Super Grandmaster of Dragonball

Chapter 884: Wonderful live broadcast

Above the blue sky.

Monkey King was very happy at this time: "Haha, it turns out that Aben, you and I want to go together, if that's the case, then I'm relieved, but you can really handle Buu and Babidi?"

"Don't worry, you go back and find two little ghosts." Monkey King smiled.

"Then be careful." Monkey King started teleporting. After he knew that Monkey King could actually control Buu partly, Monkey King was not very worried. After Buu's threat was removed, Babidi could not be Sun Wuben's opponent at all.

That's right, what Sun Wuben explained to Sun Wukong is that he and Babidi can only partially control Buu, just like Babidi controls Vegeta.

Vegeta can ignore his orders, and Buu has his own thoughts, and he doesn't want his destiny to be in the hands of others all the time.

And Buu and Vegeta are different.

Vegeta can’t separate the evil part of her body, but Buu can. If he is too restrained and uncomfortable, he can separate good and evil and divide into two Buu. The only thing Sun Wu could control is Buu who has a righteous heart. There is no alternative to evil Buu.

"Sun Wuben, don't you think it's too much?" Babidi looked at Sun Wuben with a sullen face. Even thinking of now, he still feels that there is no good way to deal with Sun Wuben.

"Babydi, it is really surprising to say this from your mouth." Monkey King smiled.

"Isn’t it? I’ve never bullied you, but you bullied me time and time again, took my memory, killed Dapla, or snatched my Buu, don’t you think it’s too bullying? "Babidi roared.


Monkey King looked towards the horizon.

I saw a huge flying fortress flying from the sky.

"Damn it!"

Babidi pointed at the huge flying fortress. He was suffocating his anger and had nowhere to send it. These ordinary people dared to come to his Babidi's place. It was really a long life.

A ray of light shot from Babidi's hand.


Sun Wuben waved his hand and saw the ray of light shining from Babidi's hand disappeared: "Babidi, that's mine."

"Sun Wuben." Babidi was very angry and helpless. "Which person on this earth does not belong to you? Say, what price do you want me to pay before you are willing to give me all the control of Buu."

"Fight with me." Sun Wuben carried his hands on his back, with a grand master attitude. After all, Sun Wuben had discovered that the most advanced cameras on the huge flying fortress, even Sun Wuben obtained from other planets can shoot super The high-speed moving cameras have been set up, and the lens has been aimed at this side.

At this time, it is natural to be handsome.

"Fighting with you?" Babidi was so angry that he almost jumped his feet. "You think I'm crazy, how could you, Babidi, a magician, fight with you a warrior, and still be so close? If I can beat you, go on Will you be pinched and unable to move?"

"I will reduce my combat power to one ten millionth, even a little bit weaker than you."

"Even so, I can't be your opponent." Babidi said angrily, but there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, "And who knows you didn't lie to me? So what if I won?"

"You can only hope that I didn't fool you, it's up to you to do or not. I only give you three seconds to consider, three...two..." Sun Wuben said.

"I promise!" Babidi roared. Can he not agree? If he agrees, he can at least delay it for some time. If he doesn't agree, Sun Wu would have done it immediately.

"It's wise." Sun Wuben clapped his hands, "Babydi, I hope you can make the scene a little cooler during the battle, understand, because our current battle scene will be broadcast live all over the world, I don't want you It’s so shameless, it embarrass me!

"Live broadcast all over the world?"

Babidi looked at the large flying fortress not far away, and immediately understood Sun Wuben's intention.

"I will definitely try my best to cooperate with you." By this time, Babidi also understood that only by trying his best to please Sun Wuben can he let Sun Wuben let him go like last time.

"Majin Buu, please do me a favor." Sun Wuben pointed to the flying fortress not far away, "When I fight with Babidi, maybe the aftermath of the battle will affect them, so please Help protect them."

"I know." Buu's face was reluctant, and even angry, but he didn't dare to act too much.

"In addition." Sun Wu swiped into the air with his own hand, as if to cut a hole in the space, only to see a giant octopus more than ten meters long appeared in the air.

"This is... for eating?"

Buu's eyes lit up.

The octopus exudes a sweet smell of candy and meat.

This is the chocolate baked octopus specially made by Sun Wuben who caught the big octopus in the deep sea. Sun Wu originally knew that Buu's preference was to eat, and he had a preference for sweets that was beyond ordinary people, and this preference was owned by both justice Buu and evil Buu.

That's why it appears that whether it is the current Buu, not the evil Buu later, he always turns his opponent into chocolate or eats biscuits, and he likes to go to the cake shop to eat enough.

Even the Buu article is over.

The righteous Buu, that is, Fat Buu, follows Mr. Satan. Every day, he has nothing to do except eat. As long as he is given food, he is willing to do anything. As for fame, wealth and money, Buu’s eyes are not as good as a piece of chocolate.

The octopus in front of him did not use conventional cooking methods, but used a lot of sugar, butter, and chocolate. Sun Wu didn't believe Buu didn't like it.

As soon as the octopus comes out, the scent of chocolate, cream, sweet and sour, and the octopus itself are intertwined and spread in all directions.

