Super Shinto Master

1248th The Black Iron Throne, Prisoner's Skull, Terror Existence (more than 4000 words)

Yu Guihai inspected the main hall carefully, and found that it was probably a prison used to imprison someone.

There are still ancient prohibitions inside and outside the hall, and they are all formations engraved on indestructible spiritual materials, which will not be destroyed due to material decay. And set up a special magic circle with the function of automatically absorbing the surrounding evil spirits to ensure the continuous operation of the entire prohibition.

Although the restrictions in these halls are all methods of the ancient true religion, it is difficult for Yu Guihai to penetrate their mysteries through superficial observation, but he can still judge their general effect.

Although these restrictions also have a strong defense externally, they mainly focus on internal defense. This kind of restriction is generally used in places of imprisonment to prevent powerful beings detained inside from escaping.

Yu Guihai's combination with Zhenzhenjiao seems to be an unfriendly attitude towards yin masters, and he speculates that this place should be a prison for powerful yin masters. Thinking of this, he immediately became excited. In this case, it is very likely that the inheritance of a powerful yin master will be left here.

It seems that this trip was not in vain!

Yu Guihai was overjoyed in his heart, he stretched out his hand to lift up the access token, the power from Huishaduer's body poured in, a layer of gray brilliance suddenly lit up on the access token, and then a beam of light shot out, striking Above the two-horned skull on the right side of the temple gate.


The green light in the eyes of this two-horned skull flourished, turning into raging green flames that spewed out. A mysterious wave spread, and the door on the right side slowly opened, revealing the dark space inside the door.

There was darkness inside the gate. From the outside, you could only see half a meter away from the gate, and if you went deeper, you couldn't see it at all.

Holding the pass token, Yu Guihai walked towards the gate, and when he got close, he immediately felt a powerful wave of restraint. It is this layer of prohibition that prevents prying eyes from the outside world. Even if he stood in front of the door, he could only see half a meter inside the door.

Yu Guihai hesitated for a moment before walking into the door.

As if passing through a layer of cool air-conditioning, his body suddenly felt cold, and he came into the hall. At this time, the door behind him quietly closed.


Two rows of miserable green flames suddenly rose around, but the surrounding walls were inlaid with bronze basins the size of pot lids, which contained a viscous black liquid, and it was this liquid that ignited the tragic flames. Green flame.

The entire hall is rendered in a miserable green color, and with the terrifying ghosts carved on the surrounding walls and stone pillars, it is like a terrifying hell, which makes people shudder.

Yu Guihai searched carefully, but found nothing of value.

His eyes turned to the opposite side.

Opposite him, facing the gate, is a tall throne, which is completely black and has a strange style. A lifelike two-horned skull is carved under the seat for support. A two-horned skull is pierced at the end of each handle on both sides.

And behind the back of the throne, there are rows of densely packed black iron spikes straight into the sky. Many of these black iron spikes are directly inserted with two-horned skulls of different sizes.

Yu Guihai could tell from the decoration that this throne should be the seat of the guardian of this place. Judging from the layout of this place, this person should be the supreme ruler here. It's a pity that the true religion has undergone a huge change, and the guardians of this place have long since disappeared.

Yu Guihai came to the throne and inspected it carefully.

This hall should be a prison for Yin practitioners, but the hall is empty, there is no room for detention at all, only this throne is high above, and there must be secrets hidden in it. Perhaps the real prison is repressed beneath the throne.

Yu Guihai inspected it carefully, but found that there is no special space under the throne, but real stones, and there is no space at all.

He was suddenly surprised. If this is not the prison entrance, then where is it?

Yu Guihai looked around, only to see that the place was empty, and there was no abnormality found on the floors and walls of the stone hall, even those weird statues were all ordinary sculptures.

He is a little strange, such an important place, it shouldn't be like this.

Has everything been destroyed here?

This is not impossible at all. If the guard here retreats, he will probably clean up all the prisoners and take away everything of value. That's why it's so clean here.

Or maybe what I expected before was wrong, this is not a prison for Yin practitioners at all?

