Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 882: Babidi's pride

Ten miles away from the battle center, there was a bubble floating.

"Majin Buu, good fight, good fight..." Babidi hid in the bubbles and danced, even imitating the movements of punching, as cheerful as a child. He didn't notice a figure appeared in the sky not far from him.

"I said Babidi, long time no see!"

"Huh?" The motion of Babidi's fist froze, he turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and suddenly a face appeared in front of him.

"Ah, Monkey King!"

Babidi flew away like a frightened rabbit, but he didn't escape ten feet before he felt something wrong.

"Now I already have a powerful subordinate like Majin Buu, instead of being alone, why be afraid of him?" Although Babidi thought so, the figure flying towards Buu did not slow down at all. .

"Majin Buu, Majin Buu, hurry, save me!" Babidi yelled as he ran.

"Master Babidi, I can't get out of my body!" Buu replied in his heart. In fact, it is true. The 10 billion Monkey King is extremely powerful, and it is still getting stronger and stronger, especially when the two sides are in martial arts. The above-mentioned comprehension, his Buu martial arts improved, and Monkey King also improved. If Buu is allowed to get away at this time, unless Sun Wukong is willing to take the initiative to leave.

"Buu, you dare to resist me, aren't you afraid that I will seal you up?" Babidi was furious because he found that Sun Wuben followed him like a shadow.

"I see." Buu was also anxious at this time. He didn't want to be sealed up again and return to the dark days.

"Stop, stop, I'm not playing anymore." Buu called to Monkey King.

"Why?" Monkey King stopped his attack and looked at Buu suspiciously. As soon as Buu saw that Monkey had stopped his attack, he flew at Babidi, and Buu soon came to Babidi's side.

"Great! Devil Buu, you are so good!" Babidi was so excited that he almost wanted to hug Buu, "You finally came, now I am safe."

"Master Babidi, what are you afraid of?" Buu couldn't help being touched when he saw that Babidi was so dependent on him, and then he looked at Sun Wuben who was next to Babidi, with curiosity in his eyes. He could feel that he was in harmony with him. The person in front of him also has the same strange connection as Babidi.

It's just that because of the fierce battle with Monkey King before, Buu didn't think much about it. At this time, a series of doubts appeared in his mind.

Babidi did not immediately respond to Buu's inquiry, but looked at Monkey King triumphantly.

"Sun Wuben, I have to say that your courage is really great." Babidi said very excitedly, looking at Sun Wuben, Babidi was so excited that he almost wanted to cheer.

The last time Sun Wuben suddenly appeared in front of him with Vidili, and also pinched his neck, Bobidi was really frightened, and even wondered if he could survive, and then he summoned Dapla to return to him. By his side, but such a powerful Dapla was actually killed by Monkey King.

Sun Wuben is so powerful, and he is not afraid of the resurrection of Demon Buu, and even makes Babidi suspect that even if Demon Buu is resurrected, he has to bypass Sun Wuben's territory.

But when the demon Buu was born and easily played with Sun Gohan and the Realm King God in the palm of his hand, Babidi gained confidence.

Afterwards, Majin Buu easily defeated Son Gohan and was much stronger than Son Gohan. Son Wukong and Vegeta, who were able to kill Dapla in his mouth, made Babidi even more excited.

It's just that Babidi didn't expect Vegeta to be so decisive.

After discovering that he could not defeat Buu, he actually chose to explode. Seeing Buu disappeared into Vegeta's self-destruction, Babidi was really worried.

And at that time, Piccolo and two little ghosts actually wanted to kill him. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Buu was resurrected.

The ability of Majin Buu to be resurrected was indeed unexpected for Babidi, and it also allowed Babidi to truly see the power and incredibleness of Buu, and it surpassed the information Bibidi left him.

By this time, Babidi had 100% confidence that Buu could defeat Monkey King.

So he couldn't wait to get revenge, but the person who had been turned into a stone statue by Dapla's saliva due to his mistake was resurrected because of Dapla's death, and actually blocked their way.

Originally, Babidi didn't really value this Alin, but when he really fought, he found that this guy was suffocating.

His battle with Buu was horrible and desperate.

The more Babidi calculated the combat effectiveness of these two men, the more shocked he was. Only then did he understand how lucky it was for Dapla to turn that guy into a stone statue at first.

