Super Shinto Master

1204th New Body, Vajra Pill, Pit, Take Down (more than 4000 words)

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"New body, new body..."

Crazy ideas kept coming in chaos, like an unconscious lunatic talking.

Yu Guihai looked calm and thoughtful.

Naturally, this is not a lunatic, but an idea conveyed by the spirituality of the psychic ancient pill. This trace of spirituality may have been relatively weak, but it has become extremely powerful after countless years of tempering in the Sixiang Huayuan Refining Yin Cauldron.

Now it has a powerful strength comparable to that of the real Dao realm.

Although the Book of Life and Death can control it, it can only be controlled at a superficial level, and cannot completely enslave it. Therefore, the spirituality of this psychic Gudan can still put forward conditions. If they are not satisfied, they can pay a certain price at any time to get rid of the control of the Book of Life and Death.

At this time, the voice constantly echoing in Yu Guihai's Consciousness Sea was the condition proposed by the psychic Gudan's spirituality.

That is the new body.

Yu Guihai had to provide him with a satisfactory new body before he could let him give up the psychic Gudan. It's an exchange. Gudan got a new body spiritually, and Yu Guihai got a psychic Gudan.

This is just in line with Yu Guihai's wishes.

However, he did not immediately agree. Firstly, the new body needed by the psychic Gu Dan's spirituality can only be a high-quality panacea. I don't know what conditions it has. If he wants a panacea that he can't get, it is not good done.

Second, why did Gu Dan spirituality propose a new body so actively and crazily?

Although the current Gu Dan has cracks, it is still far from being broken. In fact, it shouldn't be so urgent. Maybe there is something wrong with Gudan itself.

Yu Guihai immediately sent a thought to ask Gu Dan about his spiritual needs, but he didn't get any feedback. Although this thing has a bit of spirituality, its intelligence is very low, and it cannot express complicated meanings.

Yu Guihai thought for a while, and could only take out the elixir one by one for him to choose on his own initiative.

Thinking of this, he wiped it casually, and there were various jade vases and jade boxes in front of him, and each jade vase and jade box contained a very precious panacea. At least it is also useful for the strong in the Dao state, and even many panaceas will make the strong in the Dao state flock to it.

These spirit pills are also the high-level spirit pills that Yu Guihai currently owns.

Seeing so many panaceas, Gu Dan Lingling immediately stopped clamoring and fell silent, as if he was picking one.

However, not long after, it conveyed a meaning.

"Nothing, new body, new body..." The frantic call started again.

Yu Guihai showed helplessness, although he had expected that such a powerful spirituality might not look like an ordinary panacea, but he was still a little disappointed in his heart.

However, going on like this is not the answer, who knows what kind of panacea this thing needs?

Yu Guihai pondered in his heart, the panacea needed for this thing should be of high grade first.

This psychic ancient elixir has reached the level of the real dao realm, and the panacea to be recognized by it may also have to be the real dao realm panacea.

But such a panacea, Yu Guihai didn't have the formula in his hands, so he couldn't refine it.

Then there is no way.

Yu Guihai thought for a while, and decided to communicate with Lingdan again. If it communicates too complex information, it may not know how to answer, but if it asks a simple question, it may respond.

Yu Guihai decided to give it a try. He immediately sent out an idea and asked a question.

"Do you accept those who are weaker than your old body?"

At the point of this problem, the continuous noisy voice stopped suddenly, and the crazy Gu Dan spirituality seemed to freeze and did not respond.

Yu Guihai's eyes lit up, there is a door!

Not long after, a voice came from Gu Dan's spirituality: "No, new body, new body..."

"It's not easy!"

Yu Guihai sighed, and carefully looked at the psychic ancient elixir, the grade of this thing was too high, not to mention that he didn't have the elixir formula, even if he had the elixir formula, he didn't have a high-grade elixir.

There are some fine cracks on the surface of the psychic ancient pill,

It looks like a fragile piece of china. But it made Yu Guihai feel extremely troublesome.


A flash of light suddenly flashed in Yu Gui's mind.

He thought about it, could Gu Dan's spirituality despise this Gu Dan's lack of strength? So if you take out a panacea that is not high in grade but very strong, will you agree?

Yu Guihai really knew how to refine such a panacea.

