Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 758: Klin's clone

The eyes of Bouma, Taisi, and Da Bouma all lit up at this moment.

"It's the type I like." Da Buma's figure flashed, and she appeared in front of the black-clothed man lying on the ground. Her face was red and her eyes were shining, "Is this really Klin's clone? Simple is the perfect boyfriend of my dreams. It's so cool, no, my heart can't stand it..."

Bouma also pushed away Sun Wuben and rushed over: "It's really cool. It seems that Shenlong's aesthetics is still very strong. Yes, I am willing to come and play like this!"

At this moment, the golden light flashed again, and another figure appeared beside the black-clothed man.

Everyone looked over, their eyes also brightened.

"Not bad!"

Sun Wuben couldn't help nodding, but he didn't know why he was a little weird, as if he had forgotten something.

This newly appeared figure in black has a human appearance and body shape. The eyebrows are very similar to Klin, but it has an extra nose. If you just look at his face and facial features, it is undoubtedly a very handsome figure, only better than Sun Wuben. The created clone is a weaker man.


Suddenly, Sun Wuben's pupils shrank, and then Sun Wuben finally understood why he always felt something was wrong.

I saw this new man with a face like Klin has a huge tail behind him. This tail is different from the Saiyan tail. It is very smooth, as if made of ceramics. This is a Frieza-style tail. And Frieza's tail is slender and longer, and the color is almost the same as the skin's yellow.

"Huh? What is this... a snake?"

At this time, Buma, Da Buma, and Taisi also discovered the long slender tail behind the man. The three of them were all taken aback and backed a few steps together.

"That's not a snake, it should be a tail," Pirou said crisply, his voice a little strange.

"It's the tail." The elder said solemnly.

"How is it possible?" Bouma stared, and Da Bouma lowered her hand on her chest.

"I'll just say, why there are no scales on this snake." Taisi cried, her brows frowned, "Is this the tail of this black-clothed man?" She pointed to Klin's body and looked at it. To the Monkey King.

"I'm afraid it is." Sun Wu said with no expression on his face.

"What is it? I'm afraid it is." Bouma stepped forward again and looked at this body carefully. "Why did you get a tail? It's true."

"Don't you like it?" Monkey King said.

"It's not that I don't like it, this clone is actually very handsome, and the eyebrows are very similar to you, but if there is an extra tail behind this, it always feels a bit weird." Bouma reached out and touched the tail.

Just then the voice of the Shenlong sounded: "Since your wish has been fulfilled, then goodbye." Then the Shenlong turned into golden light and shot into the endless void.


Sun Wuben raised his hand and pointed at the golden light, and just for a moment, seven huge white stones that looked like planets fell.

"Elder, these dragon **** will be handed over to you for safekeeping." Sun Wuben said.

The great elder's face was embarrassed: "Dear guest, this dragon ball is too big, and it can easily arouse the curiosity and peeping of others. It is a blessing to put it on our namek.

Sun Wu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Of course he knew that what the elder said was the truth, but he couldn't keep the dragon ball by himself.

"Bouma, can you make a universal capsule with a huge space, and pack these dragon balls?" Monkey King looked at Big Bouma.

"There is no difficulty in technology, but the materials and tools are very troublesome. I am afraid that it will not be possible to do it in less than a year or a half." Da Buma frowned, "And I will also assist Dandy in the heavens. , So it will take longer."

"Isn't there Bouma to help you?"

"I'm just considering me." Boomer snorted, "Because there is no need to make such a large space capsule, all the tools and materials in that respect must start from scratch."

"No matter what, a set must be made, so let me hide Dragon Ball in the dimension space first." Monkey King looked at the Great Elder.

"That's fine." The elder nodded, "Super dragon, we don't need it under normal circumstances. Even if we want to summon a dragon, we can summon a normal dragon."

"Then hide it first." With Sun Wuben waved his hand, huge white stones disappeared in front of everyone, "Elder, we will leave first!"

Soon Sun Wuben sent Buma, Da Buma, and Taisi back to the earth, and then Sun Wuben came to an uninhabited planet not far from the earth. Although Sun Wuben knows how to divide the body in his memory, it takes time to be familiar with this clone method, and more importantly, to teach Klin this.

But Sun Wu had never thought that the clone technique had too strict qualifications.

In the past, Sun Wuben pointed out Klin's martial arts. As long as he performed it once or twice, Klin could remember that feeling. After all, the two shared the same body, and Sun Wuben and Klin had a common influence no matter what.

