Super Shinto Master

One thousand five hundred and eight magic tricks

"Huh? Is it possible that if the deity enters the cave of time, there will also be an upgrade point in it every day?"

Yu Guihai suddenly had a flash of light in his heart, and he thought of a question that made his heart skip a beat.

If this speculation is feasible, then ten days have passed inside, and ten upgrade points can be generated, while only one day has passed outside, and the growth rate of upgrade points is ten times the original.

That way, he wouldn't be afraid of anything that needed to be added.

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai couldn't hold back any longer, and immediately released Time Cave.

The ten-story pagoda stands tall and emits a dazzling golden light.

Yu Guihai set up a strong protection and prohibition outside, and then the deity couldn't wait to enter the tenth floor.

What you can see inside Time Cave is not the wall of the pagoda, but a palace that is not too big. The palace is very simple, and the twelve clones are concentrating on transmitting the true source of blood.

They sat in a circle, and the blood-colored silk threads extended from the head of the clone and connected to the blood bead in the middle, which looked like some evil ceremony was being held.

Yu Guihai didn't bother them, turned his head to look out the window, the outside was not the real world, but a void that was very similar to endless time and space, surrounded by golden light rain.

Yu Guihai observed the outside, then sat down in a corner of the palace and began to wait for the time to check the status of the upgrade point.

However, being idle is also idle, and he is going to study something else.

At this time, his thinking was extremely active, and all kinds of fantastic ideas appeared one after another, but unfortunately few of them worked.

But there are also very valuable ideas. for example,

"Is it possible to use avatars when you comprehend the exercises?"

Yu Guihai suddenly thought of a question. He thought about it, and it felt feasible.

Now, the speed at which he comprehends the exercises himself is not much slower than adding a little improvement every day. He estimated that the speed of comprehending the exercises in person is about one-third of the speed of adding points.

That is to say, if he comprehends a practice, it will take 100 days to add points, then it will take 300 days to comprehend it all by himself. If adding points and enlightenment are carried out at the same time, it only takes seventy-five days to complete enlightenment. Can save a third of the time.

This ratio is already huge.

Therefore, if the clone can comprehend the exercises at the same time, it will greatly improve the speed at which he comprehends the exercises.

His clone has a very independent consciousness, and his IQ level and comprehension are exactly the same as him. If he comprehends the exercises, the effect and progress are basically the same as the deity.

Then if it is used to comprehend the exercises, it is equivalent to adding twelve more people to comprehend at the same time. The overall comprehension effect is 12 times more than that of the deity, and the time required for the corresponding comprehension is also reduced by 12 times. .

If you put it into the cave of time to comprehend, then compared to the outside world, the speed of comprehension can be accelerated ten times.

In this way, if he comprehends a new exercise, he can directly increase his speed by 120 times, so he is not afraid to comprehend any exercise.

Blood Dao True Origin Art can now be transmitted quickly. After the transmission is completed, it will face the problem of enlightenment. It is estimated that the number of upgrade points required will not be less. There is also that strange nameless technique, which requires more than 35,000 upgrade points to complete the enlightenment.

These two big time-consuming households face one hundred and twenty times the speed, but it is nothing at all.

And if Yu Guihai uses this method to comprehend the exercises, the speed has far exceeded the normal points.

The speed of comprehending the exercises in person was originally one-third the speed of upgrading with points, but now it is multiplied by one hundred and twenty times, but the speed of comprehension in person is forty times that of adding points.

This kind of improvement speed is really amazing. If it is really achieved, then he can almost say that he has finally left the system. He can no longer rely on his own system talent, but rely on his own ingenuity, and he can go on stably and quickly.

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai was so excited in his heart that he even interrupted the transmission of the Blood Dao True Origin Technique, so that they would begin to comprehend that nameless and strange technique at the same time.

The avatars have no opinion on this. They are like tool people. Wherever they are useful, they can be moved, and what the deity says is what they say.

After some attempts, Yu Guihai frowned.

