Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 773: Tears of Dabouma

Trunks's face became a little ugly: "You said that the white-faced fat man and that thin old man are cyborgs?"

"Tranks, what do you mean..." Piccould not help but feel something wrong. "They are not the artificial people you are talking about?"

"Of course not." Trunks called. "The cyborgs are a pair of young men and women. No. 17 is a young man and No. 18 is a woman. They have no breath, but neither of these two people can feel the breath. ..."

"It seems that the artificial humans that appear in your world are not the same artificial humans that appear here at all." Piccolo said in a deep voice. Klin also stopped talking with Ai's sisters at this time. He looked at the artificial man in the sky and saw that there was no figure 18 at all, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Bick, this is really not the cyborg that appeared in that world. It seems that the historical differences between the two time and space are getting bigger and bigger." Klin said, his eyebrows raised, "but these two cyborgs are not strong in combat. With the strength of Wukong and Vegeta, they can easily be ravaged."

Sun Wuben also raised his head and looked at the battle in the sky. Sun Wuben is still very curious about what kind of humanoid will appear this time. After all, this time and space has changed too much because of his appearance, and the humanoid may also become It's different, but it's a pity that the cyborgs 19 and 20 of the original Dragon Ball Master Time and Space have appeared, and no other new cyborgs have appeared.

"The 19th and the 20th have more than 80 million combat power. Even if they absorb Vegeta's anger, it is only 100 million." Sun Wuben was suddenly disappointed.

"Aben, this cyborg?" Da Buma asked, after all, she couldn't see the battle in the sky clearly with her skill.

"Just as Alin said, these two cyborgs are rubbish, Wukong and Vegeta are just practicing with them, otherwise they would have been killed." Sun Wuben explained. Regarding the battle in the sky, Tianjin Fan, Dumplings, Piccolo, Yamucha, and Aijia sisters all knew very well, so they were not very anxious. Everyone was talking while watching the battle.

"Everyone, I have something to do, so I will leave first." Sun Wu had no interest in waiting here.

"Aben, I'll go with you." Suddenly Da Buma grabbed Sun Wuben's arm and looked at Sun Wuben eagerly. Sun Wuben was a little hesitant. This time he wanted to release the 17th and the 18th, so he didn't want to bring it. Anyone, but looking at Da Buma's eyes, Sun Wuben couldn't refuse at all.

"Aben, I..." Ai Xinjie called.

Sun Wu's heart beat, how sensitive his body is now, and immediately knew that Ai Xinjie should also want to go with him like Bouma.

"Xinjie, I'll talk about it later." Sun Wu Benlian started his teleportation and disappeared in front of everyone with Bouma.

Hundreds of miles away in the north, Sun Wuben and Da Buma appeared.

"Aben, where is this? What are we going to do?"

"There is Dr. Gro's research institute in this area." Monkey King recalled the story of Dragon Ball and said slowly, "We are now going to find his research institute."

Da Bouma's eyes lit up: "Dr. Gro is a genius scientist. Although I am not very interested in his biomedical research, I am still very interested in his research in other fields. Aben, you are really smart."

"I didn't do it for his research materials, but it's not bad to get his research materials." Sun Wuben smiled, and at this moment Da Buma's face was flushed, and she suddenly put her arms around Sun Wuben's arms. The whole person posted, and immediately Sun Wu felt her hot and soft body.

Sun Wu stiffened himself, and he felt his heart jump fiercely.

"Will we be sorry for this..." Sun Wuben said with a dry voice.

"I won't fight you with the other me." Da Bouma's voice was a little faint, "Don't worry, I just give it a hug. What are you afraid of? You won't get pregnant anyway.

Sun Wuben turned his head and looked at Da Buma, who was flushed and leaned on his shoulder with his eyes closed. Suddenly he felt a little distressed. In the past three years, Sun Wuben had seen Da Buma’s mind long ago, but Sun Wuben has not made it clear. Although Da Buma sometimes has some very clear hints.

"Actually, you are better than Bouma, it's a pity..." Monkey King sighed.

"I know, I can see it in your eyes a long time ago." Da Buma opened her eyes and smiled sweetly. She let go of a hand that was holding Sun Wuben, "Okay, don't let you take advantage of it anymore, you To find Dr. Gro's research institute, let's go quickly."

"Yeah." Sun Wuben used his air dance technique to fly forward while constantly paying attention to the surrounding situation. At this time, Sun Wuben had extremely sensitive senses, although his mouth was a little dry because Da Buma was close to him. Still soon found some traces of something wrong in the mountains and forests, and then followed these traces to the entrance of a cave.

"It seems that this is Dr. Gro's research institute." Sun Wuben blasted out, and the door collapsed. The two walked into Dr. Gro's research institute. Soon Sun Wuben's eyes fell on one place.

"These three doors should be No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18." Sun Wuben walked over.


