Super Shinto Master

One thousand two hundred and sixty-nine refining, history (more than 4000 words)

Yu Guihai knew everything about the Immortal Spirit Pagoda like the back of his hand. Although the control method of this Immortal Spirit Pagoda was changed by the people who really taught it, its basic structure cannot be changed.

This golden throne must be the control hub of this fairy tower. As long as you sit on the golden throne, you can become the real master of this place.

However, this golden throne is not so easy to sit on. There are extremely powerful restrictions on it, let alone sitting on it, if you approach it rashly, you will suffer a terrible blow, and death is a matter of course.

Yu Guihai wasn't very afraid of this restriction, but he couldn't break it by force.

Because this would cause damage to the golden throne, and as the hub of the fairy tower, once damaged, the entire fairy tower would also suffer irreparable damage.

Although the golden throne was made by yin masters, they also left back doors everywhere in the fairy tower, so as not to be used against them. But this core control hub is the most critical position that the owner will definitely focus on investigating, so the yin masters really dare not do anything here.

Moreover, the restriction at this core position is not set by the Yin refiners, but by the owner himself, so outsiders don't know what specific restrictions are here.

Although Yu Guihai had the refining and controlling method of the Immortal Spirit Pagoda, he had no good way to deal with the restriction of the golden throne.

However, Yu Guihai is not helpless, the restrictions here must have been set by the people of Zhenzhen, and he has already been familiar with the characteristics of the restrictions of Zhenjiao all the way. If you want to break the restriction here, there is no great difficulty, it is only a matter of time.

Yu Guihai did as soon as he thought of it, and began to test the restriction.

The prohibition of the True Sect is extremely repulsive to external forces, and once discovered, it will explode on a large scale.

Fortunately, Yu Guihai fused with Hui Shaduer's body. This technique is the pure power of Zhenjiao. Yu Guihai only needs to pull it out to test the restriction without causing a strong reaction.

He quickly manipulated a strand of gray smoke to move towards the position of the golden throne. As soon as he got close, he felt a dangerous and powerful power emerge out of thin air.


With a soft sound, this strand of gray smoke was hit by an invisible and powerful power, and instantly turned into nothingness.

"What a powerful restriction!"

Yu Guihai couldn't help admiring, the power of this kind of prohibition was somewhat stronger than the power of the real Dao realm he encountered when he entered the ninth floor, and it was quite tricky.


As long as it doesn't explode, there is no problem. His Dao Yuan is as huge as the sea, and he has enough power to test it out. Sooner or later, he will find out the secret of this restriction, and break it in one fell swoop.

Afterwards, Yu Guihai began to continuously move the power of Gray Shadu'er towards the golden throne, and the restrictions around the golden throne also continuously started to counterattack.

During this process, Yu Guihai's Dao Yuan continued to be consumed, but the rate of consumption was not as fast as his recovery rate.

And that restriction is different, its strength erupted in the continuous counterattack is getting weaker and weaker. This is precisely because it is a source without roots, no one controls it, and the energy stored in it has been exhausted for a long time.

Coupled with the fact that Yu Guihai's Dao Yuan is extremely strong, the restriction here was defeated in the confrontation.

Moreover, Yu Guihai has gradually learned the secret of this restriction through constant probing. Although he is not able to fully understand it, it is not a big problem to find its loopholes and easily break it.

Yu Guihai sent out another power from Gray Shaduer's body, and the restraining power appeared again, besieging Huishaduer's body, but now this Gray Shaduer's body is not only not annihilated immediately, but is evenly matched with the restraining power . This also shows the weakness of the prohibition force.

"It's now!"

A stern look flashed in Yu Guihai's eyes, and suddenly, taking advantage of the stalemate between the restraint and Dao Yuan Hui Shaduer, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed towards a ground within the restraint.

The restraining power reacted immediately and strangled Yu Guihai's arm. But Yu Guihai only felt his arms tighten, as if he had put on tight gloves.

This little obstacle could no longer interfere with him, and his arm touched the ground as if there was nothing.


A slight electric light flashed across the ground, and the surrounding restraints were loosened immediately, and then quickly decayed, disappearing in a moment.