It was a pill recipe that was dug out from the Sea Clan back then. The refinement of this panacea is only equivalent to the level of half-step mastering the Dao state, but if you want to talk about the hardness of the body, even the panacea of ​​the True Dao state will be flattered. Difficult to reach.

Because apart from using precious elixir, this kind of panacea mainly consists of those incomparably hard spirit material metals.

That's right, a large amount of hard spiritual material metal was used in the refining of this kind of panacea, and its effect is quite special. It is not something that ordinary people can take. It itself is needed for the cultivation of a powerful race that has long been extinct among the sea clan. things.

This race used to keep pace with the Neptune family, and its characteristic is that the body can fuse hard spiritual metals, so that the physical body is extremely powerful, and it has been cultivated to the highest level, comparable to the innate spiritual treasure.

Yu Guihai was also quite surprised when he knew about this race. Even he dare not say that he can overwhelm him with this kind of physical strength.

However, such a powerful race has a fatal flaw, that is, it has too much demand for certain high-level spiritual materials and metals, so that when the spiritual materials and metals are insufficient, this race will sink by itself. In addition, it was specifically targeted by the enemy in the Great War of the Ancients, and the whole family was eventually wiped out.

Regarding this statement, Yu Guihai didn't know whether it was true or false, and he didn't care whether it was true or false. He only cares about the inheritance left behind.

The exercises practiced by this race have not been handed down, only the blind panacea needed for their cultivation has been handed down.

This kind of panacea is actually a series. Depending on the level of the spirit medicine and spirit materials used, the refined panacea will have different grades, and the corresponding monks will have different realms.

Yu Guihai has already learned this series, but the strongest elixir of this series is only at the level of half-step mastery.

This panacea is called Vajra Pill, and it is specially used by masters of this race to break through the Dao Mastering Realm.

Based on his alchemy level and the use of the best materials he had, Yu Guihai could at most let this panacea break through half a step, and become a true panacea level panacea.

However, Yu Guihai felt that such words should be enough.

Thinking of this, he immediately began to prepare elixir and spiritual material metal.

He doesn't have to worry about the elixir. He swept away the elixir here before, and each of them is an extremely precious high-level elixir. When Yu Guihai took it, he had left as many seeds as possible. During this period of several years, he had already spawned many precious elixir. It's no problem to gather enough diamond pills.

Don't worry about spiritual materials and metals. Although he doesn't have much on him, there are many islands of precious spiritual materials and metals outside the gate of Xuanyin Palace. The spiritual materials there are not only high-grade, but also almost inexhaustible. inexhaustible.

He didn't delay, and immediately went out to collect the spiritual materials and metals he needed, and when he came back, he started refining with the metals.


Although Yu Guihai had never refined this Vajra Pill, his attainments in alchemy were extremely high, and this thing could be refined with a little effort.

However, I just don't know if it can be refined into a super-grade pill in one go!

Yu Guihai immediately took out the materials and started refining the Vajra Pill on the spot.

A few days later, Yu Guihai let out a soft drink, and waved out countless spells. In front of him, an ancient bronze cauldron was vibrated, the lid of the cauldron bounced suddenly, and a golden elixir shot out, flying back and forth in the air. .

This panacea exudes amazing medicinal power, and what is more conspicuous is that it exudes a gleaming metallic luster. At first glance, it does not look like a panacea, but a metal bead.

"Very good, a success!"

Yu Guihai heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this. Once this panacea was successfully refined, it was refined into a super quality, officially stepping into the level of mastering the Tao.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the panacea in his hand, with a look of interest on his face.

This panacea is so hard that it is comparable to an innate spirit treasure. I don't know how that race used it in ancient times. If it is replaced by ordinary monks, it may not be able to digest at all, but there is a danger of intestinal perforation.

Yu Guihai was observing, and immediately felt a different emotion coming from his body.

It is Gudan spirituality, which seems to be hesitating. He should have taken a fancy to the hardness of this panacea, but he disliked its grade very much.

Yu Guihai was not surprised either. After all, this Vajra Pill was only at the early stage of the Dao Mastery Realm, while the Ancient Psychic Pill was the Real Dao Realm Spirit Pill. There was a big difference between the two. It can be described as worlds apart!

However, as the saying goes, the ruler is long and the inch is short. The functions of the two spirit pills are different. The psychic ancient pill is an inheritance spirit pill. Although the grade is high, it does not have the characteristics of firmness at all. However, the grade of Vajra Pill is low, but it is rare in the world when it comes to its firmness.