This time, Sun Wuben taught the Klin clone technique, this common feeling still exists, and he can still feel the feeling of the other party when he performs the practice.

However, Klin couldn't learn how to use the clone technique that Sun Wu originally learned easily.

Sun Wu could only use it again and again, repeatedly pointing Klin, time passed, and a year passed in a blink of an eye. In this year, Sun Wu's main time was to point Klin's clone art, and the other time was still on martial arts.

Klin's martial arts in this world is still of great help to Sun Wuben. Under Sun Wuben's constant research and practice, his martial arts still improved rapidly.

In the black canyon.


I saw a black buffalo running wildly. After the buffalo herd, it looked like a hill. It was a black and green dinosaur rushing madly. Soon its huge mouth bit a buffalo that was running slower.

Suddenly the dinosaur fell to the ground.

"Just die like this?"

A figure was shot in the sky, and Klin stopped. He looked at the dinosaur on the ground, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "It seems that this dinosaur is not too young anymore. It should be sick. No matter what, just try it with you. ."

Klin's figure flashed and appeared in front of the dinosaur.

After more than a year of practice, Klin started to master the clone technique a month ago. He has used it on some weaker animals, and the success rate is getting bigger and bigger. Now it has a success rate on some weak animals like antelope and sika deer. It has also reached 100%, but once it involves more powerful animals, such as this dinosaur, the failure rate is 100%. As for the clones given by Shenlong, it also fails every time.

"According to Aben, as long as I can successfully possess a dinosaur, I must have mastered the last trick." Klin pressed his hands on the top of the dinosaur's head, and the white light gushed from his hand into the dinosaur's head.

"Ah!" Klin let out a painful roar, half an hour passed, an hour passed, two hours passed... Suddenly the dinosaur opened his eyes.

An ecstatic smile appeared on Klin's face.


"Haha, this is my clone!"

Then the dinosaur stood up swayingly, and then flew high into the sky.

"It turns out that the last trick was like that, and it turned out to be practiced a hundred times, and its meaning is self-evident." Klin suddenly shed tears of excitement. In order to master this last trick, he practiced tens of thousands of times a day. Only succeeded today.

"Aben said that in his previous life he practiced the clone technique, and it took only a month to succeed. He must have lied to me." Klin squeezed his fist fiercely, and then shouted in his heart, "Aben, I succeeded, now Can you try the clone?"

"Of course, congratulations!" Sun Wuben also breathed a sigh of relief. Klin didn't learn how to do clones. His time in martial arts for more than a year seemed to have been squeezed out. Ninety percent of the time every day was used to instruct Klin to learn clones. , Or it is to give the body to Klin to practice, the real time for practicing martial arts is less than 10%, so even if the progress is fast, but the time is too little, the total progress is too little.

Above the earth's celestial realm, two beautiful figures kept hitting each other, and the powerful shock wave dissipated the surrounding clouds.

"It's terrible!"

Dandy watched the battle in the sky, with fine sweat on his forehead.

"call out!"

The two figures separated and landed in front of Dandy.

"How about, Dandy, we are very good!" Buma and Da Buma gasped and laughed, because they have Sun Wuben's martial arts consciousness, Buma and Da Buma are also very interested in martial arts practice now. Of course, they are far from being as crazy as Sun Wuben and Klin, but they both take time out every day to practice martial arts, and once they practice, they are crazy and enter the state.

Of course, because Sun Wuben's martial arts realm is too high.

The starting point of the two is too low, so even if the two do not practice for a long time every, the improvement of martial arts is as crazy as riding a rocket.

"Your current combat power should reach more than 10,000, right?" Dandy said.

"More than fifteen thousand, there is no way. Although we want to make progress more slowly, it is impossible for people who will get fat to drink water to lose weight. We also play every day and actually..." Da Buma smiled.

"Sometimes I really doubt my eyes." Dandy exclaimed, "Your martial arts progress is so fast, I think even Monkey King can't match yours."

"Who makes us geniuses?" Bouma narrowed her eyes and was amazed in her heart, but she inherited Sun Wuben's martial arts consciousness, so that they could reach fifteen thousand with their eyes closed. If they practice seriously, they will be as serious as Sun Wuben. , Boomer even suspected that his combat power could reach millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.


Bouma, Da Bouma, and Dandi all looked in one direction.

The white light trailed sharply with the tail, the black hair was dancing, and the big blue eyes looked like a water of clear water. It was a pretty figure.

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