Xu Sui and Han Yuxin cooperated well.

The two spoke sharply and hit the nail on the head. Every word was so sharp that the president of Xingzhuo Media was speechless and had no power to fight back.

Not only did they solve the contract dispute, but Han Yuxin's negotiation expert team also performed stably.

They tore off a layer of skin from Xingzhuo Entertainment Media Company and won a compensation of up to 5 million for Qin Yin.

After the matter was discussed, there was no doubt that they won a great victory.

The coffee and snacks in front of her were finished, and Qin Yin stood up lazily and stretched.

She glanced at the president with a sullen face, "As a person, you still have to abide by the law and be down-to-earth. Those who exploit legal loopholes will eventually suffer the consequences."

The president of Xingzhuo Media couldn't understand how Qin Yin could invite two top teams.

He lost both his wife and his army. He was angry and agreed with a distorted face.

"Hehehe... Miss Qin Yin is right..."


Qin Yin snorted.

She led a group of more than a dozen people out of the conference room leisurely, as if they were strolling in their own backyard.

Watching them disappear from sight.

Wu Mei, who had no chance to speak after being slapped, was full of anger and her voice was sharp.

"CEO, are you crazy? You just let Qin Yin, that little bitch, walk away so arrogantly? And you compensated Qin Yin 5 million?!"

Wu Mei's voice had just fallen.

CEO Xing Zhuo, who had suffered a loss, kicked the chair in front of him angrily.

Still not satisfied, he raised his hand and slapped Wu Mei on the other side of her face.

"Shut up! Idiot!"

"This is all your fault. You have been with Qin Yin for two years and you didn't know her background. I was bitten by those two poisonous snakes today!"

"Wu Mei, you are fired. Pack up and get out now!"

He didn't want to pay a huge amount of compensation, but were Xu Sui and Han Yuxin easy to mess with?

Wu Mei was slapped twice in a row, and the anger in her heart erupted like a volcano.

She rushed forward fiercely and grabbed the man's collar, and the other hand with long nails scratched the other's face.

"I did all this for the company. I have been working diligently to generate income for the company. You want to kick me away? You are dreaming!"

"Let go! You crazy woman!"

The two of them fought each other, neither of them gave in. The fierce fight caused both of them to be injured.

They fought in the conference room and made a lot of noise, which attracted many people to speculate and gossip.


Qin Yin didn't know about the farce inside Xingzhuo.

In the elevator.

Qin Yin leaned against the elevator wall, "Post the contract scandal of Xingzhuo Media online when it's sorted out, and the director's video."

Han Yuxin nodded.

"Okay, Miss Qin."

With a ding, the elevator door opened, and a group of people walked out of the elevator and got on the car.

They took out their laptops and quickly tapped on the keyboard, making a slight snapping sound.

Xu Sui and Han Yuxin mobilized their accumulated connections, and the news of the contract scandal of Xingzhuo Media and the truth of "beating the director" quickly became a hot search.

#Explosion! The dark side of the entertainment industry surfaced

#Boiling! Garbage agency signed artists maliciously to earn sky-high termination fees

#Hot! Xingzhuo Media has terminated the contract with artists and revealed that the company forced the artists to accompany them for drinking

#New! The truth about the female artist beating the director was exposed, and the scum director maliciously edited and misled


The hot search made a big fuss, attracting countless people who were unaware of the truth and netizens who didn't know the truth.

The entertainment industry is full of shady dealings, such as pimping, drinking with others, and maliciously not providing resources to earn sky-high termination fees, etc.

It makes everyone's scalp tingle and sigh that the entertainment industry is so chaotic. The entertainment industry deserves to be called a "bottomless big dye vat".

[I am a trainee who has been terminated by Xingzhuo Media. Let me tell you how disgusting and dirty Xingzhuo is.

When I was in my third year of high school, I was discovered by a scout and signed to Xingzhuo Entertainment Media, but they never provided resources and just let the trainees fend for themselves.

If you are lucky, a company will make a profit. As for other trainees who don't want to waste their youth for a few years, the rich ones grit their teeth and pay the termination fee to leave the company, while the poor ones can only wait until the contract expires and waste several years of their best youth in vain. ]

[Damn it! It's a garbage company. No wonder a scout handed me a business card when I was walking on the street. I said that I don't look good and I don't have any talent. It's not that kind of material. Only blind people would like me. It turns out that they are maliciously trying to earn sky-high termination fees. Vomit.jpg]

[The city is full of tricks, I want to go back to the countryside.]

[Damn, I scolded the wrong person. The video of the actor beating the director in the web series "The Escaped Little Wife of the Domineering Boss" was completely taken out of context. The truth is that the director and the crew humiliated the actors., and attacked the actors personally. 】

[Bah, these bastards have no manners at all. If I were the person involved, I would also be unable to resist beating them up. I think the beating given by this young lady is considered light. Applause.jpg]

The number of hot search comments soared.

The rubbish director and a group of people from Xingzhuo Media became popular, and were dragged out to be whipped. The stinky things they did in the past were dug up by the powerful netizens.

The investors of "The Escaped Little Wife of the Domineering Boss" withdrew their investment without saying a word when they saw that the situation was not right.

As for Xingzhuo Media, it suffered heavy losses, attracted countless authoritative media reporters in the industry, scandals occurred frequently, and the stock price plummeted.

Even the procuratorate and the police arrived at the scene and arrested the president and related senior executives of Xingzhuo Media on suspicion of illegal operation.

It took only a few hours for a small company to go bankrupt.


The storm is not over yet.

In a small and cramped rental house, the surrounding garbage piled up like a mountain and exuded a foul smell.

The man in flowery shorts and slippers danced his fingers on the keyboard, speaking ill of others and venting his dissatisfaction with life.

"Bah! The company is indeed rubbish, but it takes two hands to clap for a drinking companion. If you don't want to, can the company kill you? It's obviously these bitches who want to get close to the rich and powerful."

After typing the comment, he got up and soaked a bucket of instant noodles.

"Knock knock--"

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

He got up and opened the door.

Outside stood an elite man in a suit and handed the lawyer's letter in his hand to the person in front of him with an expressionless face.

"Wang Yingjun, male, 25 years old."

"In response to your malicious rumors and slanders against Miss Qin Yin on the Internet, the number of likes and reposts has exceeded 500. We have officially filed a lawsuit against you. Please arrive at the court on time according to the court summons. If you refuse to appear in court, it will be deemed that you have automatically given up."

Wang Yingjun is arrogant on the Internet, but he is timid when encountering things in reality.

Other celebrities who were rumored to send lawyers' letters were just bluffing. Who knew that this time, the 18th-tier female celebrity would actually dare to sue netizens?

"Bluff... Who... Who..."

Wang Yingjun took the lawyer's letter with trembling fingers, slammed the door shut, and ran back to the computer to surf the Internet. He found that many people had received the lawyer's letter.

These people were all those who spread rumors and humiliated Qin Yin online.

"It's over... It's over... I've hit a wall..."

Wang Yingjun's heart was in a mess.

He didn't even notice that the instant noodles on the table had been spilled, his eyes were lifeless and worried and afraid.

There were also some people who were also deeply trapped in fear. Some were relatively calm and went to consult a lawyer after receiving the lawyer's letter.

Who knew that the lawyer was shocked when he saw the "Taihe Law Firm" on the lawyer's letter, saying that this case was a hot potato and he couldn't take it.

Xu Sui's law firm, who can win a lawsuit against him?

Seeking death.

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