He found that the speed of the deity and the twelve avatars to comprehend the nameless cultivation technique was not 120 times as fast as expected.

The reason is very simple. When everyone reads a book at the same time, they have to start from the beginning. Twelve people read it at exactly the same speed as one person.

Unless the book is divided into twelve parts, only one part per person can achieve the effect. But in this way, even if Yu Guihai's skills are sky-high, he can't comprehend anything with one-twelfth of the exercises.

Obviously, relying on avatars to quickly improve the speed of comprehension exercises is far less than expected.

Still, he wasn't a complete failure.

Although it is impossible to divide the practice into twelve parts at the same time, Yu Guihai can confirm each other and transfer the experience of enlightenment in real time. This can also greatly speed up the speed of comprehension.

After some experiments, Yu Guihai found that the speed of this increase is far less than one hundred and twenty times, but it can also be twelve times.

He was more than satisfied with that.

After all, in this way, it also has about four times the normal points. It can be said that the speed of comprehension has been greatly accelerated.

After Yu Guihai completed this experiment, he let the avatars continue to transmit the True Origin of Blood Dao, and at the same time, he was distracted and comprehended the unknown and strange exercises. After all, this exercise has more than 35,000 upgrade points, and it is necessary to race against time to accelerate the understanding.

At this point, five days had passed, and when Yu Guihai saw that there were no new upgrade points on the invisible interface, he knew that his guess had failed.

If his deity can generate upgrade points according to the time flow rate in the cave when he is in the time cave, then it should have generated five upgrade points at this time. But in fact it didn't even produce anything at all.

It can be seen that the generation of upgrade points is completely based on the time flow of the real world. At this time, only half a day has passed outside, so no new upgrade points have been generated.

Yu Guihai was a little disappointed in his heart, but that's what happened. He has a good mentality, he can do his best, and he won't regret it too much if he can't.

And this time he wasn't completely without gains. He also found a way to speed up the avatar to speed up the speed of comprehending the exercises in person.

The speed of comprehending the exercises in person is four times that of adding points to upgrade, so the overall speed is five times that of adding points to upgrade alone. In this way, it can be regarded as a great acceleration.

The most important thing is that he can hand over the transmission of the True Origin of the Blood Dao and the comprehension of the nameless and strange exercises to the twelfth clone, and he will be free himself, so he can do it without being delayed by this kind of cultivation. something more meaningful

Yu Guihai left the time cave, put away the cave, and then removed the surrounding restrictions.

He took out the bronze furnace and started researching.

Since this bronze furnace is the carrier of the nameless and strange exercises, if you know more about it, maybe you can speed up the understanding of the nameless and strange exercises.

Yu Guihai tried refining and found that this bronze furnace is different from Lingbao and other things, and it cannot be refined at all. If it is forcibly refined, it will definitely kill the strangeness in it.

He was reluctant to kill such a good cow. So he continued to look for other ways. In short, this weirdness must be completely controlled, otherwise, he doesn't want to always be on guard against such a disobedient time bomb.

Yu Guihai immediately tried the Six Paths Wheel to control it, and after trying this, he immediately discovered that there was a door. The six chakras can have a control effect on strangeness. However, because the weirdness is too powerful, the Six Path Wheels cannot control such a powerful weirdness due to the limited level.

And he has tried to communicate with the strange before, but he can't do it for the time being.

In desperation, Yu Guihai could only temporarily seal the bronze furnace, and prepare to improve the material of the six-path wheel first.

He stood up, destroyed this temporary cave with a wave of his hand, and left the place. But he did not leave this star field.

Although the strangeness here has been conquered by him, there are other valuable things. It was the invisible barrier that sealed this powerful and strange thing back then. This barrier cannot be created out of thin air, and there must be something to support it.

Yu Guihai was about to find this support, to see if he could find the trace of the strange powerhouse who had sealed it.

This strangeness has reached the level of the Great Luo Realm, which has exceeded the strength of the strongest person in the Immortal Realm. That is to say, the one who seals this weirdness must be a foreign powerhouse.