Yu Guihai emitted another cloud of gray smoke, and this cloud of smoke penetrated easily and reached the golden throne without encountering any problems. He controlled the gray smoke to hover around the golden throne, never encountering other restrictions.

Yu Guihai didn't believe that there was only that kind of restriction here. He thought that many of the restrictions here might have disappeared over the long years, and only this restriction was left with the support of reserve energy, which lasted until now.

However, he did not completely relax. The restriction just now was just a protection restriction around the golden throne.

To sit on the golden throne, one has to go through a very severe test.

As the core hub for controlling the powerful fortress of the Fairy Spirit Tower, the Golden Throne is naturally not something you can sit on at will. At the beginning of its design, it did not allow the weak to sit on the throne.

To become the true master of the throne, one must pass the test of the throne.

This test was set by its true owner, not by the yin master who refined it. Of course, it is only the request of its real master, and in the end it must be refined by the yin master.

Yu Guihai already knew about this test of the golden throne from the slain Yin refiner. Here, according to the intention of the leader of the Zhenzhen sect, the test restriction here is set so that the person who sits on the throne must refine the entire fairy tower at once.

This test is almost impossible for ordinary strong people to complete.

The entire fairy tower is so huge, there are many functional buildings everywhere, and the energy required for refining is also extremely large. No real Daoist can completely refine it at one time, not even an ordinary Daoist can refine it completely at one time.

But this test was nothing to Yu Guihai. He is not necessarily the strongest in other things, but the total amount of Dao Yuan is absolutely unmatched, overwhelming the entire void, even in the four major star regions, I am afraid that geniuses like him are rare.

Yu Guihai searched carefully again, but found no other insidious restrictions, so he sat down on it directly, with his hands on the left and right armrests. The ends of the armrests are each inlaid with a bright red gemstone.

He pressed the palm of his hand on the ruby, and the Dao Yuan in his body immediately felt a violent suction, and he let go of the control, making Dao Yuan rush towards the golden throne along with the suction.

An incomparably tyrannical aura rises from the golden throne, the golden throne shines brightly, and mysterious fluctuations emanate from here, spreading towards the entire fairy tower.

This is exactly when Yu Guihai's Dao Yuan was absorbed by the Golden Throne, and then transported to various locations throughout the Immortal Spirit Pagoda, and began to be refined as a whole. Just this is enough to drain an ordinary peak powerhouse of true Dao realm. If it continues, it will be difficult for even the strong in the Dao Realm to fully refine it.

It's a pity that he met Yu Guihai, a pervert. Although he was still at the peak of the True Dao Realm, he was on the tenth floor of the True Dao Realm, which was unheard of. The Dao Yuan in his body contains the power of the Dao that can only be controlled by the strong in the Dao realm.

In addition, his Dao Yuan is thicker than ordinary early stage powerhouses of the Great Dao Realm.

All things considered, it made Yu Guihai very relaxed.

He sat on the golden throne, allowing his Dao Yuan to be sucked away, and he was still thinking about other things.


As time goes by, it is several months.

On this day, there was a huge shock in the secret place of the Zhenzhen Sect. The vibration became stronger and stronger, emitting a terrifying sound like thunder.


From the outside, the entire black mountain vibrated violently, cracks emerged from the hard rock mass, and extended like branches.

Not long after, the entire black mountain was covered with huge cracks, and the entire mountain became like a piece of porcelain that was about to break.


Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from inside the giant mountain. Then the whole mountain shook violently, and then completely collapsed, and countless rubbles flew in all directions.

A strange thing with a swollen top and a huge pillar inserted below flew out of the collapsing mountain. The whole thing looked like a long nail, but this thing was the Fairy Tower.

After the fairy pagoda flew out, it hovered in the air, and the huge black mountain below completely turned into a large piece of scattered mud and rocks, scattered in the void.

At the core of the ninth floor of the control tower of the Fairy Spirit Pagoda, Yu Guihai sat on the golden throne with a satisfied smile on his face.

The Fairy Spirit Pagoda was finally completely refined by him, and the locations of the entire Fairy Spirit Pagoda were no longer a secret to him.

And it still works. Although there are some damages, they are not major problems and can be repaired with a little effort later.