Dabuma immediately noticed, she looked over, and her eyes fell on the three doors, her brows frowned slightly: "I think that thing should be Dr. Groo's nutritional sleeping cabin for the robot, don't touch it. "

"I know, I'm here this time for these things." Sun Wuben said, "There should be numbers 17 and 18."

Big Boomer suddenly became alert.

"You don't want to release the 17th and the 18th, do you?"

"Of course, they are my relatives after all." Sun Wuben said naturally.

"But they..." Da Buma's face was ugly. Even after Sun Wu was born, the 17th and 18th of her world did not do evil again, but after more than ten years of life in hell, Da Buma faced No. 17 And No. 18 hates it.

"Buma, believe me, they are not born bad guys." Sun Wuben turned his head to look at Da Buma.

Da Buma's eyes were very angry, she stared at Sun Wuben, and did not speak for a long time.

"If you are the deity now, it doesn't matter much if you do these things, because you have the ability to control the situation, but now..." Big Bouma, who has never yelled in front of Monkey King, roared for the first time. Get up, "Your body is too weak now. Once they come out and do evil, do you think Goku and Vegeta will be able to control the situation? If you can’t control it, this wonderful world will become our world again, you don’t know Back then, I watched the whole world become..."

Big Bouma said tears billowing.

Sun Wuben's heart trembled, his clone is so keen, how could he not feel the panic and helplessness in Da Buma's heart.


Sun Wuben appeared in front of Da Buma and stretched out his hand to wipe the tears for Da Buma, but when his fingers touched Da Buma's face, the tears in Da Buma's eyes flooded.

"Well, I promise you, I don't care." Sun Wuben sighed, "However, I won't destroy them either. Shall we leave when we find some information?"

"If you don't destroy them, they will be released sooner or later. It's not the same as you release them." Da Bouma roared angrily.

"However, even if I want to destroy them, I can't do it with my current ability." Sun Wuben said, "To tell you the truth, my current combat strength is only 10,000."


Da Buma was so surprised that her tears stopped.

"You only have ten thousand?" Although she knows that Sun Wuben didn't practice much, she still has to practice for a period of time every day. Even if she practiced a little every day, she now has three thousand combat power. How could Sun Wuben be one? Million.

"Because of the cultivation of Taoism, so the body energy has become lower." Sun Wuben said.

"Seeds of Taoism? Isn't it a good thing?" Da Buma asked with concern.

"Of course, didn't I tell you, my clone is cultivating the Tao, so this should be a very good thing, but now the combat power is too low." Sun Wuben said with a smile, of course this is not telling the truth, after all, Sun Wuben Although Qi is only 10,000, Sun Wu is very powerful at using qigong bombs. It is entirely possible for a qigong bomb to reach several million in combat power.

Buma frowned and she was worried: "Aben, you are too reckless. You are so weak that you have come to this time and space, and you want to release the 17th and the 18th. If... they want to kill you, we say There is no way to escape."

"They are not casual killers." Sun Wuben said.

"Don't talk about this, let's find out if there is any device left by Dr. Groo to destroy the humanoids. I think he must have a back hand to deal with the humanoids." Da Buma said solemnly. "Bouma, let's leave quickly." Monkey King said with a headache. "Why, do you still want to let them go?" "Of course, but since you don't want to, then I can only give up, I'm afraid, if we delay here for too long... the androids who fought Vegeta and Goku will come back At that time, with our strength, it will be easy to be killed by them."

"Even if I am killed by them, I must first destroy No. 17 and No. 18..." Da Buma said solemnly.

Sun Wu couldn't help having a headache, but he knew that Dr. Gro was indeed equipped with the device to destroy No. 18 and No. 17, but he couldn't persuade Da Buma at all.

"There should be only one controller, which was carried by Dr. Gro." Sun Wu thought about it, and stopped persuading Da Buma. The two searched for a while in the institute, although they found the research materials of Dr. Gro. , But no device to destroy the artificial man was found.

"Buma, don't look for it. I feel the anger of Vegeta and Goku coming It should be the two cyborgs who have escaped."

"Really!" Of course, Da Buma also felt the aura of Vegeta, Monkey King, and Piccolo quickly coming here.

"My body is very weak now, if I get hit by those two artificial people..." Sun Wuben said. Da Buma glanced at Sun Wuben. She herself was not afraid of death, but...

"Okay, let's go." Big Bouma took Sun Wuben's hand, and the two disappeared inside the research institute.

Silence was restored in the research institute, but in the sleeping cabin of the three cyborgs, two shadows moved their eyelids.

"That man said it was our relative? Who is he?"

"Looking at their conversation, they seem to know us well, but there are so many inexplicable words, which is really strange..."

"Why did that woman prevent the man from letting us out? How did they know we were here?" No. 17 and No. 18 had thoughts flashing in their hearts. Although they were sleeping in the sleeping cabin, their behavior was only forbidden. It doesn't mean that they must fall asleep and cannot hear outside sounds.

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