And No. 18 is not sure if all this is made up by Sun Wuben. After talking to Sun Wuben for so long, No. 18 has long recognized that this man is the one who was going to release them from the Dr. Gro Institute. She is Knowing that Monkey King had searched the institute for a long time, it is not surprising to know Sharu, so it is possible to make up a Sharu from the future to scare them.

"It's okay to follow you." No. 18 jade finger raised his hair and said coldly, "The reward is one million."

"No." Sun Wuben's voice was cold, "Do you want to go or not, anyway, there is no one million."

"Sniff." No. 18 said coldly.

"This is one million, not one hundred." Sun Wuben exclaimed, "If you want one hundred, I can give it to you."

"Forget it, one hundred dollars, send a beggar." No.18 snorted, and she looked at No.17 and No.16, "Let's walk with them, after all, the 15 million will have to be taken from him. If he dies, we won’t get anything."

"Yes." No.17 said coldly.

Number 16 just nodded.

"No. 18, don't worry, I'm not that easy to die." Sun Wuben exclaimed, and then looked at everyone, "I know the approximate location, so I will use teleport to take everyone there. Let's hold hands and form a circle. No. 18 , No. 17 and No. 16, you can put your hands on my shoulders or on Alin's shoulders." Sun Wuben pointed to Klin.

"What?" No.18 stared at Sun Wuben. Of course she heard Sun Wuben say teleport, but she still didn't understand what teleport meant.

"I can move instantaneously and can reach any place I want to reach in an instant, including another planet, even the edge of the universe, that is to say, regardless of distance, I can reach it in an instant." Sun Wuben said.

"Do you have such an ability?" No.18 looked at Monkey King in surprise with big beautiful eyes.

At this time, there was a flash of light in the eyes of No. 17 and No. 16. Sun Wuben ran to them to speak before, and disappeared in front of them instantly after speaking, and appeared beside Piccolo, Tianjin Fan and others. At that time, both of them were also in their hearts. I was puzzled, I don't know how Sun Wu originally left, and he got far away so soon.

"It turns out to be teleportation."

On the 17th and 16th, the two of them looked at each other, and both had an idea. This person is so bold that he is not afraid of the three of them. It must be because of the ability to escape.

On the 18th, a flash appeared next to Sun Wuben, and stretched out his jade hand to press on Sun Wuben's shoulder: "It's very convenient for you to escape with the exercises like this. I used to think you were brave, but now I know that you are the most afraid of death."

Soon, Sun Wuben and Klin used teleportation to lead everyone to disappear into this valley.

Ten minutes later, a virgin mountain forest was covered with green grass and moss on the mountain.

"It really is a time machine."

"It seems that this machine has really been here for many years." Everyone said with a heavy face looking at the space-time machine on the grass covered with moss.

No. 18 also stepped forward and looked carefully around the space-time machine, her expression became more and more solemn.

"There is no flaw in this machine."

"It seems that all of this was not arranged temporarily because of dealing with us." No.18's heart was heavy. If it weren't for the props arranged for them, then what Sun Wuben said to them earlier is likely to be true.

"But Sharu isn't necessarily the one who drove this machine." No. 18 floated above the space-time machine, thinking.

"Tranks, how about it?" Piccolo looked at Trunks. There were fine beads of sweat on his forehead. He took a deep breath: "This one is exactly the same as mine. , I don’t see any difference, except that this hatch has a hole, because it’s been left for too long and it looks like this."

"what do you mean?"

"It is very possible that Uncle Aben’s previous reasoning is correct. This space-time machine was made by my mother in another space-time, and I in another space-time... It is very likely that I was actually driven here by this space-time machine. The people were killed." Trunks said solemnly.

"No matter what, Trunks, take a closer look and see if there are any other clues." Monkey King said.


Trunks is very familiar with the operation of the space-time machine. He opened the hatch, jumped in, and fell on the two huge semicircular eggshells in the cabin.

"This thing must have been left by that guy." Trunks took the eggshell and flew out of the hatch and placed it on the ground.


As soon as No. 18's eyes fell on the eggshell, her face turned pale suddenly.

"It's Sharu!"

The body of No. 17 also froze, and a fear surged in his heart. How could he and No. 18 not know Sharu, even if they hadn't seen it, they could smell that breath. Trunks opened, Sharu's eggshell was taken out, and both of them sensed Sharu's unique breath.

"It seems that things have become very serious indeed." Sun Wuben sighed. At this time, everything is understood. History has not changed greatly because of the arrival of Sun Wuben. This time the space-time machine is still Sharu.

"Uncle Aben, can you see what this is?" Trunks asked.