This is not impossible. Although it looks like a prison from the outside, it may not be true. Maybe the way of thinking of the ancient people is very different from that of the present. It's okay to make the bedroom look like a prison!

However, Yu Guihai vetoed all the speculations in his mind.

The reason is very simple, if it is so simple here, then the previous pass token will not be sent to him by the mysterious power. So there must be a big secret hidden here.

Yu Guihai carefully observed his surroundings, and suddenly, he saw the Black Iron Throne under his nose.

There are various double-horned skulls on the Black Iron Royal Family, and these two-horned skulls can vaguely feel a familiar atmosphere.


A flash of inspiration flashed in Yu Guihai's eyes, and he began to look carefully at the Black Iron Throne with burning eyes.

He suddenly found himself in the dark under the lamp. This Dark Iron Throne is very suspicious.

This thing is located in the main hall, and it seems to be the most important and noble thing here. On the contrary, people will not suspect that there is something wrong with the thing itself. .

He immediately began to study the Iron Throne carefully.

Under his investigation, this thing can only be seen to be an ordinary treasure, and its grade is also at the level of Lingbao. At most, there are some auxiliary cultivation effects, which are nothing at all.

But he found that the two-horned skull pierced on this thing was particularly unusual. These two-horned skulls are obviously real skulls, and it is unknown what race the heads are. He can only speculate that these skulls are the heads of Yin refiners.

This also shows that his previous inference that this place is a prison is correct. However, this prison is different from conventional prisons. The prisoners here are all dealt with directly, locking their energy and energy into the double-horned skull, and then inserting them on the spikes of the throne, or suppressing them under the throne.

Judging from the fact that these two-horned skulls do not have any residual consciousness, they should have died a long time ago, and it is very likely that they were all killed when the guardian left.

With a guess in his mind, Yu Guihai stretched out his hand and began to test the Black Iron Throne.

After some probing, he found that the Black Iron Throne itself has no restrictions to protect outsiders. The restrictions are only for the skulls imprisoned on it, so that they cannot escape or resist, and can only be slaughtered.

After Yu Guihai confirmed it, he began to think of a way to remove the two-horned skull on it to see if he could get any important information from it.

However, he soon discovered that he couldn't remove the two-horned skull on it. This thing is tightly imprisoned, even if it is dead, it cannot be taken down, unless there is something that can open the restriction.

It is naturally possible to attack by force, but Yu Guihai did not dare, because the restriction is very strong, even if he wanted to attack by force, it would not be easy, and he could not grasp the strength at all.

In addition, no one here knows if there are other restrictions. In case of a powerful counterattack after the attack, the gain will not be worth the loss.

Fortunately, Yu Guihai has a token to try.

He then took out the access token and activated it casually. A beam of gray light suddenly shot out from above and landed on a two-horned skull that Yu Guihai had taken a fancy to.


There was a crisp sound. The two-horned skull suddenly loosened. Yu Guihai stretched out his hand and grabbed the two-horned skull.

As soon as the two-horned skull left the iron spikes, it immediately let out strange screams, and a powerful force burst out, almost breaking free from Yu Guihai's control. He hurriedly increased his strength to subdue the two-horned skull!

Yu Guihai's complexion changed slightly, he didn't expect that the two-horned skull had been wiped out of consciousness and imprisoned for an unknown number of years, yet it still possessed such powerful power.

All his strength to break free came from the incomparably pure Yin Qi of the true Dao in his body.

A gleam flashed in Yu Guihai's eyes. This double-horned skull itself is an extremely powerful top-level material. If it is refined with the method of a yin master, it can be refined into an extremely powerful spiritual treasure.

He looked at the densely packed two-horned skull on the Heitian Throne, his eyes burning. Even if there is no other gain this time, just these two-horned skulls are enough to pay back.

Yu Guihai then started to investigate the two-horned skull in his hand, and finally found out with regret that the two-horned skull can only be used as a spiritual material. Since his mind has been wiped out for an unknown number of years, all the memory information has completely dissipated, leaving nothing behind.