Yu Guihai is very interested in this strong man, and it is best to find information about where he came from. He is very longing for a place where such a powerful existence can be born. It is of no interest to him to rule with a bunch of weaklings here.

As for the support of the invisible barrier, Yu Guihai had no clues. If he really wanted to find it, he could only find it by crushing all the stars in this piece and screening.

But at the moment when the invisible barrier was wiped out by a strange force, Yu Guihai sensed that a very powerful explosion had occurred somewhere within the star field.

He feels that this outbreak is definitely related to the breaking of the invisible barrier, so it is very likely that there is something supporting the invisible barrier. But it would be very difficult for him to find the exact location where this fluctuation erupted. After all, he was busy conquering the weirdness at the time, and the outbreak was short, so he didn't have time to lock its exact location.

Yu Guihai was busy comprehending the exercises before, but now he finally calmed down and prepared to look carefully.

With the help of his memory, he determined the direction in which the explosion occurred, and then flew quickly in that direction.

Not long after, Yu Guihai came to a huge star. This is a black flame star that emits intense energy.

Yu Guihai determined based on the position in his memory, the approximate location of the wave eruption should start from this black flame star and reach a large distance farther away.

So he's going to start a carpet-like search with this location.

Still, a large number of detectors come first, although not necessarily able to find the exact location. But in case there are any major anomalies, these detectors can still find them.

Hundreds of probes were scattered into this star field by Yu Guihai. There are many planets here, dense meteorites, and it is also a dangerous place. Fortunately, the detector is more sensitive, it will automatically find its way and avoid meteorites, and it is not afraid of being easily damaged.

After Yu Guihai released the probe, he immediately entered this starry sky.

The first thing he carefully probed was the black flame star in front of him. Unexpectedly, it was mediocre and found nothing.

He continued to move forward, and wherever he passed, the incomparably tyrannical spiritual sense and detection methods went through like a sieve. It is impossible for any abnormality to escape his detection.

Yu Guihai started a web-based search in this way. There were no tricks or techniques, he simply relied on water mill work.

As time passed, Yu Guihai explored a large part of this huge star field, but still found nothing. He had to continue to investigate, he would not miss such a secret that might be related to the strong in the Daluo Realm.

On this day, Yu Guihai's expression changed, and he turned his head to look in one direction.

He felt it, one of the probes over there had been destroyed. This is the first probe to be destroyed here.

The signal that this represents is definitely not simple. These detectors are definitely not destroyed by random meteorites. They can only be destroyed by encountering very powerful dangers.

So there must be exceptions there.

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai quickly turned his direction and headed towards the destruction of the detector.

He quickly found the place, which was a dark star. This star is extremely huge, and its volume is even larger than that of an ordinary Black Flame star. But it did not ignite the flame to become a star.

And the place where the probe was destroyed is in this star.

Yu Guihai did a survey and found no danger on the star, so he fell directly towards the star.

Following the probe's signal, he quickly found a valley above the star.

It is a valley rather than a basin. Its area is huge, and it is covered with dense huge stone forests. Every single stone here is really too big, the small ones are thousands of meters tall, and the tall ones are tens of thousands of meters tall.

This place does not seem to be a simple place at first, it does not look like a natural place.

Yu Guihai quickly found the wreckage of the probe at a location in the stone forest. The entire detector has completely collapsed, and the debris is scattered hundreds of thousands of meters around. It didn't look like it hit a rock or malfunctioned on its own. It looked like it was directly destroyed by some powerful existence.

Yu Guihai carefully probed the surroundings, but found nothing. There is nothing unusual about the surrounding ground and stone forest, it is completely ordinary ground and stones.

"Is there any powerful creature here?"

Yu Guihai secretly said in his heart.

He immediately released a huge divine sense, and instantly surveyed the entire star. But still nothing was found, there were no living creatures on this planet, and no anomalies were found.

"What exactly is going on?"

Yu Guihai frowned and muttered to himself.

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