Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 748: This wish...

On the King Star of the Underworld, over a huge forest, the green Piccolo hovered cross-legged in the air, his body rising and falling like a tide.

Suddenly a voice appeared in Piccolo's ears.

"Bik, I am Polunga of Namek, your friends, Bouma, Kiki, Dandy and others want to resurrect you, do you agree to them? If you want, I can resurrect you! "The voice is full of majesty.

Piccolo couldn't help but stunned, and then a strong joy surged from the bottom of his heart, and his always firm and strong arm trembled a little at this moment.

He knows about the earth very well. After all, he died in a battle with a humanoid. Gohan also came to the underworld a few years ago, and it let him know that there is only one Trunks left on the earth now. Situation, and humans are almost dead.

After Gohan came to the underworld, several years have passed in a flash, and there has been no movement for several years. Bick can imagine things about the earth.

"Kiki, Buma and the others actually collected Dragon Balls and summoned Polunga, then on earth..."

Biklian asked, "Polunja, I want to know, have the artificial humans on the earth been wiped out?"

"Although No. 17 and No. 18 were defeated, those friends of yours did not kill them, but they should be able to stay in the place. If No. 17 and No. 18 dare to mess up again, they will be hard to escape." Polunga She said patiently.

"Be defeated?" Piccolo slammed his punch, his eyes flashed, "It seems that Trunks has grown to the point where he can defeat the cyborgs. That's right, Trunks is Saiyan. Human, as long as he is really serious about cultivating and doesn’t go the wrong way, it’s normal to transform into a Super Saiyan and defeat an artificial human."

"Bick, do you want to be resurrected?" Polunga asked.

Piccolo fell into deep thought. He hadn't put aside his practice in the underworld over the years, and he was not even more ruthless than when he was on the earth, just to one day be able to resurrect and kill the humanoid.

But now that the cyborg has been defeated by Trunks, if his Piccolo is resurrected, there seems to be nothing else to do except the shame that Yixue was defeated by looking for a cyborg to fight.

On the contrary, in this underworld.

Especially now that he has come to the king of the great world, Monkey King, Klin, Tianjin Fan, Ya Mucha, and dumplings are all practicing on the king of the great world. Everyone can often learn from each other, and the most important thing is the king of the great world. There are a large number of martial arts masters who have accumulated countless years on the stars.

It can be said that for a martial artist like Bik, staying in the underworld is much more interesting than staying on the earth.

It's not worth resurrecting just to fight the 17th and 18th.

"Polunga, please tell them that I don't want to be resurrected." Piccolo said.

"I know."


On New Nameck, Polunga's eyes flashed red and fell into a long silence.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. At this moment, Shenlong's huge mouth slowly opened and closed: "This wish cannot be realized."

Everyone was stunned, and then Kiki, Vidili, Da Bouma, and Trunks all looked sad and nervous. They hoped to resurrect their relatives. If Piccolo can't be resurrected, then Sun Wukong and Sun Wufan. It is difficult to say whether Vegeta can be resurrected.

"Polunja, why?" Dandylian asked.

"Because Piccolo doesn't want to be resurrected. Piccolo is a very powerful martial artist. I can't force him to resurrect him against his will." Shenlong's huge voice sounded.

"Pick is not willing?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it wasn't because of something else that prevented it from resurrecting, there was no need to worry.

"Uncle Klin, Polunga can't resurrect Bick, then..." Dandy looked at Sun Wuben, and in a short time he also saw that Klin from another world seemed to be the backbone of everyone.

Sun Wuben had a headache. If he said that Gohan should be resurrected first, Da Bouma would definitely have an opinion, but if he resurrected Vegeta first, Kiki would be reluctant.

"Tranks, Gohan and Vegeta, who do you think will be resurrected first?" Sun Goben looked at Trunks.

Trunks was stunned. He didn't expect that Sun Go would ask him. Of course, Vegeta and Gohan wanted to be resurrected, because Gohan was his own martial arts instructor, and he had a very good relationship with him, plus Shang was killed by an artificial man to protect him from escaping. As for Vegeta, Trunks also wanted to see this father who had never seen him before.

"Resurrect Gohan first," Trunks said.

"Then Dandy, let's revive Gohan first." Sun Wuben said.

"Bolunga, please revive Gohan." Dandy called.

"This..." Shenlong's eyes flashed red and fell into silence again.

"Can you?" Qiqi breathed a little bit quickly, and Vidili clenched her fists with both hands, her face was tense, and Dandy's eyes were full of expectation. Shenlong didn't let everyone wait for too long this time. In just a moment, his huge mouth slowly said, "I'm afraid this wish cannot be achieved."

"Why?" Qiqi couldn't help but exclaimed, "Is it because Gohan doesn't want to be resurrected? Tell him, I made him resurrect, but he doesn't want to be resurrected. I can't spare him!"

"It's not that Monkey King is unwilling to be resurrected, but that he was reincarnated a long time ago." Shenlong said.

Kiki's face suddenly became ugly. Vidili also seemed to be drained all over her body.

"How could this be?" Vidili murmured.

"Gohan, why are you... why can't you wait a while, wait a while?" Qiqi tears rolled out of her eyes, and suddenly her face was filled with anger, "Asshole Demon King Yan, how can he let Wu Fan went to reincarnation so soon? A good person like Gohan should be in heaven. Why was he punished to be reincarnated?"