Moved by Yu Guihai's thoughts, the Immortal Spirit Pagoda immediately shone with brilliance, and the huge tower body began to shrink, and the long stone pillars below it shrank rapidly, and were quickly retracted into the upper tower body.

At this time, the main body of the tower also began to shrink, and soon became the size of a house.

Yu Guihai sat safely in the pagoda and was not affected in any way.

The reduction restriction of the Fairy Spirit Pagoda takes advantage of a change in the avenue of space. It looks like it has shrunk, but in fact the inner space is still huge and has not changed at all, so the people living inside are not affected at all.

But Yu Guihai, as the master, was free to go out and put away the Immortal Spirit Pagoda.

Yu Guihai continued to operate and familiarized himself with the operation of the Immortal Spirit Pagoda, then turned his gaze to the surrounding walls.

The mirror on the wall shows the situation of various parts of the Fairy Spirit Pagoda. One of the pictures is a quaint bookstore. There are rows of bookshelves in the bookstore, and the bookshelves are full of various types of books.

This is the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the Xianling Pagoda. The collections inside are all classics left by Zhenzhenjiao. Yu Guihai could easily see whichever one he wanted.

After searching for a while, he was a little disappointed. The classics here do not have the true inheritance of Zhenjiao, and they were obviously taken away by those who fled. The rest are some irrelevant methods, and various other classics.

Yu Guihai soon checked it with full of anticipation. The ancient books here probably have records about the ancient times.

He had long wanted to find out what happened in the ancient times, why the powerful True Church was destroyed by the gray liquid monster, and its leader led people to flee. He didn't even have time to bring the fairy pagoda.

Most of these classics are nothing magical, they are just ordinary records, so Yu Gui Haishen opened his mind and scanned these classics quickly. Soon all the contents of the classics were scanned.

Yu Guihai was thoughtful. These classics recorded a lot of information, and the pieces and pieces added up to describe a powerful star field in ancient times. At that time, the True Sect was in full swing, and this star field was also prosperous.

However, when the True Sect was the strongest, it was only a third-rate force equivalent to the four major star fields, and it was still the kind that was located in a remote place.

Until one day, the leader of the True Sect got a treasure from a mysterious ruin outside. After his retreat and comprehension, he began to promote some powerful but evil exercises in the door.

Many disciples have changed their cultivation one after another, and because of its powerful and fast cultivation characteristics, it soon became the mainstream of Zhenzhen Sect. However, some people think that this kind of practice involves the power of the gray liquid demon, and it is likely to bring bad luck, so they ask for a ban on this kind of practice.

It is conceivable that no one listened to these people's words.

So Zhenzhen's strength expanded rapidly, but the bad luck really came soon. Due to the new technique, many void cracks began to appear in this star field, and gray liquid monsters established passages through them and began to invade.

The True Sect quickly became fanatical, because they found that if they used the gray liquid monster to practice with this kind of evil technique, the speed of cultivation would be even faster.

The consequences can be imagined, but the gray liquid channel has become a treasured place to really teach the strong to practice.

Yu Guihai was full of thoughts, the things recorded in the classics ended here, and there was nothing after that. But it also provided him with clear evidence, allowing him to see the development process of Zhenzhenjiao.

Although there is no record of what happened next, but Yu Guihai guessed it was pretty close. It was nothing more than Zhenzhen teaching the strong to use the power of the gray liquid crazily, and finally got burned, leading to his own destruction.

Yu Guihai didn't find anything about the Yin Refiner and the Immortal Pagoda from the classics. He didn't know if it could be erased because it involved murder, or what.

This made him slightly uncomfortable. What he wants to know the most is information about Yin Refining Masters.


Yu Guihai finished reading the Sutra Pavilion, and studied all the various exercises and spells stored in it, which confirmed and integrated with what he had learned.

In the following days, he checked all the places in the Fairy Spirit Pagoda, and got a lot of treasures. Among them, there is one skill that he values ​​most.

In another prison on the third floor, a powerful existence is imprisoned here. This existence is the Great Elder of Zhenzhen, who was imprisoned because he opposed the leader's implementation of evil exercises.

And Zhenzhenjiao didn't take him away when he escaped, causing him to fall into this prison in the end. Before his death, he left behind the original inheritance of Zhenzhenjiao in the prison.

The world is really clean!

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