Buu's nose is very sensitive, and he was a little hungry since he had just had a long fight with Monkey King.

At this time, smelling the tempting fragrance, Buu was so excited as if he was going to bed with his beloved, he saw his saliva flow out of his mouth and looked at the scented octopus in front of him.

"Sun Wuben, what is this?"

If it hadn't been for Sun Wuben to get it, Buu would have rushed to grab it and ate it, but now he didn't dare.

"This is for you to eat." Sun Wuben said, and then raised his finger, the octopus flew towards Buu, "Take it and eat it."


Buu was as excited as a child, rushing to the octopus in a dance, grabbed one of the octopus's legs and gnawed, and his eyes narrowed with happiness.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious!" Buu cried weirdly, "It's even more delicious than the chocolate I made myself, Monkey King, you are such a good person!"

"Is this a good person?" Monkey King looked strange.

"Don't just focus on eating, pay attention to the safety of those people for me." Sun Wuben said.

"I know." Buu called.

"Damn Sun Wuben." Babidi's face was extremely ugly. After seeing Sun Wuben's actions, he still didn't understand that Sun Wu was bribing Buu, but he had never wanted to bribe his subordinates. Bribery will not leave a good impression in Buu's heart, and all the things he ate, Babidi, were eaten by Monkey King, Vegeta and others in the spacecraft. The rest is ordinary barbecue. Use these Bribing Buu will have Sun Wuben’s carefully prepared food?

"I knew I should have a good relationship with Buu." Babidi regretted it. At this time, Sun Wuben couldn't let him think about it.

"Babydi, let's start." With a wave of Sun Wu's own hand, a huge fireball slammed directly into Babedi. "Huh!" A protective shield surged on Babidi, and then he waved his hand and saw a huge iceberg forming on top of Sun Wuben's head. This iceberg directly pressed down and quickly pressed Sun Wuben on the ground.

But the next moment, a beam of light shot out from the iceberg, and Sun Wuben penetrated the iceberg and hovered in front of Babidi.

"go with!"

Sun Wuben raised his hands, and the icebergs on the ground turned into ice thorns and shot towards Babidi.


Huge icebergs, overwhelming sea of ​​fire, huge stones... This battle of Sun Wuben was originally performed for ordinary people on the earth, and Babidi worked very hard to win Sun Wuben’s favor, so whether it was Sun Wuben or Bobby Di Duo chose a move with gorgeous visual effects and terrifying looks.

All of this was directly filmed by the shooting team arranged by Sun Wuben and broadcast live.

At this moment, countless people on the earth are staying in front of the TV, watching this live broadcast, watching the huge iceberg falling from the sky, pressing Sun Wuben underground. Everyone can't help but feel nervous and suspect that Sun Wuben was crushed by the iceberg. Meat sauce.

But the next moment when Sun Wuben broke out of the ice, one by one cheered again.

But when the overwhelming fire ignited directly and Sun Wuben disappeared into the sea of ​​flames, many of them were nervous and sweating. The next moment the sea of ​​fire was separated, and when Sun Wuben rushed out of it, cheers rang out again.


In the mezzanine of the ceiling of Satan's bedroom, Satan is also watching the live broadcast.

"This is not a trick, absolutely not a trick. Could it be that Sun Wuben is really a disciple of Klin?" Satan opened his mouth and couldn't believe that he had been cooperating with him to make movies. Satan was very polite, and actually looked down upon him. Sun Wuben was actually Klin's disciple.

But soon Satan squinted his eyes with a smile. He is not an ordinary person. Although occasionally a little stupid, sometimes he is very shrewd. Before seeing the battle between Sun Wuben and Babidi, Satan did not find anything wrong, but after watching it for a long time, They found some famous halls.

"Brother Sun really deserves to be a guy in the entertainment industry. He can slap Babidi to death and accompany him in acting. These seas of fire, icebergs, etc., have no power at all, so it's hard to beat Brother Sun..."

Satan knows how terrible Klin is. If Sun Wu is really Klin's disciple, his power can destroy the world, how could he be entangled with some fireballs, icebergs, and seas of flames sent by Babidi.


The West Capital Brives and his wife were also watching live TV at this time.

"Aben really is, this kid is too playful!" Dr. Breves shook his head.

"It's good to like to play, how interesting, and don't you think Aben is so This action of punching the ice gun is really cool!" Mrs. Breff screamed excitedly , Of course the two of them knew that Monkey King was playing at all.

In the Guixian House on Guixian Island, Guixianren is also very boring to watch.

At this time, Erian had many disciples in the sword-drawing dojo, far exceeding those of Klin.

The martial arts field is broadcasting the live broadcast of the battle between Monkey King and Babidi on the big screen. Many people continue to cheer and sweat from time to time.

But Master Erian had a smile in his eyes, his expression relaxed as if he were watching a soap opera.

Those disciples under him, especially those who had been with Klin, knew the strength of the three sisters Ai Xinjie, Ai Xinyu, and Ai Xinmeng, all of them were extremely relaxed, without the tension and excitement they should have.

"Brother Aben really knows how to play!"

"It's also a shame that he would think of such a way of playing, but that's right, otherwise, martial arts are hard to come by!"


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