"Kiki, people like Gohan don’t want to be reincarnated, and others have no right to reincarnate him." Sun Wuben persuaded him, but he knew in his heart that if Gohan loved martial arts as much as Monkey King, Piccolo and others. , After death, he will definitely practice with Monkey King, Piccolo and others on the King of the Great Realm. But Gohan is not a fanatic of martial arts, and he is even tired of fighting and killing, so he doesn’t like to practice very much after death. , And finally naturally chose to reincarnate.

"But... but I won't see Gohan anymore..." Kiki said, crying.

Monkey King sighed and turned to look at Dandy, who was also very sad: "Dandy, next, please bring Vegeta back to life, and then Goku."

"Polunga, please revive Vegeta!" Dandylian said.

This time, it was Da Bouma and Trunks who showed nervousness and expectation. Shenlong still didn't remain silent for long, and said: "This wish cannot be fulfilled."

"Why?" Da Buma couldn't help but exclaimed, "Shenlong, what's the matter with you?"

"Because Vegeta's sins were too serious in his lifetime, even if he later changed his evil, but he destroyed too many planets and races, so he went to **** after death." Shenlong said.

"Can't you be resurrected after you go to hell?" Daburma was angrily, "you can't even do this."

"Because he has been wiped out of his memory and soul not long ago, and he has now been reincarnated." Shenlong said.

"How could this happen?" Big Boomer was also a little frustrated, Trunks squeezed his fist, his face full of disappointment.

"Bolunga, please resurrect Monkey King." Dandy cried again.

Qiqi’s crying stopped, she looked at Shenlong with tears in her big eyes, but her expectations were not very high, because back then, everyone made a wish to the earth’s dragon, but the earth’s dragon could not heal Monkey King. Viral heart disease cannot resurrect the dead Monkey King.

Sure enough, Shenlong waited for a moment of silence and said: "I still can't satisfy your wish, because Monkey King is a normal death, sick and dying, not unnatural death. This is his life span, which belongs to the normal law of nature. My ability cannot bring him back to life."


Tears slid down from the corners of Qiqi's eyes again.

Sun Wuben shook his head in his heart, the underworld possessed masters accumulated over the years, even if Sun Wukong could be resurrected, he might not be willing.

"Next, there will be four of Klin, Tianjin Fan, Dumplings, and Yamucha..." Sun Wu couldn't help but have a headache. There were four people who wanted to be resurrected, but there were only three wishes that could be promised. Anyone would be resurrected first. not good.

"Let’s do it, Dandy, Grand Elder, wait here for a while. I’ll go to the underworld. I’ll meet Kelin, Tianjin Fan, Dumplings and Yamucha to see who is willing to be resurrected, and then let Shenlong resurrected them." Sun Wuben said.

"Are you asking Polunga to send you to the underworld?" Dandy asked in confusion.

"No, I don’t need Bolunga’s help, I can find them." Sun Wuben said, "I forgot to tell you that my teleportation can be teleported to the underworld. A while ago, I went to see the Northern Realm King, but I didn't go to Wukong and Klin at that time."

"Can you really find Wukong, Kelin, and Yamucha?" Bouma's eyes lit up. "I also want to see Kelin, Wukong, and Yamucha in this world. Let's go together."

As soon as she said this, she woke up a little bit and was still a little lost, the four of Da Bouma, Trunks, Kiki, and Vidili who looked sad.

"I'll go too." Da Buma shouted, "I haven't seen Wukong, Kelin, and Yamucha for a long time."

"Take me there, I'm going to ask Goku why he doesn't take good care of Gohan." Qiqi wiped her tears and cried out.

"Uncle Klin, I also want to meet Wukong, Klin, Piccolo, Tianjin Fan and others!" Trunks cried weakly. Bidelli also said: "I still have me, I want to see it too."

Sun Wu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. This time he just wanted to ask about the resurrection of Klin and others. If this group of people passed by, who knew how long it would take these people to meet.

"Qiqi, Buma, you are going to meet them, and after making a wish to Shenlong this time, I will take you there again." Sun Wuben said.

"No, what if Wukong goes to lift the baby?" Qiqi shook her head.

"Don't worry, I will tell Wukong not to reincarnate so quickly." Sun Wuben said.

" Qiqi shook her head," Wukong hasn't come to see me for so long. Who knows if he hears that I am going to see him, will he hide? He was not optimistic about Gohan. "

"Well then, I'll take Qiqi over, but you will be the next time. After all, if you go, it won't take a minute or two." Sun Wuben said.

Boomer raised her brows and nodded. After all, Sun Wu was right.

It's just that Buma looked at Qiqi, her eyes a little wary: "Qiki, I have no problem with you and Aben alone, but you can't seduce my Aben."

"What nonsense are you talking about? My Wukong is a hundred times stronger than him. Who is interested in seducing this bald head." Qiqi couldn't help blushing and furious. "And this time you think I'm interested in seducing him?"

"That's true." Bouma smiled awkwardly.

"Kiki, put your hand on my shoulder."

"Got it." Qiqi came to Sun Wu himself, stretched out her hand to grab Sun Wuben's arm, and then Sun Wuben and her disappeared directly.

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