This time, Babidi knew about Alin's horror and also saw Buu's power even more.

So when Klin was turned into candy and eaten by Buu, Babidi was relieved and boldly marched to the home of Sun Wuben, the capital of the West. As soon as I walked here, I ran into the Monkey King who was in the way. What shocked Babidi was that this time, the Monkey King was so powerful that he couldn't believe it. Fortunately, Buu did not live up to his expectations. The Monkey King changed. Strong, Buu is also stronger, otherwise, Babidi has to reconsider whether to leave this weird earth.


Monkey King appeared beside Monkey King.

"Aben, why are you here too?"

"Goku, go back quickly, I think the two boys, Wutian and Alans, should listen to you very much this time." Sun Wuben said.

"But you won't go together?" Monkey King said crisply.

"I talked to Babidi and Buu, and just walked away." Sun Wuben said.


Monkey King was taken aback.

"Are you going to do something with Buu?" Monkey King's eyes widened. "Are you kidding me?"

At this time, Babidi really couldn't stand the Monkey King and Sun Wukong ignoring his existence.

"Bold! Sun Wuben, do you want to die, dare not to answer my Babidi's words." Babidi yelled at Sun Wuben.

"Babidi." Sun Wu ignored Sun Wukong, then smiled and looked at Babidi, "It should be said that you are bold enough. Didn't you find how terrifying the earth is? If you didn't leave early, is it really going to kill you? Do you stop here?"

Babidi's face suddenly became gloomy: "It seems that you haven't recognized the facts, and that's right. You haven't fought with Buu, and you don't know how horrible Buu is. Okay, it's useless to tell you more, or let Buu Ou Lai teach you how to behave, Buu, give me a slap in the face of Sun Wuben, don't kill it yet, just give me a half-death, because I will kill him with my own hands."

"Hit him?"

Buu looked at Monkey King excitedly, and then slapped his hands and danced: "Yeah, yeah! Great, great, there are new toys!"

But the next moment, Sun Wuben’s spiritual message sounded in his heart: "Majin Buu, you must have discovered that you have been controlled by me, just like Babidi controls you, and I also have the same ability as Babidi. Seal your abilities."

The smile on Buu's face froze, and his eyes rolled: "You are talking nonsense, you can't control me at all."

"You should understand it yourself." Sun Wuben's voice resounded in Buu's heart again, "My control is exactly the same as that of Babidi, he has the ability to seal you, and I do the same, do you want to try?"

"Don't, but, Sun Wuben, why would you do that too?" Buu asked, he did feel that he was controlled by Babidi and Sun Wuben at the same time.

"Because I have read Babidi's memory, otherwise why did he fear me so much? Now that I read his memory, I naturally learned how to control you and seal your ability in his memory." Sun Wuben said.

Buu's face is extremely ugly. A Babidi threatening him at any time is enough to make him uncomfortable. Now there is another one. How can he be as happy as he wants?


Babidi looked at Majin Buu suspiciously.

"Buu, didn't I ask you to beat Sun Wuben, why didn't you make a move?"

"Sorry, Lord Babidi, I can't shoot him because I don't want to be sealed." Majin Buu said with a cold face.

"You don't want to be sealed to listen to me." Babidi angrily said, "Majin Buu, do you have a brain problem? Only me can seal you. If you don't listen to me..."

"Enough." Monkey King interrupted Babidi, "Babidi, have you forgotten something."

"What do you want to say?" Babidi fish looked at Sun Wuben, "If I were you, run away now. Don't think that you are fearless if you have teleportation. Once Buu takes action, you want to escape. ..."

at this time.

I saw some strange notes in Sun Wuben's "

Babidi's hand trembled, this note was too familiar to him, and in the next moment, a huge red fireball appeared in the air in front of him.

The pressing heat caused everyone to step back involuntarily.


"Sun Wuben, you actually know how to do fireball, are you also a magician from the devil world?" Babidy screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

Fireball is the most basic magic. There are too many magicians in the devil world, but even so, it is not so easy to use.

It took him three full years for Babidi to learn the first fireball technique, and then it took another three years for him to practice the fireball technique instantaneously.

However, Sun Wuben’s current cast was a real instant cast. Only when he chanted a spell, the fireball technique over there was released, and the fireball sent out was not the size of a ping-pong ball, but was like a fireball, capable of roasting hundreds of people to death. Huge fireball.

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