"If you don't want people to eat it, this Diamond Pill is the most suitable. No one can take it. No one will be interested in it. And you can collect various high-level spiritual materials to improve it in the future. One day It can be upgraded to a more powerful level. On the other hand, this psychic ancient pill has no effect on you. You should know how to choose." Yu Guihai said earnestly.

But the Gudan spirituality did not respond in the slightest.

Yu Guihai probed for a while, and immediately slapped his head, "Stupid! This guy can't understand such a complicated meaning at all."

So he said again: "Incomparably hard, new body. Go, or die!"


As soon as the words fell, an illusory yellow light flew out of his body and directly penetrated into the Vajra Pill.


A strong impact suddenly erupted from the entire vajra elixir, and then radiated a bright golden light.

The golden light continued non-stop, and it seemed that it would not end in a short time.

Yu Guihai sat down beside him, and began to adjust his physical condition, preparing for the next step of absorbing the psychic Gudan.

The psychic ancient pill contains the powerful inheritance of the yin master, so it cannot be too easy to absorb, so he must adjust his state to the best.

And he also wanted to observe what the Vajra Pill would become after being spiritually fused by Gu Dan!

The fusion of the Vajra Pill lasted for half a year before it gradually fell silent. At this time, the grade of the Vajra Pill had already reached the peak of the middle stage of Dao Mastering Realm. This is due to its spiritual fusion by Gudan.

Gudan's spirituality is a powerful idea at the level of the true Dao realm. After it was integrated into the Vajra Pill, it was immediately upgraded to facilitate the integration.

In the end, the grade of Vajra Pill went from the level of entering the Dao Mastering Realm to the peak of the Dao Mastering Realm in the middle stage, which is only one step away from the Dao Mastering Realm late stage.

In this process, Gu Dan's spirituality has also been greatly transformed. His crazy and chaotic consciousness has obviously improved, and he has become a lot smarter. The most intuitive thing is that he has become more emotional and more rational.

In particular, he also learned to communicate. When merging, he often tried to communicate with Yu Guihai, and quickly learned the language of the spirit world.

Yu Guihai was a little surprised, he didn't expect this thing to be so smart after it moved to another house, it could even talk.

"Hee hee hee~~~"

There was a burst of childlike laughter, and the Vajra Pill suddenly flew up, flying quickly across the room, and bumping back and forth on the wall.

Although the material of this wall is unknown, Yu Guihai has tried it, and it is so hard that even he cannot break it. If it was replaced by the psychic ancient pill, it would break in less than three hits. But the Diamond Pill didn't suffer the slightest damage at all.

From this, we can also understand why Gudan's spirituality is so cheerful. Who could be unhappy about going from a sick child who would die at the first touch to suddenly become a top athlete physique.

Yu Guihai was watching from the side, and suddenly found that the Vajra Pill was flying towards the entrance of the passage, and it seemed that he wanted to leave without saying goodbye.

So he chuckled lightly and said, "Hehe, the troublemaker hasn't come back yet."

"Hehe! Goodbye!" A similar laugh came from within the Vajra Pill, and then disappeared into the tunnel.


Yu Guihai let out a low snort.

Soon, the Vajra Pill flew back involuntarily.

"How did this happen? What did you do?"

There was a sound of shock and anger in the King Kong Dan.

Yu Guihai just smiled and didn't answer, he directly put the Vajra Pill into a jade box and sealed it.

No matter how smart King Kong Dan became, he was no match for humans.

From the moment he fused the Vajra Pill, he had already fallen into Yu Guihai's calculations.

When this spirituality is fused with the Vajra Pill, its original power is directly used to upgrade the grade of the Vajra Pill, and the result is that its original strength directly falls below the Real Dao Realm, at most to the level of the late Master Dao Realm.

This kind of strength is completely under the control of the book of life and death. So Yu Guihai can directly enslave spirituality.

However, because he fell from the Real Dao Realm and still has some characteristics of the True Dao Realm, his subconscious mind was not completely controlled by the Book of Life and Death, and he still had an independent consciousness. But this self-awareness cannot resist Yu Guihai's forcible control.

Therefore, Yu Guihai can control the actions of the Vajra Pill, but he cannot control his thoughts. Then he can only imprison him first.

Next, he wants to absorb the psychic Gudan, and he can't be disturbed by any.

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