is the twin brother of the 18th. How do you think I can do it?" Sun Wuben said.

"Is it true or not, how could she be your relative?" Buma asked in confusion.

"The 17th and the 18th were originally called Lapis and Lazili. They are ordinary earthlings. They were transformed into man-made humans because they were captured by Dr. Gro." Monkey King shook his head, "I will do it again later. Let me tell you in detail. In short, it is impossible for me to kill No. 18 and No. 17, but if they kill again next time, I will try my best to stop it. There is also Trunks. You will kill No. 17 in the future. It's still the 18th, I won't stop it anymore, after all, they are sinful."

"If that's the case, let's forget it this time." Trunks smiled bitterly. At this time, No. 18 and No. 17 had already flown away, and their figures had disappeared from the sky. Even if they were chased over, they might not be able to be found.

"But Trunks, your skill is still weak." Da Bouma smiled on his face. "With your physical condition and talent, if you have a Master instructs you, you won’t be able to fight Sharu today. You're so powerless, it was only Gohan who taught you before..."

"Bouma, what do you mean? Do you mean my Gohan is not good?" Kiki was unhappy at once.

"Gohan is very powerful. I'm not saying that his martial arts is not good, but is it comparable to Klin?" Da Bouma pointed to the Sun Goben next to him. Kiki was suddenly stunned. What does Gohan's martial arts need to see? People ratio.

"Blame Wukong, if you give me some pointers..." Qiqi murmured, but she also understood that Sun Wukong had always wanted to instruct Gohan martial arts, but she was so obsessed with it.

"Tranks, you have been delayed for so many years. Now that you have Klin, let him guide your practice. Based on your conditions, you will surely be able to improve very quickly." Da Buma smiled.

Trunks's complexion couldn't help but became bitter. The last time he took the time machine, Da Buma wanted him to go back in time and ask Monkey King about martial arts, but Trunks agreed, but actually did not act.

"Uncle Klin's martial arts training is indeed very good, but mother, I have always been under Gohan's martial arts, and I have developed my own style of martial arts, and it has changed suddenly... It’s not a good thing.” Trunks retorted weakly. Of course, when he said this, he himself felt blush. After all, it might be okay to coax Boomer, but in front of a real expert like Klin, he can’t be fooled, but there are some Then Trunks did not lie, that is, he has his own martial arts thoughts.

"Is that so?" Da Buma looked at Sun After all, Sun Wuben is a real expert.

"Tranks has reached a very high level in the martial arts, and he has indeed formed his unique set." Of course, Sun Wuben would not dismantle Trunks. Since Trunks is unwilling, neither will Sun Wuben. Force.

"So, you can't point him?" Da Buma looked disappointed.

"His current level is only a little weaker than me." Sun Wuben said with a smile, "If he was early, I could point him, but now, we can communicate with each other.

Da Buma smiled, Trunks is her sustenance for persistence over the years, and Trunks' martial arts is also what Da Buma cares most about.

And Monkey King.

Da Bu Ma has been with Sun Wu Ben these days. I have seen Sun Wu Ben’s omniscience and knowledge, reaching her level of scientific knowledge, and I have also seen Sun Wu Ben’s super martial art that can kill Sharu now. It can be said that Da Bu Ma trusted Sun Wuben's ability very much.

Even Monkey King said that the martial arts of Trunks had reached his level, how could Da Buma be unhappy.

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