Yu Guihai didn't regret it either, he directly locked the skull away, and then aimed at the next one again.

He took away five in a row, all of which had no memory information.

When he wanted to collect the sixth one, he suddenly found that the pass token was invalid.


Yu Guihai's complexion changed, and he hurriedly began to check. Soon, he discovered the clue.

It is true that this access token can remove prisoners from here, but it is not unlimited, but only five can be removed.

Yu Guihai immediately showed regret, and quickly thought about the way to deal with it.

There were hundreds of these skulls, all of which were the remains of powerful Yin refiners, and he didn't want to give up any of them.

The goal is definitely to take them all.

However, there is a powerful restriction on the Black Iron Throne that he can't understand for the time being, and he doesn't dare to destroy it by force.

This is a big difficulty.

Yu Guihai thought for a while, and soon came up with an idea.

When he uses the access token to remove the skull, he can trigger the prohibition switch, and he can find some clues of the formation.

If he repeats it many times, he is likely to spy on more formation secrets. At that time, it will be more likely to crack the formation.

To do this, though, one thing must be verified first.

Yu Guihai then took out a two-horned skull that he had collected earlier, and inserted it towards the spike where it was originally located. It was inserted very easily, and then the formation restraint automatically imprisoned him on the throne again.

Yu Guihai took out the access token to experiment again, and unexpectedly successfully removed another skull.

"Sure enough!"

Yu Guihai was suddenly overjoyed. This pass token can take away five prisoners at a time, but if it is returned, it can continue to be raised. In this way, although he couldn't directly remove all the skulls, he could return them back and forth, so as to comprehend the changes in the formation and find the secret of the formation.

And he can also check the details of all the skulls one by one to find the best one. In case the final formation cannot be cracked, he can also take away the five most valuable skulls.

Another point, in case any of the skulls retain some memory information, that would be a windfall.

Yu Guihai immediately started to attack.

He first returned the five two-horned skulls, and then took out the other five two-horned skulls. During this process, he has been carefully understanding the changes in the formation prohibition. Then I checked the skull, but still found no memory information.


After repeating this, Yu Guihai directly put away all the two-horned skulls stuck in the back of the Black Iron Throne, and gained a lot. He has a deep understanding of the Black Iron Throne's suppression and imprisonment formation.

Yu Guihai had a feeling that if he could gain some new understanding, he would be able to find a flaw in the formation. By then, breaking the formation would not be a problem.

However, the skull on it has already been retracted by him, and it is useless to continue retracting it. The most critical part of the formation is not here.

Yu Guihai thought about it, then turned his gaze to the handles on both sides of the throne. The skull under the Black Iron Throne is carved out, so it should not be a prisoner. Then only the two skulls on the handle of the throne are left.

The size of these two skulls is much larger than the ones on the spikes on the back, and they are much stronger than those above. Then the formation that banned them should also be a more powerful part.

Yu Guihai immediately took out the access token and shook it at the two-horned skull on the handle, and a gray beam of light landed on one of the skulls.

"Wow wow~~~"

The skull suddenly let out a strange cry, struggled violently, and almost jumped off the handle, but fortunately, the prohibition above was activated in time to lock it tightly.

Yu Guihai hastily released a powerful restraint to restrain the skull.

But this skull is different from the previous ones, even if he tried his best, he couldn't completely imprison it, and it seemed to contain an irresistible force.

Yu Guihai's heart shuddered, and he remembered the power above the true way that he encountered on the stone beam.

Could it be that this skull turned out to be a strong man above the Realm?

Then how powerful the guardian of this place must be, to be able to suppress the existence of the two above the true Dao state here!

Yu Guihai didn't dare to take off the skull anymore, but began to search for it with the help of the restraint on the handle.

But the terrifying power in the skull was constantly shaking, and he was unable to detect it.

It wasn't until Yu Guihai carefully released a pure yin master's power that the riot in the two-horned skull subsided.

Immediately, a terrifying force was transmitted from it. Yu Guihai felt the terror of destruction.

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