"This is an eggshell, the eggshell of a certain kind of creature, Trunks, you should know. You can feel the breath of this eggshell carefully, and everyone can feel it." Sun Wuben said, stretching out a finger Tap lightly on the eggshell. "Pop!" The egg shell shattered, and immediately everyone sensed some strange aura from the egg shell.

"Good evil breath." Piccolo said solemnly.

Trunks' hand trembled slightly: "Sure enough, it is Sharu. I know this breath. It is exactly the same as the breath of Sharu who was killed by Uncle Klin in time and space."

"It seems that Sharu from another time and space came to our world." Monkey King said, looking at Trunks, "Go and check when this time machine came."


Trunks flew into the door of the space-time machine, and his fingers flew on the keyboard.

"The energy of this space-time machine is almost completely exhausted. It took 788 years to ride over, which is three years slower than my future. In the future three years after I left, the time to come to this era is about Four years ago, he arrived a year earlier than the last time I came." Trunks said solemnly.

"The time and space of Trunks is now in 785. This guy is in 788 years. It really is another time and space." Klin said in a deep voice, "and he came here four years ago. He was able to kill Tran. Kx, after coming here, he lurked silently. This is too weird. It seems that things are already obvious, and it is indeed Sharu who is here."

"But why does Sharu have to be lurking?" Yamucha said.

"If I'm not wrong, that time-space Sharu has experienced long-term accumulation and has grown up, but if he is to truly transform into a perfect and ultimate humanoid without any defects, there is one more thing he must do. "Sun Wuben said solemnly.

"That is to swallow the 17th and the 18th." Klin said, "I think when this Sharu grows up, he originally wanted to swallow the 17th and the 18th, but what he didn't know was that the 17th and the 18th were special. Lanx was killed, so he couldn't evolve into a perfect body. Finally, he killed Trunks. When he came to this time and space, he stung and waited for the 17th and the 18th."

One after another, they looked at No. 17 and No. 18 on the side.

No. 17 and No. 18 have pale faces, but their eyes are very stubborn.

"Have you finished your play?" No.17 said coldly, "If it's over, it's time to do business."

"The matter is already clear, there will be nothing to do with me next." Sun Wuben grinned, "After all, my body can't help you at all. On the 18th, let's continue the previous business."

"Let's talk, but if it is related to Sharu, please forgive me not to play with you." No. 18 said coldly, "I am not interested in your kind of pretending to be a ghost."

"Our business, I think you must be very interested." Sun Wu's face was still full of smiles, and then he pointed to Piccolo next to him, “You know Piccolo, but one thing you probably don’t know is that he is The Namekians, because of the dramatic changes in Namek's climate, he was sent to the earth by the clan when he was young. It can be said that he is an alien who grew up on the earth."

"What do you kid want to do?" Piccolo looked at Sun Wuben in confusion.

"Another thing happened to Namek, the whole planet was destroyed, so the remaining Namek people moved to a new planet, which is now Namek, which I call again New Namek, the Namek people are on New Namek except Pic," Sun Wuben said, "So, if this new Namek has an accident and the Namek people will die, This race of Naamek is tantamount to complete extinction."

"It's not necessarily." Piccolo snorted, and he glared at Monkey King. "What are you guys wanting to say, what are you doing to curse me, Namek?"

"Because I recently discovered something that New Namek has encountered an unprecedented crisis, a crisis stronger than Frieza's crisis." Monkey King's voice became extremely heavy.

"What are you kidding?" Piccolo sneered.

"I'm not kidding me." Sun Wuben said in a deep voice, "Bick, believe it or not, in short, there is a very powerful evil aura going towards New Namek. This aura is that of the Frozen Clan."

What Sun Wuben is talking about is naturally the metal Kevlar annual representative of Dragon Ball Complete Works 7 includes 2 sets of theater films of Carrick II and Kevlar, and the annual publication of the Dragon Ball Exhibition of Toriyama The table also records the theatrical version of God of Destruction, Carrick II and Kevlar, which means that these three theatrical versions are officially recognized as the official history of Dragon Ball, while the other theatrical versions are not official history.

Therefore, the plots of God of Destruction, Carrick II, and Kevera are all official history.

Now that Sun Wuben has come to this theatrical version of Dragon Ball World, Kevlar's plot will definitely happen.

"According to time speculation, the metal Kevlar is now heading towards the new Namek star." Sun Wu flashed through his mind about the theatrical version of Kevlar.

"Bick, I ask you, in the three years since I left this time and space, did Frieza's brother ever violated the earth?" Sun Wuben asked.

"That's right, the name Kevela is very powerful, Frieza is nothing compared to him." Piccolo looked at Sun Wuben indifferently, "Kvela has changed more than Frieza, but he still It was not Monkey King's opponent, so he was killed. You know about this from Dr. Brives, right."

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